Saturday, March 20, 2010

Snippet Saturday – Family


Today’s snippet theme is Family. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

onyxmoonrising_smallAn snippet from Onyx Moon Rising

Zaila nodded and walked around the clearing. Her eyes dilated and went blank. Suddenly, she gasped and then collapsed, shuddering. Rushing over to Zaila, Tashana picked her up.

“Zaila.” Tashana touched her face.

It was so cold. Zaila’s heartbeat was sluggish.

Jaynat touched her shoulder. “Let me.” She touched Zaila and murmured an incantation.

Tashana saw something move beneath Zaila’s skin. Suddenly, Zaila sat up and hit Jaynat in the chest, sending her across the clearing. Zalia turned in a blur and hit Tashana. Flying backward, Tashana flipped in the air and landed on her feet. She saw Jaynat use a tree as leverage, walk up it and lock her legs around the limb. Zaila stood and black smoke engulfed her. Tashana started to go to her and stopped, coming up against a barrier. Reaching out to touch it, she realized it was a shield. Zaila had locked them out and whatever she was fighting in. Using her power, Tashana tried to break down the shield. It wouldn’t budge. Jaynat was trying the same thing, but nothing worked.

A glance back at Zaila through the shield showed that a woman had taken shape. Zaila was locked in a furious fight with her. The woman shifted to smoke again. Using it against her, Zaila clenched her fist and twisted her hand while pushing out. The sound of Zaila’s chant rose on the air as her full power flared to strengthen her spell. Time stood still for a moment, then the woman shrieked. She solidified and clutched her chest. Blood bloomed from between her breasts.

The woman turned and looked at Tashana. “You’re all going to die.”

Zaila threw a fireball at her and the woman burned and melted away. The shield dropped. Tashana raced across the clearing, reaching Zaila the same time as Jaynat. Zaila staggered and almost went down. Gripping her from both sides, they held her. Her head lolled as she passed out. From past experienced they knew Zalia would be out for a few hours. Tashana opened a portal to take her home.

Stepping into Zaila’s bedroom, she and Jaynat lifted her up and took her to the bed. Laying Zaila down, they stepped back. She was pale but fine. Turning Jaynat motioned Tashana to the door. Not wanting to leave, she reached for Zaila’s hand.

You don’t have to stay and watch me sleep, Zaila spoke in her mind her voice weary.

You should rest, Tashana replied.

I will as soon as you stop hovering. I’m tired, not dying. Go away. Zaila sounded grumpy.

Chuckling, Tashana stood, watched her one last time and went out the door.

Jaynat was waiting for her. “You must find Sanjay.” There was urgency in her tone.

Tashana frowned. “What did you see?”

Jaynat looked at her. “Blood and death.”

Tashana gasped at the pain on Jaynat’s face.

Jaynat waved her hand. “Go, Shana.”

Urgency filled Tashana as she turned and ran.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2007.
All Rights Reserved, Liquid Silver Books.

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Taige Crenshaw

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