Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy 2013!

Happy 2013! Here’s to a safe, a little bit naughty and most off all fun filled year.

As usual I'm feeling lots of anticipation for 2013. Very excited about the opportunities coming.

This year I am reaffirming my one main goal from which all the others flow out. The main goal:


So get ready for a sizzling year. (grin)

What are your goals/resolutions for 2013?

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Snippet Saturday - Beginnings


Today’s snippet theme is Beginnings. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

An snippet from Shadow Dance….

shadowdance2.jpg“You have been messing with me since that first day,” Yadira said.

The woman nodded then whispered in a voice like silken sheets, “Yes. I am sorry but being so close to power has awakened me out of The Eye of Ra.”

Sekhmet,” Dimitri’s tortured whisper reached her, confirming what she suspected.

Yadira saw the pain and joy in his face. Sekhmet reached out for him and he enfolded her into his arms. She was almost as tall as he was. They trembled together. Yadira could see the tears raining down his face as he held Sekhmet in his arms.

Dimitri pulled back looking at Sekhmet. “We thought you were dead. Kianga, they said you were dead.”

Sekhmet looked at him sorrow on her face. “Ahhh, Dimitri I have not heard that name in so long. It is appropriate that the Kianga name lives and lets the Sekhmet name die. I have missed you my brother.”

They embraced again. Dimitri stroked her hair.

“What happened to you?” Dimitri demanded.

Sekhmet looked over at Solaris. “Father contained me in The Eye of Ra.”

Dimitri looked at Solaris and stepped toward him. Sekhmet stopped him gripping his arm.

“No Dimitri. It was the right thing to do. I would have destroyed the world if he hadn’t.” Sekhmet looked at him sadness and regret on her face.

A cold wind blew into the cave whirling the dirt all around. Yadira shielded her gaze then looked at Dimitri who was standing before Sekhmet. He moved and she realized it wasn’t him, but Dominic. Dimitri stood still next to Sekhmet. “Sekhmet.” Dominic said, pain raw in his voice.

He dropped to his knees and rested his head against her bare stomach. The sound of his weeping filled the chamber. He trembled and shook with the force of it. Dimitri rested his hand on Dominic’s head while his arm encircled Sekhmet. Sekhmet looked down at him shock and pain lighting her face.

“Oh Dominic what has happened to you.” She leaned down pulling him closer to her.

He wrapped his arms more tightly around her and continued to weep. Looking up from him she looked at Solaris. “What have you done?”

Solaris looked at her. “Nothing. You must return to me Sekhmet for the sake of humanity.”

Sekhmet looked at him. “You will not contain me in The Eye of Ra again.” Solaris looked at her pain and sorrow in his gaze. “I must.” Raising his hand he shot bluish fire at her.

Pushing away from Dimitri and Dominic she stepped forward to meet it. It curled around her, swirled, then flowed to her mouth. She opened her full lips and sucked it in. Yadira started as a pop filled the air then the flames were gone.

Solaris looked at Sekhmet. “Ahhh daughter, I do not want to destroy you.”

Sekhmet raised her chin. “You will not have to. I will return home with you and fulfill any punishment you deem sufficient.”

Solaris nodded.

Sekhmet,” Dominic cried.

Sekhmet turned to him and touched his cheek. “No Dominic. It is the right thing to do. I am sorry for all the pain I have made you suffer.” Tears rained down her cheeks and she turned to walk to Solaris.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2007.
All RightsReserved, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Lissa Matthews
Rhian Cahill
Leah Braemel
Myla Jackson
Caris Roane
McKenna Jeffries
Taige Crenshaw
HelenKay Dimon
Shiloh Walker
Delilah Devlin
Eliza Gayle
Lauren Dane
Felicity Heaton

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Snippet Saturday – Endings


Today’s snippet theme is Endings. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

tc_sp_bodycravings_smallAn snippet from Body Cravings

Glancing at her desk, her gaze landed on the calendar. Gasping, Amara noted the date. She hadn’t realized today was the day.

A shaft of sorrow filled her. Absently, she rubbed her hand over her heart as she wondered when the pain would fade. It had been over three years since those last hurtful words justifying his actions had been aimed at her by her fiancé Kevin.

“You’re lousy in bed and that’s why I had to get my needs filled elsewhere.” She had thrown him out as his last insult was hurled. “No man wants to get frostbite in bed. Call me when you melt.”

At that moment, with all her contempt, she had wished him dead. She had hated him with every fiber of her being.

“Amara, are you okay?” Jacques asked with concern in his voice.

Pushing back the memories, she nodded and glanced up at him, smiling. She didn’t think it was very convincing but he watched her a moment before returning his attention back to the sheaf of papers.

Holding herself very still she tried to stop the memories, but they overwhelmed her. Hours after their last words, when the police came to tell her of his death, she hadn’t wanted to believe. They said the crash had happened less than two miles from her house. Since he had no family and she was listed as his next of kin, she had gone to the morgue to identify him. The sight of his lifeless body made all the pain and self-doubt rush to consume her. She had pushed it aside to plan his burial.

At his funeral, which she paid for, she learned the truth of his duplicity. A woman approached her, spraying venomously that Amara had killed him with her selfishness. Amara had no idea what she meant. She had thought Kevin was happy, that they were in love. The woman pulled a little boy forward who was the exact image of Kevin, and proceeded to tell the child to study the woman who’d killed his and his unborn sister’s daddy. A glance at the little boy, who appeared to be no more than three years old, and the sight of the woman’s enlarged belly made Amara realized that Kevin had been cheating a long time. Maybe Kevin had been right, she had driven him to cheat. She couldn’t believe she hadn’t known.

The whispers and titters around the room had increased as the woman’s ranting escalated. Amara had been too numb to even think or move. Dominique Rule, her friend, led her away to a private room. Imani, her sister, joined them and tried to help console her. The room quickly filled with friends, old family friends and various Trescott Cove residents that she knew, who wanted to know if she was okay. Her other friends Sienna Zain and Hunter Willis quickly came and cleared the room of all the people who cared but at that point were too much to take. She didn’t need their concern or pitying glances. The incident had killed whatever love she’d had for Kevin and the guilt she felt.

Coming back to the present, Amara watched Jacques engrossed in the contracts he was reading. Something had always held her back from real fulfillment or entanglements and she never realized what it was, at least until now. Silently she admitted she still hadn’t fully gotten over what Kevin had said about her. She had tried one-night stands and they had only left her empty. It had been over a year since she had been with a man and hadn’t had any serious connections since Kevin.

You should leave well enough alone. You’re successful, have a great home and are happy with your life as it is, Amara thought.

Happy? Are you really happy? her inner voice asked.

Amara jumped when Jacques spoke.

“Thanks for all your work on this.” Jacques signed the papers and stood.

Pushing aside the thoughts, she focused on business. Standing quickly, she put out her hand. Jacques accepted it in a firm grip. Goosebumps raised along her skin. Biting her lip, she cursed her attraction to him.

Jacques spoke again. “Sampson was correct about your discretion ... and tenacity.”

Pleased with his compliment, Amara came around her desk to escort him out. “Thank you. Congratulations on acquiring Tevron Corp. I’ll forward the copies to you at Falcone International in Milan and give Sampson the original when he returns.” At the door, she waited for him to step through and leave.

Jacques stopped and studied her, an unfathomable expression on his face. “Amara, I want to give you a gift for all of your hard work. What do you want?”

The words tumbled out before she could even think about them. “I want you naked on a chair and ready to do whatever I want.”

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2008.
All Rights Reserved, Liquid Silver Books.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Lissa Matthews
Rhian Cahill
Myla Jackson
Caris Roane
McKenna Jeffries
Taige Crenshaw
HelenKay Dimon
Shiloh Walker
Delilah Devlin
Eliza Gayle
Lauren Dane
Felicity Heaton
TJ Michaels

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Snippet Saturday – Winter


Today’s snippet theme is Winter. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

shadowdance2.jpgAn snippet from Shadow Dance

Yadira shivered as she took in the landscape whooshing by her. The ground jarred her as she hit it. Looking up she saw the plane above them She let go the rope and watched the plane as it banked then flew out of sight. Glancing over at Dimitri her body clenched in reaction. He was dressed in full winter gear but she remembered the feel of him below and above her. Dimitri looked at her and arched an eyebrow his face cool. Yadira knew it was a front and couldn’t wait to get him naked again to blow it to shreds.

Turning her attention back to the area she sighed as she took in all the snow and cold. It didn’t matter that she could control her body temperature or keep the cold away from her. It was still there.

“Why couldn’t the places we have to search be in the tropics?” Yadira gripped.

Dimitri chuckled. “That would be too easy. You feel anything.”

Having already lowered her shield Yadira shook her head. “No but let’s walk around for a bit.”

Stepping forward she walked deeper into the Rockies. Continuing into the rough icy terrain she waited for the feeling she got when she found what she was looking for. Nothing came. Reaching a clear area she looked back at Dimitri who was some distance behind her to suggest they leave when a man stepped out from the shadows behind him. Opening her mouth to warn him she swallowed it as grey smoke curled around him and he faded. Closing her mouth Yadira’s eyes narrowed. Before she could get angry or go to help him she heard a sound behind her.

Turning quickly she looked, then groaned. “Ah hell, not you again.”

The woman she had fought earlier looked at her. “Rilan is my name Maji.”

Yadira looked at her. “Why would I want to know your name?”

The woman’s expression changed to hate. “So you will know who bested you when you die.”

Yadira laughed. “Since we are being pleasant. Remember the name Yadira.”


Yadira wondered if she was slow or deliberately obtuse. “Don’t worry after I kick your ass you’ll know why.”

Rilan shrieked and ran at her. Waiting until she was close Yadira put her wrists together with her palms out and pushed out hitting her hard in the chest. The woman flew back through the air then somersaulted landing on her feet. Surprised that Rilan had landed on her feet, Yadira reevaluated her knowledge. Smiling she felt coldness fill her. It looked like she had someone to work out her fury on. Rilan came at her.

Yadira met her blocking all her blows one by one. Rilan seemed to get angrier and angrier. Yadira watched her dispassionately, then using Rilan’s own punch as leverage she spun, grabbed her hand, then flung her across the clearing. Rilan hit a snow-covered tree making it break and the snow on it rained down to bury her. Unmoving Yadira watched her. Rilan burst out of the snow flying through the air at her. Yadira caught her in mid-air, then flipping her, she slammed her on the ground pinning her. Holding her effortlessly Yadira watched as she fought to get free.

Rilan stilled then hissed. “Bitch.”

“Now, now no need to get nasty. Who sent you here?”

Rilan looked at her. “Kill me Maji. I will not answer any of your questions.”

Rilan looked past her and her eyes widened in fear. Holding her with her power Yadira glanced at Dimitri as he came up to join her. His look was cool. Fury filled her as she watched him. Looking away before she hurt him Yadira looked back at the woman. Rilan smiled, then Yadira felt that strange sensation she had felt before. Her power began weaken. Rilan laughed, then disappeared. Furious Yadira punched down where she had been. The earth spilt and the area shook with earthquakes. She heard the rumble and looking across the clearing she saw an avalanche coming down the mountain above them. Waving her hand she stilled it, setting everything back to the way it was. She looked at Dimitri. He started to speak.

Holding up her hand she growled, “Say nothing to me.”

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2007.
All Rights Reserved, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Lissa Matthews
Rhian Cahill
Leah Braemel
Myla Jackson
Caris Roane
Jody Wallace
McKenna Jeffries
Taige Crenshaw
HelenKay Dimon
Shiloh Walker
Delilah Devlin
Eliza Gayle
Lauren Dane
Felicity Heaton
Shelli Stevens
TJ Michaels

Saturday, December 08, 2012

Snippet Saturday – Author's Choice


Today’s snippet theme is Author's Choice. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

An snippet from Hurricane

“No. Just wanted to know more about you.”

Julianne controlled her expression, not wanting him to see her shock. Keenan’s smile, that same damn affable one, made her know that he was aware he’d unsettled her. She didn’t like it one bit. His hands rested on the table. Her mind flashed, imagining his fingers on her skin. Julianne stiffened.

“Well, now you know a bit. I would offer you a tour of the place, but I really need to get to work.” Julianne stood.

She gasped as Keenan moved to hold out her chair for her. For such a big man, he was fast.

“Thanks. Let me see you out.” She strode towards the door and reached to open it.

His hand on her arm stopped her. Julianne held in the shudder at his touch. She closed her eyes briefly and when she opened them she’d blanked her face into the business persona she used with a difficult client. It kept them at bay and offered her a shield of control. She glanced at him with a cool look. “Is there something further?”

“Trying to put up a barrier against me won’t work.”

“I don’t have any idea what you mean.” The lie rolled off her tongue easily.

Internally, she cursed. She was usually blunt and able to handle things.

“You do. It was the same reason that I was so rude at the hospital when I spoke with you. There’s a spark between us, Julianne.” Keenan’s smile was gentle and his look knowing. The sound of her first name in his sexy voice was almost her undoing. Julianne refused to let him affect her—she pulled her arm away from his. Keenan stroked her skin before her released her.

“All we have is business. And, since that’s done, we have nothing further to say,” she replied.

“We had business. I didn’t want to pursue anything while I was doing my investigation. Now that it’s complete, there’s a lot for us to discuss. I want to get to know you better, Julianne. Have dinner with me?” Keenan’s light green gaze was intent.

“I don’t date,” she said, firmly.

“Why?” he fired back.

Julianne gritted her teeth. It figured he would push the issue and question her. “None of your business. Even if I did date, I don’t like aggressive men.”

“That’s good to know, since I’m not aggressive.” Keenan grinned affably.

“Could have fooled me,” Julianne muttered.

“I do go after what I want,” he said softly.

Julianne was caught by the look in his eyes. It was tender and possessive. She clenched her fist. He had no right to have such an expression. They didn’t know each other.

But you want to, her inner voice goaded.

No, I don’t, she countered.

Keep lying to yourself. You want to go out with him, the infernal voice said.

No, I do not. He’s already driving me to talk to myself. I don’t need the hassle, she told herself firmly.

Julianne wrenched open the door, gesturing for him to leave. Keenan took her silent urging and passed her. Julianne followed. He turned suddenly, crowding her. Gasping, she stepped back instinctively before she caught herself and stood her ground. Scowling, Julianne glared at him.

“I unsettle you.” His grin was smug.

“You startled me,” she retorted.

“Deny it all you want, but you’re intrigued by what there might be between us. I’m a patient man. I can wait until you come around. You have my number. Call me when you change your mind.” Keenan shrugged, turning, then strode away.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2012.
All Rights Reserved, Total E Bound.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Lissa Matthews
Rhian Cahill
Leah Braemel
Myla Jackson
Caris Roane
Jody Wallace
McKenna Jeffries
Taige Crenshaw
HelenKay Dimon
Shiloh Walker
Delilah Devlin
Eliza Gayle
Lauren Dane
Felicity Heaton
Shelli Stevens

Friday, December 07, 2012

TGIF and coming in 2013


I’m glad it is Friday. I have lots of plans for the weekend. But it is fun things like reading, watching movies and just chillin. How has you all week been and do you have any plans for weekend?

I know I’ve been quite for a while but it is with good reasons. Been writing and working on some things. There are a few things I have planned for 2013.


Starting January 2013 I will start sending out my monthly newsletter, again. It’s been a while since I’ve done one. If you’re already a member of my newsletter you’ll get it when it is sent out. If you'd like to sign up go here: and subscribe.

In my newsletter there will updates, info on new releases, and other things. Also there will be occasional exclusive contest just for the newsletter subscribers.


In 2013 here on the blog there will be some features I will be doing. Basically I will be blogging more often. I won’t say it will be every day but it will be at least weekly. This will be in addition to the Snippet Saturday.

Crenshaw Cafe

For you my Crenshaw Cafe chat group members. In 2013 I will be posting exclusive sneak peeks of my upcoming books. Also have some other things planned that I’m not saying about yet. *wicked grin* Yeah I am teasing but I like to tease. LOL.

That is all for now. :) Have a great weekend.

Finding me around the web....

This is posted on a monthly basis. In addition to here on my blog or on my website, if you want to find me around the web you can check me o...