Saturday, December 12, 2009

Snippet Saturday – Parties


Today’s snippet theme is Parties. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

silkandshadowsAn snippet from Silk and Shadows

“Oh. She’s probably by the stage with Micah, making sure everything is going well for the first employee party they’ve done together.” The man waved a graceful hand towards the front of the room. “Are you going to be working here?”

“Umm…no. I’m a friend of Syn’s.” Veronica stifled a laugh at the absurdity of her working here.

She was a straight up nerd, and there was no way could she work here with all these people. Just the thought made her want to run out the door. Computer chats was the most social she got. That was the one thing she and Syn had in common--their being antisocial and not wanting to go anywhere. It didn’t stop their other friends from trying to make them go out. At least in Veronica’s case, they were able to talk her into it sometimes. Syn, on the other hand, never went out. She hadn’t left the house in years, at least until a few months ago. Now, she not only went out, but had a new man. It had shocked them all. Well, except for Jian Weiss, who had gotten Syn to actually leave the house after such a long time. They were all curious about what had happened, but Syn and Jian were very mysterious and closemouthed about it.

That’s why the invitation to come meet Syn and her new beau at the club he owned was such a shock. Syn knew Veronica well enough to figure that, with her curiosity, she couldn’t resist coming, even though she hated clubs. At least what the man said about this being an employee party had cleared up Veronica’s confusion on why there was no line or bouncer outside.

“… ask for Galen next time you come and I’ll buy you a drink.”

Veronica realised the man had been talking while she was woolgathering. Hearing what he said, she returned her attention to him. Galen smiled sexily at her and took a step closer. Veronica instinctively stepped back. He stopped, his expression going serious as he tilted his head to the side. His scrutiny was intense. She wanted to run and hide, but refused to do so. Narrowing her eyes, she returned his look. Galen smiled softly.

“You don’t even know how luscious you are,” he purred.

Resisting the impulse to roll her eyes, Veronica retorted, “You don’t even know how full of shit you are.”

Galen looked startled, then threw his head back and laughed. Veronica stifled a shudder. His laugh was as sensual as his voice and face. Galen looked back at her, his bright blue eyes seeming to glow. Veronica blinked, sure she was seeing things. When she looked again, his eyes were normal.

Too much time on computers. You’re losing touch with reality.

“I like you’re sharp wit, Veronica Gunn. Next time you come by, come see me at the bar. I’ll buy you a drink.” Galen winked and went over to the door.

He glanced back and waved. Veronica waved back, and he went out the door.

After the door closed behind him, she realized he had known her name, even though she hadn’t given it to him. She thought about it, then chuckled.

“Syn probably told him.”

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2009.
All Rights Reserved, Total-e-bound

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