Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy 2013!

Happy 2013! Here’s to a safe, a little bit naughty and most off all fun filled year.

As usual I'm feeling lots of anticipation for 2013. Very excited about the opportunities coming.

This year I am reaffirming my one main goal from which all the others flow out. The main goal:


So get ready for a sizzling year. (grin)

What are your goals/resolutions for 2013?

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Snippet Saturday - Beginnings


Today’s snippet theme is Beginnings. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

An snippet from Shadow Dance….

shadowdance2.jpg“You have been messing with me since that first day,” Yadira said.

The woman nodded then whispered in a voice like silken sheets, “Yes. I am sorry but being so close to power has awakened me out of The Eye of Ra.”

Sekhmet,” Dimitri’s tortured whisper reached her, confirming what she suspected.

Yadira saw the pain and joy in his face. Sekhmet reached out for him and he enfolded her into his arms. She was almost as tall as he was. They trembled together. Yadira could see the tears raining down his face as he held Sekhmet in his arms.

Dimitri pulled back looking at Sekhmet. “We thought you were dead. Kianga, they said you were dead.”

Sekhmet looked at him sorrow on her face. “Ahhh, Dimitri I have not heard that name in so long. It is appropriate that the Kianga name lives and lets the Sekhmet name die. I have missed you my brother.”

They embraced again. Dimitri stroked her hair.

“What happened to you?” Dimitri demanded.

Sekhmet looked over at Solaris. “Father contained me in The Eye of Ra.”

Dimitri looked at Solaris and stepped toward him. Sekhmet stopped him gripping his arm.

“No Dimitri. It was the right thing to do. I would have destroyed the world if he hadn’t.” Sekhmet looked at him sadness and regret on her face.

A cold wind blew into the cave whirling the dirt all around. Yadira shielded her gaze then looked at Dimitri who was standing before Sekhmet. He moved and she realized it wasn’t him, but Dominic. Dimitri stood still next to Sekhmet. “Sekhmet.” Dominic said, pain raw in his voice.

He dropped to his knees and rested his head against her bare stomach. The sound of his weeping filled the chamber. He trembled and shook with the force of it. Dimitri rested his hand on Dominic’s head while his arm encircled Sekhmet. Sekhmet looked down at him shock and pain lighting her face.

“Oh Dominic what has happened to you.” She leaned down pulling him closer to her.

He wrapped his arms more tightly around her and continued to weep. Looking up from him she looked at Solaris. “What have you done?”

Solaris looked at her. “Nothing. You must return to me Sekhmet for the sake of humanity.”

Sekhmet looked at him. “You will not contain me in The Eye of Ra again.” Solaris looked at her pain and sorrow in his gaze. “I must.” Raising his hand he shot bluish fire at her.

Pushing away from Dimitri and Dominic she stepped forward to meet it. It curled around her, swirled, then flowed to her mouth. She opened her full lips and sucked it in. Yadira started as a pop filled the air then the flames were gone.

Solaris looked at Sekhmet. “Ahhh daughter, I do not want to destroy you.”

Sekhmet raised her chin. “You will not have to. I will return home with you and fulfill any punishment you deem sufficient.”

Solaris nodded.

Sekhmet,” Dominic cried.

Sekhmet turned to him and touched his cheek. “No Dominic. It is the right thing to do. I am sorry for all the pain I have made you suffer.” Tears rained down her cheeks and she turned to walk to Solaris.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2007.
All RightsReserved, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Lissa Matthews
Rhian Cahill
Leah Braemel
Myla Jackson
Caris Roane
McKenna Jeffries
Taige Crenshaw
HelenKay Dimon
Shiloh Walker
Delilah Devlin
Eliza Gayle
Lauren Dane
Felicity Heaton

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Snippet Saturday – Endings


Today’s snippet theme is Endings. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

tc_sp_bodycravings_smallAn snippet from Body Cravings

Glancing at her desk, her gaze landed on the calendar. Gasping, Amara noted the date. She hadn’t realized today was the day.

A shaft of sorrow filled her. Absently, she rubbed her hand over her heart as she wondered when the pain would fade. It had been over three years since those last hurtful words justifying his actions had been aimed at her by her fiancé Kevin.

“You’re lousy in bed and that’s why I had to get my needs filled elsewhere.” She had thrown him out as his last insult was hurled. “No man wants to get frostbite in bed. Call me when you melt.”

At that moment, with all her contempt, she had wished him dead. She had hated him with every fiber of her being.

“Amara, are you okay?” Jacques asked with concern in his voice.

Pushing back the memories, she nodded and glanced up at him, smiling. She didn’t think it was very convincing but he watched her a moment before returning his attention back to the sheaf of papers.

Holding herself very still she tried to stop the memories, but they overwhelmed her. Hours after their last words, when the police came to tell her of his death, she hadn’t wanted to believe. They said the crash had happened less than two miles from her house. Since he had no family and she was listed as his next of kin, she had gone to the morgue to identify him. The sight of his lifeless body made all the pain and self-doubt rush to consume her. She had pushed it aside to plan his burial.

At his funeral, which she paid for, she learned the truth of his duplicity. A woman approached her, spraying venomously that Amara had killed him with her selfishness. Amara had no idea what she meant. She had thought Kevin was happy, that they were in love. The woman pulled a little boy forward who was the exact image of Kevin, and proceeded to tell the child to study the woman who’d killed his and his unborn sister’s daddy. A glance at the little boy, who appeared to be no more than three years old, and the sight of the woman’s enlarged belly made Amara realized that Kevin had been cheating a long time. Maybe Kevin had been right, she had driven him to cheat. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t known.

The whispers and titters around the room had increased as the woman’s ranting escalated. Amara had been too numb to even think or move. Dominique Rule, her friend, led her away to a private room. Imani, her sister, joined them and tried to help console her. The room quickly filled with friends, old family friends and various Trescott Cove residents that she knew, who wanted to know if she was okay. Her other friends Sienna Zain and Hunter Willis quickly came and cleared the room of all the people who cared but at that point were too much to take. She didn’t need their concern or pitying glances. The incident had killed whatever love she’d had for Kevin and the guilt she felt.

Coming back to the present, Amara watched Jacques engrossed in the contracts he was reading. Something had always held her back from real fulfillment or entanglements and she never realized what it was, at least until now. Silently she admitted she still hadn’t fully gotten over what Kevin had said about her. She had tried one-night stands and they had only left her empty. It had been over a year since she had been with a man and hadn’t had any serious connections since Kevin.

You should leave well enough alone. You’re successful, have a great home and are happy with your life as it is, Amara thought.

Happy? Are you really happy? her inner voice asked.

Amara jumped when Jacques spoke.

“Thanks for all your work on this.” Jacques signed the papers and stood.

Pushing aside the thoughts, she focused on business. Standing quickly, she put out her hand. Jacques accepted it in a firm grip. Goosebumps raised along her skin. Biting her lip, she cursed her attraction to him.

Jacques spoke again. “Sampson was correct about your discretion ... and tenacity.”

Pleased with his compliment, Amara came around her desk to escort him out. “Thank you. Congratulations on acquiring Tevron Corp. I’ll forward the copies to you at Falcone International in Milan and give Sampson the original when he returns.” At the door, she waited for him to step through and leave.

Jacques stopped and studied her, an unfathomable expression on his face. “Amara, I want to give you a gift for all of your hard work. What do you want?”

The words tumbled out before she could even think about them. “I want you naked on a chair and ready to do whatever I want.”

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2008.
All Rights Reserved, Liquid Silver Books.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Lissa Matthews
Rhian Cahill
Myla Jackson
Caris Roane
McKenna Jeffries
Taige Crenshaw
HelenKay Dimon
Shiloh Walker
Delilah Devlin
Eliza Gayle
Lauren Dane
Felicity Heaton
TJ Michaels

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Snippet Saturday – Winter


Today’s snippet theme is Winter. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

shadowdance2.jpgAn snippet from Shadow Dance

Yadira shivered as she took in the landscape whooshing by her. The ground jarred her as she hit it. Looking up she saw the plane above them She let go the rope and watched the plane as it banked then flew out of sight. Glancing over at Dimitri her body clenched in reaction. He was dressed in full winter gear but she remembered the feel of him below and above her. Dimitri looked at her and arched an eyebrow his face cool. Yadira knew it was a front and couldn’t wait to get him naked again to blow it to shreds.

Turning her attention back to the area she sighed as she took in all the snow and cold. It didn’t matter that she could control her body temperature or keep the cold away from her. It was still there.

“Why couldn’t the places we have to search be in the tropics?” Yadira gripped.

Dimitri chuckled. “That would be too easy. You feel anything.”

Having already lowered her shield Yadira shook her head. “No but let’s walk around for a bit.”

Stepping forward she walked deeper into the Rockies. Continuing into the rough icy terrain she waited for the feeling she got when she found what she was looking for. Nothing came. Reaching a clear area she looked back at Dimitri who was some distance behind her to suggest they leave when a man stepped out from the shadows behind him. Opening her mouth to warn him she swallowed it as grey smoke curled around him and he faded. Closing her mouth Yadira’s eyes narrowed. Before she could get angry or go to help him she heard a sound behind her.

Turning quickly she looked, then groaned. “Ah hell, not you again.”

The woman she had fought earlier looked at her. “Rilan is my name Maji.”

Yadira looked at her. “Why would I want to know your name?”

The woman’s expression changed to hate. “So you will know who bested you when you die.”

Yadira laughed. “Since we are being pleasant. Remember the name Yadira.”


Yadira wondered if she was slow or deliberately obtuse. “Don’t worry after I kick your ass you’ll know why.”

Rilan shrieked and ran at her. Waiting until she was close Yadira put her wrists together with her palms out and pushed out hitting her hard in the chest. The woman flew back through the air then somersaulted landing on her feet. Surprised that Rilan had landed on her feet, Yadira reevaluated her knowledge. Smiling she felt coldness fill her. It looked like she had someone to work out her fury on. Rilan came at her.

Yadira met her blocking all her blows one by one. Rilan seemed to get angrier and angrier. Yadira watched her dispassionately, then using Rilan’s own punch as leverage she spun, grabbed her hand, then flung her across the clearing. Rilan hit a snow-covered tree making it break and the snow on it rained down to bury her. Unmoving Yadira watched her. Rilan burst out of the snow flying through the air at her. Yadira caught her in mid-air, then flipping her, she slammed her on the ground pinning her. Holding her effortlessly Yadira watched as she fought to get free.

Rilan stilled then hissed. “Bitch.”

“Now, now no need to get nasty. Who sent you here?”

Rilan looked at her. “Kill me Maji. I will not answer any of your questions.”

Rilan looked past her and her eyes widened in fear. Holding her with her power Yadira glanced at Dimitri as he came up to join her. His look was cool. Fury filled her as she watched him. Looking away before she hurt him Yadira looked back at the woman. Rilan smiled, then Yadira felt that strange sensation she had felt before. Her power began weaken. Rilan laughed, then disappeared. Furious Yadira punched down where she had been. The earth spilt and the area shook with earthquakes. She heard the rumble and looking across the clearing she saw an avalanche coming down the mountain above them. Waving her hand she stilled it, setting everything back to the way it was. She looked at Dimitri. He started to speak.

Holding up her hand she growled, “Say nothing to me.”

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2007.
All Rights Reserved, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Lissa Matthews
Rhian Cahill
Leah Braemel
Myla Jackson
Caris Roane
Jody Wallace
McKenna Jeffries
Taige Crenshaw
HelenKay Dimon
Shiloh Walker
Delilah Devlin
Eliza Gayle
Lauren Dane
Felicity Heaton
Shelli Stevens
TJ Michaels

Saturday, December 08, 2012

Snippet Saturday – Author's Choice


Today’s snippet theme is Author's Choice. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

An snippet from Hurricane

“No. Just wanted to know more about you.”

Julianne controlled her expression, not wanting him to see her shock. Keenan’s smile, that same damn affable one, made her know that he was aware he’d unsettled her. She didn’t like it one bit. His hands rested on the table. Her mind flashed, imagining his fingers on her skin. Julianne stiffened.

“Well, now you know a bit. I would offer you a tour of the place, but I really need to get to work.” Julianne stood.

She gasped as Keenan moved to hold out her chair for her. For such a big man, he was fast.

“Thanks. Let me see you out.” She strode towards the door and reached to open it.

His hand on her arm stopped her. Julianne held in the shudder at his touch. She closed her eyes briefly and when she opened them she’d blanked her face into the business persona she used with a difficult client. It kept them at bay and offered her a shield of control. She glanced at him with a cool look. “Is there something further?”

“Trying to put up a barrier against me won’t work.”

“I don’t have any idea what you mean.” The lie rolled off her tongue easily.

Internally, she cursed. She was usually blunt and able to handle things.

“You do. It was the same reason that I was so rude at the hospital when I spoke with you. There’s a spark between us, Julianne.” Keenan’s smile was gentle and his look knowing. The sound of her first name in his sexy voice was almost her undoing. Julianne refused to let him affect her—she pulled her arm away from his. Keenan stroked her skin before her released her.

“All we have is business. And, since that’s done, we have nothing further to say,” she replied.

“We had business. I didn’t want to pursue anything while I was doing my investigation. Now that it’s complete, there’s a lot for us to discuss. I want to get to know you better, Julianne. Have dinner with me?” Keenan’s light green gaze was intent.

“I don’t date,” she said, firmly.

“Why?” he fired back.

Julianne gritted her teeth. It figured he would push the issue and question her. “None of your business. Even if I did date, I don’t like aggressive men.”

“That’s good to know, since I’m not aggressive.” Keenan grinned affably.

“Could have fooled me,” Julianne muttered.

“I do go after what I want,” he said softly.

Julianne was caught by the look in his eyes. It was tender and possessive. She clenched her fist. He had no right to have such an expression. They didn’t know each other.

But you want to, her inner voice goaded.

No, I don’t, she countered.

Keep lying to yourself. You want to go out with him, the infernal voice said.

No, I do not. He’s already driving me to talk to myself. I don’t need the hassle, she told herself firmly.

Julianne wrenched open the door, gesturing for him to leave. Keenan took her silent urging and passed her. Julianne followed. He turned suddenly, crowding her. Gasping, she stepped back instinctively before she caught herself and stood her ground. Scowling, Julianne glared at him.

“I unsettle you.” His grin was smug.

“You startled me,” she retorted.

“Deny it all you want, but you’re intrigued by what there might be between us. I’m a patient man. I can wait until you come around. You have my number. Call me when you change your mind.” Keenan shrugged, turning, then strode away.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2012.
All Rights Reserved, Total E Bound.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Lissa Matthews
Rhian Cahill
Leah Braemel
Myla Jackson
Caris Roane
Jody Wallace
McKenna Jeffries
Taige Crenshaw
HelenKay Dimon
Shiloh Walker
Delilah Devlin
Eliza Gayle
Lauren Dane
Felicity Heaton
Shelli Stevens

Friday, December 07, 2012

TGIF and coming in 2013


I’m glad it is Friday. I have lots of plans for the weekend. But it is fun things like reading, watching movies and just chillin. How has you all week been and do you have any plans for weekend?

I know I’ve been quite for a while but it is with good reasons. Been writing and working on some things. There are a few things I have planned for 2013.


Starting January 2013 I will start sending out my monthly newsletter, again. It’s been a while since I’ve done one. If you’re already a member of my newsletter you’ll get it when it is sent out. If you'd like to sign up go here: and subscribe.

In my newsletter there will updates, info on new releases, and other things. Also there will be occasional exclusive contest just for the newsletter subscribers.


In 2013 here on the blog there will be some features I will be doing. Basically I will be blogging more often. I won’t say it will be every day but it will be at least weekly. This will be in addition to the Snippet Saturday.

Crenshaw Cafe

For you my Crenshaw Cafe chat group members. In 2013 I will be posting exclusive sneak peeks of my upcoming books. Also have some other things planned that I’m not saying about yet. *wicked grin* Yeah I am teasing but I like to tease. LOL.

That is all for now. :) Have a great weekend.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Snippet Saturday – Author's Choice


Today’s snippet theme is Author's Choice. This snippet is from a book I co-authored Aliyah Burke. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

An snippet from Taber


Lainey laughed. He hadn’t even denied it.

“Is there a reason you didn’t tell me outside who you were?”

“I was enjoying you getting all heated.” He practically purred the words.

Lainey stiffened. “You are my boss. And I will afford you the respect due to that. But make no mistake—take it beyond that and you will not like my response.”

“You’ve called me an ass a few times. And have spoken to me in what some would consider a rude manner. Yet you talk now to say you will give me respect.” Taber stared.

Lainey refused to shift under his perusal. “Some would, yes. But you don’t seem like a man who has time for people to sugar-coat things or kiss your ass. If today is anything to go by, I will be calling you ass and many other names. I’m sure you can handle it.”

“I can handle anything you dish out, Lainey Mercer. But be careful with wild things—they have a tendency to be unpredictable.”

Lainey frowned. “I know they do. That’s why you have to know how to handle them.”

“Handling isn’t a problem. It is what you do with them after you have them—that’s what you have to decide.”

Lainey was confused. She had no clue what their conversation meant. Laney decided to change the subject.

“I saw my office is next to yours.”

“Yes. There is a connecting door right here.” Taber straightened and walked over to a door facing his desk.

Lainey followed him, watching his ass move in the khakis he was wearing. She jerked her gaze up. Taber opened the door and gestured for her to enter. She passed him and went into her new office. It was as spacious as his. Her desk was to the right, with a window encompassing the whole wall behind it, like his. Lainey went closer, glancing out.

“I had her habitat built so you could see her from your office. The glass of the window is made to be two-way. You can have it so she can be able to see in, or you can block it so you can see her but she can’t see you. It’s currently set for only you to see her.” Taber stated from behind her.

Lainey watched Kali as she reclined on the ground outside. She already looked like she was at home. Lainey turned to face him. He leaned against the doorjamb. Everything about him was so tempting.

Can’t go there. He’s your boss. Even more off limits. Lainey knew she would have to keep reminding herself of that fact.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw and Aliyah Burke, 2012.
All Rights Reserved, Total E Bound.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:

Rhian Cahill
Leah Braemel
Mari Carr
Shiloh Walker
McKenna Jeffries
Taige Crenshaw
HelenKay Dimon
Lauren Dane
Shelli Stevens
Jody Wallace

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Snippet Saturday – Bump In The Night


Today’s snippet theme is Bump In The Night. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

An snippet from Power of Attraction

He came at her with gracefulness and purpose in each step. His sun-kissed face was carved planes and angles put together by a master artisan. It enthralled and compelled. The fullness of his mouth made her mouth ache to take a nibble, then suck his lips gently into hers. As he got closer, Peyton was arrested by his ice blue gaze, which was surrounded by curling lashes. A shudder of longing raced through her. Peyton licked her lips. His eyes followed the movement. A decadent smile curved his lips.

He reached her and pulled her against his heated body. A moan spilled from her lips. A sensual laugh rumbled from him. His arms banded around her. Peyton looked up at his face. The hunger in his gaze made the breath in her lungs stall. He lowered his head. His lips covered hers as if she were his. She melted into his body and let him take her. He nipped her lips gently. At her gasp, he took advantage and delved his tongue inside of her mouth. With a firm stroke, he licked along the side of her tongue then hummed. Her nipples pebbled, while wetness drenched her aching slit.

A weakness filled her, making her knees buckle. His arms held her up for his taking. With another flick of his tongue, he licked along the roof of her mouth. Fire raced along its path, then down her throat and straight to her clit. Wild moans bubbled from her. He swallowed them as he continued to master her with his kiss. Peyton tried to think clearly, but only thoughts of wanton need filled her. His hands lifted her. Instinctively, Peyton wrapped her legs around his waist. A whimper broke through her moans at the sensation of his hardened shaft pressing against her skirt-clad mound. Distantly, she felt his hands scorching a path along her right leg, and in its wake, cool air touched her skin.

She locked her legs tighter around him, grinding against his cock, trying to get some relief for the ache she needed filled. He shifted. Peyton moaned as his heated shaft rubbed along her silk-clad pussy. With a glide of her hips, she rubbed against him. He growled deep in his throat and bit her. Peyton gasped and reality intruded.

She stiffened in shock and tried to get away. The man trapped her arms and increased the pressure of his kiss. Her mind went fuzzy with desire. His tongue plunged in and out of her mouth, mimicking thrusts. Her pussy flooded even more. The man chuckled in her mouth. It made her slit clench in reaction. At that, Peyton came to her senses. She wrenched her lips away from his. Wide eyed, she looked at the man who held her effortlessly against him. His ice blue gaze was hungry and slumberous. He lowered his head.

“Yioules,” Peyton whispered huskily.

She felt herself start to fade and watched his shock. As she went into nothingness, she heard his roar.


In moments, she came back to her form. Peyton staggered. With a shaky hand, she reached for something to hold onto. Her fingers brushed smooth wood. Grabbing it firmly, she held herself upright, breathing harshly and shuddering uncontrollably while her heart beat a wild tattoo. When she was sure she could finally stand on her own, Peyton staggered forward. She glanced absently at her weaving room and various looms. With a turn, she faced Zuri, her favourite loom, and looked up. She reached out to touch the images she had created.

The tapestry rose from halfway up the floor-to-ceiling loom. The vivid richness of colours tantalized the eyes. Yet Peyton was transfixed by the face staring back at her. It was the man she had been kissing. She had captured him perfectly, right down to the slight scar over his right eyebrow. Peyton staggered back and dropped to her knees. Fear filled her. She had never seen him before. He was a stranger. A stranger she had almost fucked blind without them ever exchanging a word. She raised a shaking hand and pushed back her kinky, curly hair from her face.

Peyton knew in her world, there was no such thing as coincidence. Everything happened at a time and place for a reason. The ramifications of what happened tonight could mean so many things. She closed her eyes, dropping her head. She wasn’t prepared for any changes. Not now. There was too much going on in her family for any distractions. A cool wind blew against her, enveloping her in a comforting embrace.

“Oh, God. What am I going to do?”

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2011.
All Rights Reserved, Total E Bound.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Rhian Cahill
Mari Carr
Shiloh Walker
McKenna Jeffries
Taige Crenshaw
HelenKay Dimon
Lauren Dane
TJ Michaels
Jody Wallace

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Snippet Saturday – Author's Choice


Today’s snippet theme is Author's Choice. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

An snippet from Wilde Rapture

“How did you find me? What are you doing here?” she snapped.

“I Googled you and found out what precinct you worked out of. Imagine my surprise that you were only a few blocks away from Wilde Hotel. As for why I’m here… I’m an old-fashioned man who likes to say goodbye to my bed partners.” Darius’ tone was mild.

“It was just sex. Just last night. I thought you understood that. No morning after and all that needed.” She ran her fingers through the back of her hair.

Darius reached up and took her hand. He held it in his. With his other, he raised her face and looked her in the eyes.

“I did understand, and I agreed to it for the night. But, in case you didn’t realise, it’s morning. So the night is past. And now I want you to stop running and think about this.”

He kissed her. All thoughts fled from her head. His kiss was soft and more devastating than if he had ravished her. That she could have handled and dismissed. The tenderness unravelled her. Holding her against his solid frame, he seduced her with a kiss. Made her forget all else but being in his arms. Nia sighed, moulding her body to his. Darius made a pleased sound and continued his sensual assault.

Nia gripped his shoulders, moaning. His fingers smoothed under her breasts, making them ache for him to taste them. They hadn’t got to that last night. She wanted him to bite them and suck them until they were sore and well used. Darius pulled back, hands laced loosely around her waist. His blue eyes were possessive and tender. Her pussy flooded even more at the look.

“We don’t even know anything about each other,” she whispered.

“Then get to know me. Be with me, Nia. The choice is yours. Next time you come by, plan on spending the night again. This time, bring a bag so you don’t have to rush away to get ready for work,” he said.

“That isn’t the reason I left,” she admitted.

“I know.” A small smiled curled his lips.

“You make me lose sense. I don’t like it,” she snarled.

“Ditto,” he countered.

Nia paused, biting the inside of her cheek. Darius raised one hand and gently rubbed it against her cheek, stopping her. She turned her head and kissed his palm. He went still. Nia glanced at him. Darius’ eyes were brimming with emotion. She lowered her gaze, not sure what was happening between them.

“When you’re ready, come to me,” he whispered.

Darius released her. Nia raised her head and frowned at his retreating figure.

“Why do I always have to come to you?” she yelled.

He turned to face her, walking backwards. “Because this time it’s your turn.”

Nia scowled. He was right, damn him. If she thought about it, in the alcove he had come to her. Then she had gone to him last night. Now, today, he had come to her. The next move would be hers.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2012.
All Rights Reserved, Total E Bound.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Rhian Cahill
Leah Braemel
Mari Carr
Shiloh Walker
McKenna Jeffries
Taige Crenshaw
HelenKay Dimon
Lauren Dane
Shelli Stevens
Jody Wallace

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Snippet Saturday – Author's Choice


Today’s snippet theme is Author's Choice. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

An snippet from Hurricane

“No. Just wanted to know more about you.”

Julianne controlled her expression, not wanting him to see her shock. Keenan’s smile, that same damn affable one, made her know that he was aware he’d unsettled her. She didn’t like it one bit. His hands rested on the table. Her mind flashed, imagining his fingers on her skin. Julianne stiffened.

“Well, now you know a bit. I would offer you a tour of the place, but I really need to get to work.” Julianne stood.

She gasped as Keenan moved to hold out her chair for her. For such a big man, he was fast.

“Thanks. Let me see you out.” She strode towards the door and reached to open it.

His hand on her arm stopped her. Julianne held in the shudder at his touch. She closed her eyes briefly and when she opened them she’d blanked her face into the business persona she used with a difficult client. It kept them at bay and offered her a shield of control. She glanced at him with a cool look. “Is there something further?”

“Trying to put up a barrier against me won’t work.”

“I don’t have any idea what you mean.” The lie rolled off her tongue easily.

Internally, she cursed. She was usually blunt and able to handle things.

“You do. It was the same reason that I was so rude at the hospital when I spoke with you. There’s a spark between us, Julianne.” Keenan’s smile was gentle and his look knowing. The sound of her first name in his sexy voice was almost her undoing. Julianne refused to let him affect her—she pulled her arm away from his. Keenan stroked her skin before her released her.

“All we have is business. And, since that’s done, we have nothing further to say,” she replied.

“We had business. I didn’t want to pursue anything while I was doing my investigation. Now that it’s complete, there’s a lot for us to discuss. I want to get to know you better, Julianne. Have dinner with me?” Keenan’s light green gaze was intent.

“I don’t date,” she said, firmly.

“Why?” he fired back.

Julianne gritted her teeth. It figured he would push the issue and question her. “None of your business. Even if I did date, I don’t like aggressive men.”

“That’s good to know, since I’m not aggressive.” Keenan grinned affably.

“Could have fooled me,” Julianne muttered.

“I do go after what I want,” he said softly.

Julianne was caught by the look in his eyes. It was tender and possessive. She clenched her fist. He had no right to have such an expression. They didn’t know each other.

But you want to, her inner voice goaded.

No, I don’t, she countered.

Keep lying to yourself. You want to go out with him, the infernal voice said.

No, I do not. He’s already driving me to talk to myself. I don’t need the hassle, she told herself firmly.

Julianne wrenched open the door, gesturing for him to leave. Keenan took her silent urging and passed her. Julianne followed. He turned suddenly, crowding her. Gasping, she stepped back instinctively before she caught herself and stood her ground. Scowling, Julianne glared at him.

“I unsettle you.” His grin was smug.

“You startled me,” she retorted.

“Deny it all you want, but you’re intrigued by what there might be between us. I’m a patient man. I can wait until you come around. You have my number. Call me when you change your mind.” Keenan shrugged, turning, then strode away.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2012.
All Rights Reserved, Total E Bound.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Rhian Cahill
Shelli Stevens
Anne Rainey
Jody Wallace
Mari Carr
McKenna Jeffries
Myla Jackson
Taige Crenshaw
Delilah Devlin
HelenKay Dimon
Lauren Dane
Shiloh Walker
TJ Michaels
Leah Braemel

Monday, September 24, 2012

Hurricane - Available Now

By: Taige Crenshaw
Available Now
ISBN: 978-1-78184-081-8
Series: Singleton, Book # 1
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Novel
Format: E-Book
Buy Here

When life gives you a second chance how do you decide what to do?

Julianne Locke knows the pain of loss and what it can do to a soul. She has refused to let any man close…until an accident puts a man in her path who will change her life forever. Keenan is the one man she cannot seem to keep at a distance. Whether it’s fate or coincidence that brings them together, Julianne cannot walk away from this man who pushes all her buttons and makes her want to believe in hope once again.

Keenan Callaghan’s first look at Julianne makes him forget that he’s supposed to be all about business. The instant attraction and connection he feels for her leaves him unsettled. He quickly comes to the realization that he wants to know more about the woman who not only tempts him, but makes him forget all else but her. Julianne might be trying to keep him at arm’s length, but he’s a patient man. He knows the best way to weather a Hurricane is to hold on and ride out the storm together…forever.

Buy Here / Read an Excerpt

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Snippet Saturday - Summer's End

Today’s snippet theme is Summer's End. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

An snippet from Seducing a God….

seducingagod_msr_smallNarrowing her eyes Paula did something that she was sure he would not expect. Stepping forward she tugged out of his loosened grip reached up and grabbed him by the shirt, stood on her toes and kissed him.

Not used to being the aggressor Paula went with her instinct and kissed him thoroughly. She licked the seam of his lips and when he opened she swept her tongue deep inside. She devoured his mouth in a heated kiss. Markus’ heart beat rapidly. Murmuring she went closer to him and his arms wrapped around her. He wasn’t participating just taking her sensual assault. This wasn’t about anything more that unadulterated, unbridled lust.

Drawing back Paula looked at him to see what he would do. He said nothing just looked at her through heated eyes. Uneasy Paula wondered if she had overstepped a mark.

Finally he broke the silence. “Brace yourself.” His voice was a hoarse raw sound.

Markus pulled her deeper into his body and aligned her into him until every part of them touched, then he kissed her. Delved deep and swift with no pretense. He lapped at each crevice in her mouth, sucking strongly at her tongue. He murmured deepening the kiss stroking in and out slowly then harder. Her body stiffened in shock as her pussy started to vibrate in time with his kiss.

His murmer was all the warning she got before he let out a soft purr. Shards of pleasure racked her with each decisive stroke of his tongue. Shocked she felt an orgasm start to build. Markus tightened his hold on her. Paula went under. She murmured too while he ate at her mouth, sucking in her taste, trying to consume her.

God. Her body gushed as pleasure unlike anything she could ever imagine bombarded her. Growling deep in his throat Markus gentled his assault, changing the texture of his kiss.

The contrast from wild to soft rolled over her with the tenderness of a summer breeze and the power of a lightening storm. Paula was lost in the sensuality of his kiss. From the moment she had seen him across the room she wanted him. He growled again making her pussy pulse.

Sinking her hands into his silken hair it loosened from its binding, spreading out, tickling her hands. Holding on tightly Paula gripped him close. He purred in her mouth again sending off shock waves of pleasure to her pussy. His tongue stroked softly along the sides of her tongue then he nipped it startling her. Pleasure crashed into her as her orgasms overtook her driving her body insane. Gasping Paula bowed at the force of it. She hung onto him as pleasure jerked her body. Paula’s mind blanked under the force of her release.

Markus stiffened and mumbled, “Christ, sorry.”

Gently he leaned her against the wall, stepped back and walked rapidly away around the corner.

Leaning against the wall Paula tried to catch her breathe as small explosions of pleasure continued to rack her. With a kiss he made me come.

Raising a shaky hand she pushed back her hair from her face. She couldn’t imagine what would happen if they actually did the deed. On rubbery legs Paula pushed away from the wall, turned and walked to the door of her childhood bedroom. Fine shivers filled her as she walked. Tiny orgasms continued to flood her making her pussy cream. She had to change her panties. They were soaked.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2007.
All Rights Reserved, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Rhian Cahill
Anne Rainey
Mari Carr
McKenna Jeffries
Myla Jackson
Taige Crenshaw
Delilah Devlin
Lauren Dane
Shiloh Walker

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Snippet Saturday – Holiday


Today’s snippet theme is Holiday. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

veilsrising_msr1_small.JPGAn snippet from Veils Rising

Clenching her fist, Dilana thumped the glass again. “I hate Christmas. When will it be over?”

“In ten days, on December 26 at midnight.”

Dilana stiffened at the sound of the unfamiliar male voice that rolled over her like a silken caress. Turning away from the window, Dilana locked eyes with warm whiskey amber eyes with flecks of green. Her first impression was of restrained power. The stranger had to be at least six inches taller than her own height of five-eleven, making him six-five. His face was a sensual array of panels and sharp angles. He surpassed being handsome into the devastating category. His full lips quirked with a hint of laughter while his dark brown hair was slicked away from his face. The end of a braid rested over his shoulder, curling against his chest.

With a glance down, she took in his light brown shirt and dark brown slacks that complimented his light sienna skin while fitting his body impeccably. Despite his clothing she could see he was rippling with muscles.

“However, the holiday season doesn’t officially end until January 2 at midnight.” His voice reminded her of Cajun gumbo—hot, thick and spicy.

The hint of mischief on his face was at odds with the intensity she felt coming off him in waves. A flash of desire seemed to go over his face but was quickly suppressed. When he moved forward closer to the desk with sensuous grace, she felt the raw animal magnetism surrounding him race up her arm along her skin. Stifling her gasp, Dilana continued to watch him. He came around the desk and lifted his hand. Without any conscious thought, her hand flashed up to stop him from touching her. She felt the strength of the muscle in his arm before a vision crashed over her.

The man was talking in the flowing patois of Cajun French. Not the one she had been taught in school. The dialect was different, more earthy. She was able to interpret a few words. Heritage, lost and danger were the predominant ones. She couldn’t see whom he was speaking to.

Time rushed forward.

The man smiled with an intense look of a hunter. The look of lust on his face made her quiver in desire and a little fear. He circled a woman. She saw the woman’s face was turned away, her breathing was harsh and shuddering. Glancing down, she saw the woman wore a delicate necklace she couldn’t make it out completely. It seemed to be just out of sight. Looking lower, she saw the woman was bare except for jewelry. The brilliance of the gold, white gold and precious stones shone against the woman’s rich, dark caramel skin.

A diamond and ruby lay side by side as they covered each nipple clamp while one chain of white gold offset with flecks of diamonds and another gold chain offset with flecks of rubies fell down on one side. A glance showed her the other side was the same. The chains led down to attach to various chains intersecting around the woman’s waist. The chains alternated between one row of chains made of white gold with miniature diamonds hanging from them and a row of gold chains with miniature rubies hanging down. The chains stopped just above her hips with a diamond and ruby fused together covering her mound. The woman moaned, drawing her attention.

Glancing up, she locked eyes with dark grey. She gulped, realizing she was looking at herself. A vibrating feeling hit her clit and as she looked on she and her future image shuddered and moaned simultaneously. An orgasm started to build from deep within, ripping outward. The woman bowed as she bowed.

Wrenching herself out of the vision, Dilana jerked her hand off his arm. She watched as the man stepped back. She tried to control her breathing as the feel of the golden chains against her skin slowly faded.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to crowd you,” the man said stiffly. “I’ll just leave this with you.” He put down the folder he held and the card. He turned and left before she could get her wits about her to say a word.

Dilana took a deep breath cursing herself and reached for the folder. Pulling out her chair, she took a seat as she opened the folder. Her breath stalled. “Shit.”

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2007.
All Rights Reserved, Ellora's Cave Publishing, Inc

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Rhian Cahill
Anne Rainey
Mari Carr
McKenna Jeffries
Myla Jackson
Taige Crenshaw
Delilah Devlin
HelenKay Dimon
Lauren Dane
Shiloh Walker
TJ Michaels

Saturday, September 08, 2012

Snippet Saturday - Talk Talk


Today’s snippet theme is Talk Talk. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

An snippet from God Style Temptation

godstyletemptation_msr_smallFrustrated Aurora screamed. “What the fuck are you?”

He smiled, a nasty little twist of his lips. “Besides the man who saved you pretty little ass from being a popsicle? A god.”

Hearing that Aurora felt fury flash through her. Not stopping to think she headed straight for him. The man’s eyes dropped and he grinned, a devilish quirk of his lips. Realizing she was still naked and he was ogling her Aurora was even angrier. Slowing she added more sway in her hips and watched his eyes light in appreciation. She looked at him and saw his smile widen. Returning his smile she let her hand flash up to deck him. He caught it.

“Uh-huh not that again. You’re such a violent little thing.” The man’s tone was calm.

Ignoring his comment she swung with her other hand. He sighed and caught it too. He raised an eyebrow as if saying “now what”. From how they were standing she estimated he was about six three to her six feet. Jerking her head forward she hit him with it. She felt his nose break, as was her intention. A grim smile curved her lips. He let her go and stepped back. Swinging at him again Aurora found her hand caught. Instinctively she swung with the other. He again caught it then turned her around and pulled them behind her back. Jerking her head back she tried to hit him with her head.

“Shit. Will you calm down?” the man growled.

Straining against his hold Aurora gritted out, “Fuck you, Cupid or Claude or whatever the hell your name is. I have eighty-seven more of those to give you. You mother fu—”

The man sighed and said softly. “I’m not Cupid.”

She stilled and gasped realizing she was plastered against his body. His next word distracted her.

“Although I can relate, why do you want to kick Cupid’s ass?” His tone was matter of fact.

“You’re hurting me. Let me go first.” Aurora demanded although he wasn’t.

He scoffed. “Liar.”

“Let me go.”

“Only if you promise not to hit me again.”

“Fine I won’t hit you again. I only connected twice.” Although it galled her to say it out loud.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2008.
All Rights Reserved, Ellora's Cave Publishing, Inc.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Rhian Cahill
Shelli Stevens
Anne Rainey
Jody Wallace
Mari Carr
McKenna Jeffries
Myla Jackson
Taige Crenshaw
Delilah Devlin
HelenKay Dimon
Lauren Dane
Shiloh Walker
TJ Michaels
Leah Braemel

Thursday, September 06, 2012

On the laptop hunt...

I'm on the hunt...for a new laptop. I love me some gadgets and I'm having fun looking for a new one. Ohhhh...shiny...pretty...and I want are my favorite words. Now to find on in my price range. LOL. I'm determined to find one that can indulge my loving the sleek look and have lots of power inside. Wait ummm...I think I got off track. I'm talking laptops. *wicked grin*

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Snippet Saturday – Fireworks


Today’s snippet theme is Fireworks. This snippet is from a book I co-authored Aliyah Burke. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

An snippet from Saffron


“Look here, dammit, I don’t need any fucking geo-freak coming in here and telling me what I can’t and can’t do!” Kenric Annson shouted into the phone. “I’m here doing my God damn job. It’s not like it’s a picnic out here where you can walk up the street to the Starbucks for a venti Mocha. There’s war going on around here and sending some pencil pusher down isn’t going to do a damn thing except complicate things. My men and I are busy enough without the added job of babysitting.”

The response he received only infuriated him further. After cursing a streak at the dial tone in his ear he slammed the phone down.

“You okay boss?”

The question came from Shade, one of the workers on this crew. Actually Shade was his next in command. Kenric only knew him as Shade and that was fine. He trusted him with his life, hell Shade could call himself Tinkerbell if he wanted to. Shade was a huge muscular man with braided hair which he kept confined to a ponytail most of the time. A goatee and dark brown skin completed the package. Man looked downright lethal standing there with his personal arsenal strapped to him and everyone respected him.

“Hell no.” He popped his neck and sat on the edge of his desk, arms crossed.

“What’s up?”

“That was Frank.”

Shade groaned and rolled his eyes as he snipped the end off a cigar. Frank Grimmel was technically the boss down here. However, as far as Kenric and the others were concerned he was a waste of sperm. Part of the reason everyone called him boss, to add another dig into Frank’s authority. Frank was only here since his brother owned the company.

“What’d the dumbass want?”

“He’s sending us a civilian.”

“What?!” Shade looked over the tops of mirrored sunglasses and stared while he lit his cigar, the smoke curled up and around his face like a snake.

“Yes, something about this doctor being able to help us find the natural gas pockets faster and dig for them safer.”

A snort of derision. “Does he not get this isn’t your America? That while we’re digging we have men standing guard? Hell, even when we’re not.” Shade shook his head. “I mean even Frank has two men guard him the rare occasions he’s here.”

Kenric shrugged and got up to lean against the wall near the window. He stared outside at the steppes only to turn fully and brace a hand against the pane of glass, warmed from the summer sun.

“I have a bad feeling about this,” he muttered. “A fuckin’ rock doc.”

Shade cleared his throat. “Boss.”

“Yeah?” He continued to stare out over the brush and scrub.

“We have company.”

He spun around and found himself staring at a woman. A gorgeous woman. Whose skin, the colour of melted caramel, covered an amazing body. One reminiscent of an old pinup girl, nothing but swells, dips, and curves.

Oh fuck.

Her black hair drawn back from haughty facial features by a tight bun. On her face was a cool look of dismissal. Her navy blue skirt suit brought some other things to mind and he felt his body respond. Almost violently. Her dark brown eyes were framed by thick, sooty lashes. She had full lips which shone with a clear lip gloss.

In one hand she held a black briefcase. He’d never seen anyone so determined to dress severely and look so damn hot. He allowed himself one more leisurely perusal of her fuck-me heels, long legs, and up over nice breasts and an amazing—even with the hint of superbia—face.

Hellfire and damnation. I would love to see her in a bikini. Or nothing at all. He spied Shade staring at her too, and for some reason it pissed him off. From deep within a rush of anger coursed through him at the thought of Shade even touching this woman. Why is she looking at him?

“Can I help you, darling?” he drawled, leaning against the windowsill.

Her gaze snapped from Shade to him, her eyes narrowed a fraction before that damn unimpressed stare took over.

“First, I’m not your darling.”

Her voice was a raspy alto which sent shivers all down his spine. His cock stiffened in his BDUs and he almost shook his head to clear the fog which seemed to encompass his mind steering him down the sexual path.

Want to be? He put a toothpick between his teeth. “Testy. Who are you?”

“I’m here to see Mr. Kenric Annson.”

Another thrill rushed through him. He quirked a brow and glided toward her noting how she held her ground. Like a stalking lion, he prowled around her. She smelled fresh with a light yet unrecognisable scent. No one smelled this good around here. Another punch to his gut made him bite back his groan.

He wanted to know if she smelled like this all over. How soft her skin would be beneath his. How all those damnable curves would feel pressed to him.

Back before her, he gazed down to her waiting stare. “I’m him, darlin’. What can I do for you? Hell, why don’t you tell me who you are.”

She never blinked. “I’ did you put it...the fuckin’ rock doc. Dr. Eshe.”

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw and Aliyah Burke, 2012.
All Rights Reserved, Total E Bound.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Rhian Cahill
Shelli Stevens
Anne Rainey
Jody Wallace
Mari Carr
McKenna Jeffries
Myla Jackson
Taige Crenshaw
Delilah Devlin
HelenKay Dimon
Lauren Dane
Shiloh Walker
TJ Michaels

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


I’ve been very busy and hectic lately. Basically running to get everything done. The reasons are very good and I’m making some strides to some changes that will take a while to implement. Although I’m busy I’m smiling as I am because I know what the end point will be once it is all done. :)

So my summer and foreseeable future months will be chock full of lots of hard work that will pay off big for my dream. I’m being deliberately vague because I’m keeping what I am up too quite until I am done.

Hope you all are having a great summer.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Snippet Saturday – Author's Choice


Today’s snippet theme is Author's Choice. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

An snippet from Wilde Rapture

“How did you find me? What are you doing here?” she snapped.

“I Googled you and found out what precinct you worked out of. Imagine my surprise that you were only a few blocks away from Wilde Hotel. As for why I’m here… I’m an old-fashioned man who likes to say goodbye to my bed partners.” Darius’ tone was mild.

“It was just sex. Just last night. I thought you understood that. No morning after and all that needed.” She ran her fingers through the back of her hair.

Darius reached up and took her hand. He held it in his. With his other, he raised her face and looked her in the eyes.

“I did understand, and I agreed to it for the night. But, in case you didn’t realise, it’s morning. So the night is past. And now I want you to stop running and think about this.”

He kissed her. All thoughts fled from her head. His kiss was soft and more devastating than if he had ravished her. That she could have handled and dismissed. The tenderness unravelled her. Holding her against his solid frame, he seduced her with a kiss. Made her forget all else but being in his arms. Nia sighed, moulding her body to his. Darius made a pleased sound and continued his sensual assault.

Nia gripped his shoulders, moaning. His fingers smoothed under her breasts, making them ache for him to taste them. They hadn’t got to that last night. She wanted him to bite them and suck them until they were sore and well used. Darius pulled back, hands laced loosely around her waist. His blue eyes were possessive and tender. Her pussy flooded even more at the look.

“We don’t even know anything about each other,” she whispered.

“Then get to know me. Be with me, Nia. The choice is yours. Next time you come by, plan on spending the night again. This time, bring a bag so you don’t have to rush away to get ready for work,” he said.

“That isn’t the reason I left,” she admitted.

“I know.” A small smiled curled his lips.

“You make me lose sense. I don’t like it,” she snarled.

“Ditto,” he countered.

Nia paused, biting the inside of her cheek. Darius raised one hand and gently rubbed it against her cheek, stopping her. She turned her head and kissed his palm. He went still. Nia glanced at him. Darius’ eyes were brimming with emotion. She lowered her gaze, not sure what was happening between them.

“When you’re ready, come to me,” he whispered.

Darius released her. Nia raised her head and frowned at his retreating figure.

“Why do I always have to come to you?” she yelled.

He turned to face her, walking backwards. “Because this time it’s your turn.”

Nia scowled. He was right, damn him. If she thought about it, in the alcove he had come to her. Then she had gone to him last night. Now, today, he had come to her. The next move would be hers.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2012.
All Rights Reserved, Total E Bound.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Megan Hart:Read in bed!
Leah Braemel
Eliza Gayle
Mandy M Roth
Lissa Matthews
Mari Carr
McKenna Jeffries
Myla Jackson
Taige Crenshaw
HelenKay Dimon
Lauren Dane
Shelli Stevens
Delilah Devlin
Jody Wallace

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Snippet Saturday – Lean on Me


Today’s snippet theme is Lean on Me. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

godstyletemptation_msr_smallAn snippet from God Style Temptation

“But I didn’t count on you. The temptation that you would bring me. You made me hope. Hope that I could have an invincible man who would never leave me, but then you told me about your wife dying. Yes I know she chose to save your son, but I couldn’t take the chance. I fooled myself into believing it was just sex but it wasn’t. Isn’t. I can’t take it if you die on me, Nigel, but I can’t live without you either. It’s like you died anyway. In here.” She pressed her hand over her heart.

Nigel put his hand over hers and shook his head. “Ah queinlos, we all must live the life we have now. I can’t promise you that nothing will happen to me but I can promise that even if I die I will always find you.”

Aurora looked into his eyes. “I love you, Nigel.”

The look on his face was priceless. She laughed and he joined her.

He sobered and his gaze was intense. “I love you, Aurora, my queinlos.”

Nigel gaze shifted pass her shoulder. Aurora followed his gaze and gasped. There was a breathtakingly lovely woman standing in the doorway leading to the garden. Her hair hung around her in inky black curls and her eyes were rich amber. Aurora could see the garden through the door through her. Aurora knew she was looking at the ghost of Nigel’s deceased wife Zarlu. The woman smiled, gave them a thumbs up and then she was gone.

Looking back at Nigel she saw the soft smile on his face. He looked at her and she saw the peace and love shining in his eyes. He leaned in and kissed her. Sinking into his kiss Aurora felt the hunger she always felt when he touched her, rush to consume her. Nigel murmured against her lips. Still holding her in his arms he walked toward the door to the gardens. Stepping outside he strode down the path and around the corner of the house. Stopping he lowered her to a bed of flowers and kneeled between her widespread thighs.

As she lay on them Aurora inhaled their sweet scent. Over Nigel’s shoulder she could see the snow covering the ground a little distance away from the house. The gardens and around the house were bright and warm from the sun.

Nigel was waiting for her to look at him.

Reaching up she cupped his cheek. “Make love to me.”

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2008.
All Rights Reserved, Ellora’s Cave.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Megan Hart:Read in bed!
Leah Braemel
Eliza Gayle
Mandy M Roth
Lissa Matthews
Mari Carr
McKenna Jeffries
Myla Jackson
Taige Crenshaw
HelenKay Dimon
Lauren Dane
TJ Michaels
Delilah Devlin
Jody Wallace

Monday, August 13, 2012

Another year gone by…

Happy birthday to me. Today is my birthday. Another year passed and reflection on where I was on my last birthday. I can honestly say that I am proud of what I have accomplished in the last year and I’m looking forward to what is coming up.

Each year on my birthday I like to take sometime and think of previous birthdays and what moments has happened throughout them. One of the things I think on is if I have anything I haven’t done that I wanted to. This past year I have done many things I wanted too. There are some still left undone but in progress. The year between now and my next birthday I have lots I want to accomplish and I’m revved to do it.

Have a great day!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Snippet Saturday - Life is Beautiful


Today’s snippet theme is Life is Beautiful. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

An snippet from Body Cravings

bodycravings1Jacques pulled back and put his forehead against hers. “Want to play hooky?” He said it in a singsong voice.

“Let me get my bag,” Amara replied in the same tone.

She got her bag and coat. Jacques helped her into it. He pulled her hair from below the collar, trailing his finger from the edge of her hairline down until the coat stopped him.

Moaning, Amara asked, “What did my sister say to you?” Amara groaned as he kissed the top of her head. She viewed him expectantly.

“She threatened to unman me if I hurt you.” Jacques chuckled.

Amara glanced at the door, then back at him. “What’s funny about that?”

Jacques made a rude noise. “The idea she could do such a thing.”

Amara reached down and put her hand inside his jacket, stroking his cock through his slacks. Jacques’ eyes heated. She leaned against him and kissed him thoroughly.

Pulling away, she raised an eyebrow. “I wouldn’t underestimate my sister if I were you. But you don’t have to worry about her.” She released him and walked away.


Amara looked at him over her shoulder. “If you hurt me, the pleasure of unmanning you will be all mine.”

Jacques mouth fell open in shock before amusement filled his gaze. He walked over to her and put his hand around her waist. “You don’t have to worry about that. I won’t hurt you.” He kissed her briefly before leading her out the door.

Fifteen minutes later, Amara stood in front of the store at 18 Lauioe Square and studied the display. She glared playfully at Jacques. “I can’t believe I let you talk me into this. I’ve lived in this area, been in this area many times and never seen this place. How the heck did you find out about it?”

“A friend.” Jacques pulled her toward the door.

Standing her ground, she asked. “What friend?” Amara winced as she heard the jealousy in her tone.

Jacques was amused. He kissed her on the nose. “No need to be jealous.” He pulled her into him and kissed her thoroughly before drawing back to met her gaze. “Although I like you being possessive, it was a male friend. He said they had some beautiful pieces.”

Amara glanced past him at the window again. The female mannequin was draped in a see-through, short magenta camisole and tap pants. There was fine gold embroidery detailing on the outfit, making it shimmer and tantalize. It aptly went with Tantalize, the name of the store that was in discreet gold script. Usually she bought her lingerie from Unveiled—a bigger store that had some beautiful things as well—as it wasn’t too far from where her offices were on Caspain Avenue. Unveiled had various in-house designers who made what they sold. You could get custom pieces or buy off the rack.

She focused back on him. “I’ve heard of them and always meant to check them out but never found the time. If I’d known they were so close to my house I would have been here sooner.” Amara rubbed her hands together as she stared back at the window of Tantalize. “What are you waiting for? Let’s go.”

She laced fingers with his, pulling him into the store. Amara stopped inside the doorway, taking in the plush chairs and wide array of lingerie. From what she had heard of Tantalize, they had an in-house designer who made everything. All the pieces were unique and the quality was superb. With brisk steps, she walked over to a floor-length peignoir. Amara touched the fine silk. She loved sexy things.

Jacques’ voice came from behind her. “You would be sexy in that.”

She smiled seductively. “So would you.”

Jacques laughed. Amara picked it up in burnt orange and continued to look around. Jacques took it and, as she picked up more things, she handed them to him. He followed behind her patiently. When she asked him his opinion, he nodded or shook his head.

Amara reached for another piece, turning to hand it to him. When she saw the pile of things in his hands, she grinned sheepishly. “Umm … sorry.”

Jacques laughed. “I love to see you shop. Don’t you want anything else?”

Amara stared longingly at the two-piece pajama set across the room. She shook her head. “No. Let’s check out and go.” She put her hand around his waist, walking with him to the front of the store. “Thanks for being so patient.”

Jacques gazed at her, his expression sizzling. “My pleasure.”

Amara laughed. “Most men would have run screaming by now.”

Jacques dumped the items on the counter. He put his hands around her waist. “I’m not most men.”

He kissed her softly. Amara shifted and glanced at the man behind the counter.

Reaching into her bag for her purse, she was stopped by Jacques’ hand on her arm. She looked up at him. He was handing the man a credit card.

“Jacques—” she started to protest, but he put his finger over her lips.

“Shh… I’m paying. Now say, thank you, Jacques.”

She glared at him. He leaned down and she snapped her teeth at him. He jerked back, laughing. His other arm came up to encircle her. “Now is that any way to say thank you?”

Amara chuckled. “I’ll thank you later.”

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2008.
All Rights Reserved, Liquid Silver Books.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Megan Hart:Read in bed!
Leah Braemel
Eliza Gayle
Mandy M Roth
Lissa Matthews
Mari Carr
McKenna Jeffries
Myla Jackson
Taige Crenshaw
HelenKay Dimon
Lauren Dane
TJ Michaels
Shelli Stevens
Jody Wallace

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Snippet Saturday – Ain't No Sunshine


Today’s snippet theme is Ain't No Sunshine. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

shadowdance2.jpgAn snippet from Shadow Dance

Yadira shivered as she took in the landscape whooshing by her. The ground jarred her as she hit it. Looking up she saw the plane above them She let go the rope and watched the plane as it banked then flew out of sight. Glancing over at Dimitri her body clenched in reaction. He was dressed in full winter gear but she remembered the feel of him below and above her. Dimitri looked at her and arched an eyebrow his face cool. Yadira knew it was a front and couldn’t wait to get him naked again to blow it to shreds.

Turning her attention back to the area she sighed as she took in all the snow and cold. It didn’t matter that she could control her body temperature or keep the cold away from her. It was still there.

“Why couldn’t the places we have to search be in the tropics?” Yadira gripped.

Dimitri chuckled. “That would be too easy. You feel anything.”

Having already lowered her shield Yadira shook her head. “No but let’s walk around for a bit.”

Stepping forward she walked deeper into the Rockies. Continuing into the rough icy terrain she waited for the feeling she got when she found what she was looking for. Nothing came. Reaching a clear area she looked back at Dimitri who was some distance behind her to suggest they leave when a man stepped out from the shadows behind him. Opening her mouth to warn him she swallowed it as grey smoke curled around him and he faded. Closing her mouth Yadira’s eyes narrowed. Before she could get angry or go to help him she heard a sound behind her.

Turning quickly she looked, then groaned. “Ah hell, not you again.”

The woman she had fought earlier looked at her. “Rilan is my name Maji.”

Yadira looked at her. “Why would I want to know your name?”

The woman’s expression changed to hate. “So you will know who bested you when you die.”

Yadira laughed. “Since we are being pleasant. Remember the name Yadira.”


Yadira wondered if she was slow or deliberately obtuse. “Don’t worry after I kick your ass you’ll know why.”

Rilan shrieked and ran at her. Waiting until she was close Yadira put her wrists together with her palms out and pushed out hitting her hard in the chest. The woman flew back through the air then somersaulted landing on her feet. Surprised that Rilan had landed on her feet, Yadira reevaluated her knowledge. Smiling she felt coldness fill her. It looked like she had someone to work out her fury on. Rilan came at her.

Yadira met her blocking all her blows one by one. Rilan seemed to get angrier and angrier. Yadira watched her dispassionately, then using Rilan’s own punch as leverage she spun, grabbed her hand, then flung her across the clearing. Rilan hit a snow-covered tree making it break and the snow on it rained down to bury her. Unmoving Yadira watched her. Rilan burst out of the snow flying through the air at her. Yadira caught her in mid-air, then flipping her, she slammed her on the ground pinning her. Holding her effortlessly Yadira watched as she fought to get free.

Rilan stilled then hissed. “Bitch.”

“Now, now no need to get nasty. Who sent you here?”

Rilan looked at her. “Kill me Maji. I will not answer any of your questions.”

Rilan looked past her and her eyes widened in fear. Holding her with her power Yadira glanced at Dimitri as he came up to join her. His look was cool. Fury filled her as she watched him. Looking away before she hurt him Yadira looked back at the woman. Rilan smiled, then Yadira felt that strange sensation she had felt before. Her power began weaken. Rilan laughed, then disappeared. Furious Yadira punched down where she had been. The earth spilt and the area shook with earthquakes. She heard the rumble and looking across the clearing she saw an avalanche coming down the mountain above them. Waving her hand she stilled it, setting everything back to the way it was. She looked at Dimitri. He started to speak.

Holding up her hand she growled, “Say nothing to me.”

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2007.
All Rights Reserved, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Megan Hart:Read in bed!
Leah Braemel
Eliza Gayle
Mandy M Roth
Lissa Matthews
Mari Carr
McKenna Jeffries
Myla Jackson
Taige Crenshaw
Delilah Devlin
HelenKay Dimon
Lauren Dane
TJ Michaels

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Contracted: Various book and release date change for Hurricane (Singleton #1)

I’ve been mostly offline spending time with my visiting family. We’re having fun and playing lots of Uno, cooking, watching movies and being tourist around the city. Lots of fun to be had and mischief to get into. LOL.

I have some news to share and putting it all in one update.

First the release date change for Hurricane (Singleton, Book #1) is now September 24, 2012. The book will be up for pre-order before the release date and I’ll let you know when it is.

Next are the various books I’ve contracted. There are lots of books coming from me. :)

For the Kemet Uncovered series that I co-authored with Aliyah Burke we’ve contracted two more books.

Taber (Kemet Uncovered, Book #5) – Coming November 2012
Ashia (Kemet Uncovered, Book #6) – Coming January 2013

Also contracted is book 1 through 3 of Phoenix Intelligence Agency series. First Book 1 and 2 will be re-releases then book 3 which is new will be released too. Here are the dates for those.

Indigo Rain (Phoenix Intelligence Agency, Book #1) – Coming January 2013
Silken Inferno (Phoenix Intelligence Agency, Book #2) – Coming February 2013
Dark Callings (Phoenix Intelligence Agency, Book #3) – Coming April 2013

Whew that is all the news for now. :) How is your summer going?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Snippet Saturday – We Are Family


Today’s snippet theme is We Are Family. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

onyxmoonrising_smallAn snippet from Onyx Moon Rising

Zaila nodded and walked around the clearing. Her eyes dilated and went blank. Suddenly, she gasped and then collapsed, shuddering. Rushing over to Zaila, Tashana picked her up.

“Zaila.” Tashana touched her face.

It was so cold. Zaila’s heartbeat was sluggish.

Jaynat touched her shoulder. “Let me.” She touched Zaila and murmured an incantation.

Tashana saw something move beneath Zaila’s skin. Suddenly, Zaila sat up and hit Jaynat in the chest, sending her across the clearing. Zalia turned in a blur and hit Tashana. Flying backward, Tashana flipped in the air and landed on her feet. She saw Jaynat use a tree as leverage, walk up it and lock her legs around the limb. Zaila stood and black smoke engulfed her. Tashana started to go to her and stopped, coming up against a barrier. Reaching out to touch it, she realized it was a shield. Zaila had locked them out and whatever she was fighting in. Using her power, Tashana tried to break down the shield. It wouldn’t budge. Jaynat was trying the same thing, but nothing worked.

A glance back at Zaila through the shield showed that a woman had taken shape. Zaila was locked in a furious fight with her. The woman shifted to smoke again. Using it against her, Zaila clenched her fist and twisted her hand while pushing out. The sound of Zaila’s chant rose on the air as her full power flared to strengthen her spell. Time stood still for a moment, then the woman shrieked. She solidified and clutched her chest. Blood bloomed from between her breasts.

The woman turned and looked at Tashana. “You’re all going to die.”

Zaila threw a fireball at her and the woman burned and melted away. The shield dropped. Tashana raced across the clearing, reaching Zaila the same time as Jaynat. Zaila staggered and almost went down. Gripping her from both sides, they held her. Her head lolled as she passed out. From past experienced they knew Zalia would be out for a few hours. Tashana opened a portal to take her home.

Stepping into Zaila’s bedroom, she and Jaynat lifted her up and took her to the bed. Laying Zaila down, they stepped back. She was pale but fine. Turning Jaynat motioned Tashana to the door. Not wanting to leave, she reached for Zaila’s hand.

You don’t have to stay and watch me sleep, Zaila spoke in her mind her voice weary.

You should rest, Tashana replied.

I will as soon as you stop hovering. I’m tired, not dying. Go away. Zaila sounded grumpy.

Chuckling, Tashana stood, watched her one last time and went out the door.

Jaynat was waiting for her. “You must find Sanjay.” There was urgency in her tone.

Tashana frowned. “What did you see?”

Jaynat looked at her. “Blood and death.”

Tashana gasped at the pain on Jaynat’s face.

Jaynat waved her hand. “Go, Shana.”

Urgency filled Tashana as she turned and ran.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2007.
All Rights Reserved, Liquid Silver Books.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Megan Hart:Read in bed!
Leah Braemel
Jody Wallace
Eliza Gayle
Mandy M Roth
Lissa Matthews
Mari Carr
McKenna Jeffries
Myla Jackson
Taige Crenshaw
Shiloh Walker
Delilah Devlin
HelenKay Dimon
Lauren Dane
TJ Michaels

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Snippet Saturday - Midnight Rider


Today’s snippet theme is Midnight Rider. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

An snippet from Power of Instinct

“Ian!” she screamed.

“No need to shout. I’m in here.” Ian’s voice came from her living room.

“What is Einstein doing with McGee and Reid? Heck, what is your whole animal farm doing with them? You—” Sinai stepped into the living room, then stopped.

She walked over and examined the big screen TV that took up the whole wall between her two bay windows. There was a lot of space between them, meaning that was a whole lot of TV. She had heard tales of Ian’s TV from her various family members and friends who went to his house to watch games or a movie. Sinai took a breath, trying to be calm.

“What’s going on?” she asked slowly as she turned to Ian.

He was leaning back on her couch, his arms behind his head and his crossed legs extended before him. Her gaze dropped, taking in how his jeans cupped his cock and encased his legs. Heat flooded her. She shifted.

“Since I’m moving in until after your birthday, I’ll need my things.”

Sinai blinked, sure she had heard him wrong. She shook her head. Ian nodded, a smug smile on his face.

“Hell, no!” Sinai roared.

She smacked away the soap. Ian’s hand flashed up, and he caught it. He stood in a lazy motion then walked in a loose-legged gait. Sinai’s heart started to race. She felt as if she was being stalked. She stood her ground as Ian walked right up to her.

He leant down and said softly, “Don’t test me, Nai.”

“You’re not moving in here. It’s not necessary,” she insisted.

Ian’s eyes dilated, then he said in a low tone, “Are you challenging me?”

Sinai raised her head. “On this I am.”

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2011.
All Rights Reserved, Total E Bound.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Megan Hart:Read in bed!
Leah Braemel
Jody Wallace
Eliza Gayle
Mandy M Roth
Lissa Matthews
Mari Carr
McKenna Jeffries
Myla Jackson
Taige Crenshaw
Shiloh Walker
Delilah Devlin
HelenKay Dimon
Lauren Dane
Shelli Stevens
TJ Michaels

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