Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Idea Spark – A phone

I’ve been having some nasty problems with my phone. A feedback that rings in my ear. Also being able to hear other people’s conversation. It has been driving me nuts but I’ve been so busy to have the time to call the phone company or make an appointment. The other day when I was once again talking on the phone I could hear someone else talking on the phone. Once again it was another person’s conversation. It wasn’t to clear but it was an annoying backdrop. When I hung up as I sat frustrated with the whole phone thing a thought came to me.

An idea for a story. A phone lines crossed idea. Ideas come from all over the place and my phone issues sparked one. It is interesting how that happened. An annoying phone issue becoming a future book. LOL.

I did call the phone company and have them come fix the issue but the phone gave me an idea that I might not have had. There is inspiration for ideas all around you. I’ve come up with ideas from various places. Many very unexpected. Any little thing can give you an idea spark.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Snippet Saturday – Fight Scenes


Today’s snippet theme is Fight Scenes. I love writing action scene. Enjoy a look at the fight scene from one of my books.

An snippet from Shadow Dance….

shadowdance2.jpgSighing again Yadira widened her stance. A crackle filled her and in each hand she felt the cold touch of metal. Bringing her arm forward she crossed her swords in front of her. She looked up at them and felt cold purpose fill her. They stopped and looked at her, shocked.

“Shit you didn’t say she was a Zuri Maji,” a male voice said.

Yadira could hear the fear in his voice. She looked out at them through glowing eyes, smiling as she saw first fear on their faces, then speculation. She saw their intent in their eyes a second before they rushed her. In a blur of motion she moved, taking out the first set that came at her. Knocking them back and across the cave with the dull side of her sword she heard them hit a wall, then silence. She wasn’t trying to kill them, just incapacitate them so she could leave. She would let the Rarities Incorporated protector agents deal with the clean up. She flashed her swords in a quick slicing motion making the three remaining men stumble back up from her. Yadira watched them.

One man sneered, “You missed.”

Smiling she replied, “I didn’t.”

Even as she said it their shirts fell off of them in tatters while their pants dropped to their ankles.

Looking down Yadira tsked. “Big egos and little penises.”

Fury washed over the faces of the men. Then they bulked up. Surprised, Yadira realized they were vamps. Having already pegged the others knocked out against the wall as shifters she wondered what they were doing together. A sound behind her made her turn. As she jumped back from the reaching claws she felt them nick her. She saw blood well and start to drip down the side of her now gaping vest and shirt. Furious, she looked back at the shifter who had snuck up on her. Sizing them up, she knew they would not be taken off guard so easily.

“Bring it,” Yadira growled.

“You shouldn’t turn you back on your adversaries.” With her head thrown back the woman laughed—an ugly sound that made her beautiful face go savage.

Twisting out of the way, Yadira eluded the arms of the vamps behind her. She used her powers, ran to the wall and ran up it until she rested with her feet planted on the ceiling. The attackers looked at her and they started to climb the walls. Yadira felt a strange sensation then tumbled from the ceiling. She tucked herself into a ball, spun and landed on her feet. With a silent swear Yadira knew she had to make quick work of them. She reached behind her back and touched the tattoo at the base of her spine, felt it heat and bringing her hand up she threw the Maji Stars at the men in quick succession. They each exploded in a rain of ash. With a twist she threw the last one at the woman coming up behind her. The woman shifted out of the way and it nicked her in the shoulder.

The woman look was furious as she wavered and then was gone. “We’ll meet again Maji.”

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2007.
All Rights Reserved, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:

TJ Michaels
Ashley Ladd
Lissa Matthews
McKenna Jeffries
Mari Carr
Vivian Arend
Juliana Stone
Lauren Dane
Shelley Munro
Taige Crenshaw

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Idea Spark – A Fro Affair

I was on my way home the other day when I passed this woman who was sporting a slamming Afro hairstyle. The woman’s fro was big, high and poufy. I think it was a wig but it was so good I couldn’t tell. She was also sporting the clothing to go with the fro. She looked fierce. People were turning and looking at her. Me included. People were complimenting her on her look. Like any good diva she said thank you graciously and kept strutting. As I watched the woman stepping looking cool and fierce my mind was racing.

Yep another idea was taking shape. As I walked home I thought of the Fro. The idea took shape for a book with a woman in a fierce fro and clothes to match.

A fro brought so much more than viewing pleasure. It brought an inspiration. I’ve mentioned before that there are inspirations for ideas all around you. Taking something that happens in the everyday life then using it create a concept and make it yours. The unexpected can lead to so much more.

Any little thing can give you an idea spark.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Snippet Saturday – Family


Today’s snippet theme is Family. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

onyxmoonrising_smallAn snippet from Onyx Moon Rising

Zaila nodded and walked around the clearing. Her eyes dilated and went blank. Suddenly, she gasped and then collapsed, shuddering. Rushing over to Zaila, Tashana picked her up.

“Zaila.” Tashana touched her face.

It was so cold. Zaila’s heartbeat was sluggish.

Jaynat touched her shoulder. “Let me.” She touched Zaila and murmured an incantation.

Tashana saw something move beneath Zaila’s skin. Suddenly, Zaila sat up and hit Jaynat in the chest, sending her across the clearing. Zalia turned in a blur and hit Tashana. Flying backward, Tashana flipped in the air and landed on her feet. She saw Jaynat use a tree as leverage, walk up it and lock her legs around the limb. Zaila stood and black smoke engulfed her. Tashana started to go to her and stopped, coming up against a barrier. Reaching out to touch it, she realized it was a shield. Zaila had locked them out and whatever she was fighting in. Using her power, Tashana tried to break down the shield. It wouldn’t budge. Jaynat was trying the same thing, but nothing worked.

A glance back at Zaila through the shield showed that a woman had taken shape. Zaila was locked in a furious fight with her. The woman shifted to smoke again. Using it against her, Zaila clenched her fist and twisted her hand while pushing out. The sound of Zaila’s chant rose on the air as her full power flared to strengthen her spell. Time stood still for a moment, then the woman shrieked. She solidified and clutched her chest. Blood bloomed from between her breasts.

The woman turned and looked at Tashana. “You’re all going to die.”

Zaila threw a fireball at her and the woman burned and melted away. The shield dropped. Tashana raced across the clearing, reaching Zaila the same time as Jaynat. Zaila staggered and almost went down. Gripping her from both sides, they held her. Her head lolled as she passed out. From past experienced they knew Zalia would be out for a few hours. Tashana opened a portal to take her home.

Stepping into Zaila’s bedroom, she and Jaynat lifted her up and took her to the bed. Laying Zaila down, they stepped back. She was pale but fine. Turning Jaynat motioned Tashana to the door. Not wanting to leave, she reached for Zaila’s hand.

You don’t have to stay and watch me sleep, Zaila spoke in her mind her voice weary.

You should rest, Tashana replied.

I will as soon as you stop hovering. I’m tired, not dying. Go away. Zaila sounded grumpy.

Chuckling, Tashana stood, watched her one last time and went out the door.

Jaynat was waiting for her. “You must find Sanjay.” There was urgency in her tone.

Tashana frowned. “What did you see?”

Jaynat looked at her. “Blood and death.”

Tashana gasped at the pain on Jaynat’s face.

Jaynat waved her hand. “Go, Shana.”

Urgency filled Tashana as she turned and ran.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2007.
All Rights Reserved, Liquid Silver Books.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:

TJ Michaels
Ashley Ladd
Lissa Matthews
McKenna Jeffries
Mari Carr
Vivian Arend
Juliana Stone
Lauren Dane
Shelley Munro
Jody Wallace
Taige Crenshaw

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Blogging at Romance Junkies

Blogging for my monthly blog day at Romance Junkies. Check me out here.

Snippet Saturday – Black Moment


Today’s snippet theme is Black Moment. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

veilsrising_msr1_small1.JPGAn snippet from Veils Rising

Turning, Dilana glanced at Magni and smiled. He grinned, then his eyes widened. Turning quickly, she saw the woman break free then throw three dark green bolts at her, then disappear. From their color, Dilana knew they were soul eaters and she had no way of stopping them.

The bolts reached her and Magni jumped in front of her. He collapsed under the strength of the power. The bolts sucked into his body and rolled though him, searching for escape.

She could see the heat from the bolts rolling around his skin. Dropping to her knees she gathered him in her arms and screamed, “Magni!”

He whispered, pain in his voice. “God, that hurt. How bad is it?”

Tears blurred Dilana’s vision as she watched the bolts start to suck out his life. “Damn you. Why did you go and do that? I can’t live without you.”

He reached up and touched her face. “I love you Dilana.”

His breathing grew labored. Dilana threw back her head and screamed. “Sari.”

A light flashed, then gold smoke formed. From within the gold smoke stepped a devastatingly beautiful woman. Her skin was onyx, her hair was silver piled atop her head in a ponytail that fell down her back. Mirrored shades covered her eyes and rested against sculptured cheeks. She took them off and her catlike green eyes gleamed while her full lips parted in a blood-red smile. A red-floor length coat covered a silver skin-tight leather vest which stopped above her navel and her matching skirt started below her navel, flowing to mid thigh. Her boots were red like her coat. She cocked her head and sniffed the air. A shudder rippled through her.

She turned back and looked at Dilana. “Death.” There was a pleasure on her face. She circled the clearing, sniffing the area.

Dilana said nothing as Sari struggled with her nature. Sari turned back to Dilana, her face cold and eyes blank. Sari looked around and took in everything. She turned and headed for Aunty King.

“No, save Magni,” Dilana demanded.

Sari didn’t stop or look at her. “She has a more immediate need.” Sari stopped over

Aunty King’s still body and said, “Live.”

Aunty King gasped, then sat straight up. She looked up at Sari. They looked at each other.

Aunty King nodded, “Thank you.”

Sari looked at her titled her head and asked. “You do not fear me?”

Aunty King laughed and replied, “Blunt, aren’t you.”


“No, I don’t fear you,” Aunty King answered Sari’s original question.

Sari laughed, then put out her hand. Dilana was surprised, Sari didn’t touch anyone she didn’t know very well or trust and even then it was a rare occurrence. Aunty King looked surprised, then took her hand and stood. They looked at each other and something passed between them. As one, they turned and walked over to Dilana.

Sari stood next to Magni as Aunty King kneeled. Sari looked at him. She did nothing.

“Help him.”

Sari looked up at Dilana and replied, “I can’t. He’s going to die.”

“No. You have to help him.”

Sari watched, her a cold look on her face. “I can’t.”

Dilana watched her in disbelief, then anger overcame her. Putting Magni down, Dilana stood and stepped into Sari’s face. Sari didn’t change expression. Dilana grabbed her by her coat and jerked her forward.

“Help him before I kill you,” Dilana growled.

Sari didn’t change expression. She looked over Dilana’s head, pushed Dilana’s hands up, broke her hold and swung her to her side, all in one motion. Dilana watched as more dark green soul-eater bolts raced to them. They hit Sari in her chest. The bolt circled her then a sucking sound came and it was gone. Sari looked over at the female Banshee.


The Banshee screamed then rent apart and was no more. Sari turned back to Dilana.

“Where were we?”

Dilana shook her head. “Never mind. Please, Sari, help him!”

“I can’t,” Sari repeated.

Dilana dropped to her knees beside Magni. Taking him from his aunt, she held him close.

He looked up at her, his eye glazed with oncoming death.

Sari continued, “You can help him.”

Dilana looked up at her, “What?”

“You can save him.”

“I don’t have the power to heal soul eaters, Sari.” Dilana shook her head.

Sari shrugged. “Zarya said to tell you life is about living and death will follow without it.”

Dilana’s eyes narrowed. One of Zarya’s powers was that of a seer and she loved to talk in obscure terms. As she thought about Zarya’s message, Dilana reached up to push her hair back from her face. When her hand ran along the side of her neck, she felt a burning sensation. Looking down, she saw the Zerquel around her neck. She hadn’t put it on or called it. Suddenly she remembered what Zarya had said, the Zerquel did as it pleased.

Instinctively, she leaned over Magni and kissed him, passionately eating at his mouth. She could feel something coming out of his mouth and into hers. Leaning back, she threw her head back and gulped it down and felt it burn her throat. The Zerquel heated, then the feeling was gone. A firm hand touched her cheek. Looking back down she saw Magni’s clear amber gaze watching her.

He smiled. “Ah, cherie, give me the words.”

“I love you.” Dilana was surprised at the raw texture and deepness of her voice.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2007.
All Rights Reserved, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:

TJ Michaels
Ashley Ladd
Lissa Matthews
McKenna Jeffries
Mari Carr
Vivian Arend
Juliana Stone
Lauren Dane
Shelley Munro
Taige Crenshaw

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Power of Love

Love is such a powerful thing. It moves people in so many ways. As a writer of romance I love exploring the various ways that love unfolds. All the paths it takes are fun to explore.

This weekend I watched movies based on love. Each was so different and to see the ways love came and was shown made me think. The great thing was the movies followed families. The love, tribulations and all the things in between. From the beginning of time people have been falling in love. Love can make you crazy, giddy and bring you such hope and joy.

Love has many types - the love between friends and family. The love between lovers. Each has the core of opening yourself to another person and becoming a unit. With friends it is building a close knit relationship that stands through good and bad. The same with family. With family we share and love.

The love between lovers is what I explore in my books. From the start of the initial attraction, the first steps to getting to know each other, the dating and then finally the all encompassing feelings and knowing you belong together. There are of course the ups and downs and the times when you fall in and out of love. But when you find that right someone it is magical, exhilarating and soul moving. Yeah I am a romantic at heart. All the steps to the power of love fascinates me.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Snippet Saturday – Lost loves


Today’s snippet theme is Lost loves. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

godstyletemptation_msr_smallAn snippet from God Style Temptation

The dream snuck up on him.

“Nigel, you have to let me go,” Zarlu said in that soft voice of hers, then she smacked him on the head.

“Ow, what did you do that for?” Nigel looked at Zarlu’s twinkling blue eyes.

She smiled, a sweet twist of her lips and put her hands on her hips. He knew from her stance he was in trouble.

“Why are you holding me as a shield so no one can get close to you? Geesh. You’re a man for god’s sake. You have needs.” She paced back and forth in front of him. She stopped and gave him a sexy look. “I know you’re not a saint.” She chuckled sensuously.

“So stop being an ass and start to live.”

Watching her Nigel ached to touch her one last time. She smiled as if she understood. Coming to him, she slid her arms around him. Sinking into her embrace Nigel felt her love and care for him.

Zarlu pulled back with her arms still around him and sighed. “Nigel, it’s time to get back to living. Stop holding onto the past.” She looked at him. “When you’re ready you’ll know it’s time.” She glanced over his shoulder. Following her gaze Nigel looked at himself and the woman on the bed.

“Her name is Aurora and she needs you as much as you need her, Nigel.” Zarlu touched his cheek gently, pulled his face close and kissed him softly and tenderly. “I love you, my warlious.” She started to fade.

Reaching for her he whispered. “I love you, my sesuioul.”

She smiled and disappeared. Watching her leave Nigel knew it was the last time. Tears rained down his face as he returned to his body.

Gasping he came awake, careful not to jerk the sleeping woman. He felt the tears on his face. Taking them off his cheek he held them and watched as they turned into a handful of diamonds. They rose off his palm and floated across the room. A drawer opened and they floated into it before closing. He knew that the drawer was full of diamonds and other gems. For the last year he had been dreaming of Zarlu and each time he woke there were tears on his face which turned into precious gems.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2008.
All Rights Reserved, Ellora’s Cave.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:

TJ Michaels
Ashley Ladd
Lissa Matthews
McKenna Jeffries
Taige Crenshaw
Mari Carr
Vivian Arend
Juliana Stone
Lauren Dane
Shelley Munro

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Emotions with no words

The other day I was watching a ballet when I realized that although there were no words I clearly knew what the dancers were portraying with their body. The ballet had all the emotions it made me laugh, angry, and weep.

After the show it left me thinking of the non verbal communication in everyday life. So I conducted a sort of experiment. I studied people when I walked around, on the train and where ever I went. It was amazing how much I found that I could tell a lot about people without them saying a word. Now I’m not saying that I didn’t notice before when someone was happy, angry or upset before but the ballet made me observe more.

I also took a look at the TV show Lie to Me. The shows whole concept is about reading people. They use the human face and body language. Also peoples tone of voice. Between that and the ballet it opened a fascination in me.

With my experiment and the show they made me think even more. Come up with a story concept to use the non verbal to get emotion across with no words.

Take a shot at observing someone today and see what you can find out. It may lead you to unexpected things.

Finding me around the web....

This is posted on a monthly basis. In addition to here on my blog or on my website, if you want to find me around the web you can check me o...