Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Taige Crenshaw Birthday Bash with Alannah Lynne!


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birthday dog



When Kat and Erik found out it was your birthday, they dressed Little Bit up in his best party clothes and sent him over with a special gift for one of your guests. In case you don’t know who Little Bit IS, here’s the scene from SAVIN’ ME when Kat met him for the first time:


Kat stopped dead in her tracks on the marina catwalk and stared in disbelief. “What the hell is that?”

Erik tried to look innocent, but it was a wasted attempt. She’d bet he couldn’t squeeze an ounce of innocence from his entire body. “It’s my boat.”

She ignored the obvious and focused on the creature sitting on the bow of the boat. The one with the wagging tail and tongue flopping out of the corner of its mouth. “What’s that thing on the boat?”

“Little Bit.”

She narrowed her eyes and leaned in for a closer look. “Little bit of what?”

Erik laughed as he knelt and rubbed the creature’s head. “They said at the pound he was a little bit of everything, so that’s what I named him. Little Bit.”

“You have a dog?”

He twisted his head around to look at her. “Why does that shock you?”

“Because… well… that makes you… domesticated.”

“What?” Amusement crinkled his face, but his tone was guarded.

“Yeah, and getting him from the pound is nice.”

He stood and turned to face her. “You don’t think I’m nice?”


He cocked his head to the side and all traces of amusement melted away.

“No! I mean, oh, hell.” She rubbed her hand across her forehead and took a deep breath. “It’s just that getting him from the pound is a nice-guy move. I need you to keep being a jerk.”

“That night at dinner, you mentioned volunteering at the animal shelter. You said there were tons of animals there that needed good homes.”

He remembered that?

“When Steve started talking about getting a dog, I told him to check it out. I went with him, and as soon as I saw LB, I knew I had to have him.” He glanced at the dog and smiled affectionately. “He’s so u-g-l-y, I was afraid no one else would adopt him.”

Her mouth dropped open. “Did you just spell ugly so you wouldn’t hurt the dog’s feelings?”

He smiled shyly and lifted a shoulder. “He’s pretty smart.”

She slid her gaze to the brown, black, and white dog with a long snout, ears that stood straight up, and a long, slender body. He was ugly. But he was also kind of cute… in an ugly sort of way. And, based on the way his big, brown eyes tracked every move Eik made, he adored his master.

Damn, damn, damn. Not only did Erik get a dog from the shelter—one of the nicest things a person could do in her book—he got the ugly one. She barely managed to keep from stomping her foot as she harrumphed in frustration. Talk about unfair.

“And what do you mean ‘keep being a jerk’?”

Her irritation had almost escaped, but she snatched it back like a lifeline. As long as she stayed angry, she could maintain her emotional distance. If she maintained her distance, she could keep this unconventional meeting focused on business. “Yeah, remember how you manipulated things this morning? That was being a jerk.” She glanced around and said, “Why are we at the marina? It appears you expect me to get on that boat.”

His grin was quick and fleeting. “By the time I drive ten miles up the south side of the river, cross the connector and bridge, then drive the eight miles back down this side, it takes me thirty minutes to get here from the plant. I can go from one side of the river to the other, by boat, in less than half that time. Plus, it’s a beautiful day. Why not take advantage of it?”

“I’m supposed to be working.” And this fell under the category of fun.

“You are working,” Erik said, jumping on to the boat with practiced ease. “What better way to learn about boats than to ride on one?” He extended his hand. “Give me your hand, and I’ll help you climb aboard.”

She chewed her bottom lip and considered the wisdom of trying to “climb aboard” without his help. Accept his hand and suffer the cruel and unusual punishment of touching him for the second time today? Or—she glanced down her sundress to her sandals—make a go of it on her own and risk taking a swim?

“Take my hand, Kat. I won’t bite.” A seductive smile that mirrored his easy drawl slid across his lips. “Unless you want me to.”

Unwilling to be outdone—or undone—by him, she ignored her curling toes and the warming in her belly and took his hand. His large, strong hand that completely enveloped hers. She silently cursed the universe for putting her in this position, knowing this brief encounter couldn’t and wouldn’t go any further than this one magnificent touch.

As she struggled to gracefully maneuver over the boat’s railing, she asked, “Why didn’t you tell me we were going on a boat? When you said ‘wear something comfortable’ I didn’t know you meant a bathing suit and flip-flops.” With both feet firmly planted on the boat’s deck, she shook her hand free of his.

He took her laptop bag and purse and stashed them inside a hatch. “Would you have agreed to come with me if I’d told you?”

“I wouldn’t have agreed to come with you, at all, if I hadn’t felt forced.”

The jerk had the audacity to smile. And not just any smile, but one capable of melting right through her armor. “Then I guess it’s my lucky day.” Reducing the wattage on the smile, he said, “I’m sorry for manipulating you. But I do think seeing the plant will help you get a better feel for our operation and the high quality boats we manufacture.” He moved a step closer. “I’ll make it up to you, if you’ll let me.”

Oh, no. Uh-uh… absolutely not. “Nope, no making up necessary.”






One step away from the coveted Vice Presidency of her firm, the last thing Kat Owens needs is the distraction of a man. Her client, Erik Monteague, disagrees. He’s charming, sexy, seductive, and impossible to ignore or refuse. After succumbing to his advances, Kat’s forced to choose between her career and the man she’s fallen for... while knowing even her love might not be enough to save him from self-destructing.

While Erik’s perfectly executed seduction gets Kat into his bed, the end result is more than he bargained for. Having spent the past ten years wallowing in guilt and self-loathing over his fiancée’s tragic death, falling in love is unacceptable. However, Kat’s passionate, loving nature dissolves the carefully constructed walls guarding his heart, forcing him to face his tragic past and make a decision... spend the rest of his life running, or risk being devastated by love again?
I think that's everything. :-D I would love to get my blog set up with the additional pages so that it functions more like a website and we're able to make these changes easily there. I just haven't had time to sit down and figure it all out. It's on my mile-long to-do list, though, so maybe one of these days I'll get that figured out.

Please be advised, “Savin’ Me” contains adult language and adult situations and is not suitable for young readers.

To find out how the rest of the “business meeting” went, you can find SAVIN’ ME at Amazon, B&N, iTunes, Kobo, and ARe.


Erik, Kat, Little Bit, and I hope you have a wonderful birthday, Taige. In honor of your special day, we’re giving away a copy of SAVIN’ ME to add to one of your prize packages! 


Thanks for letting us celebrate with you!!!


New 2013 Promo photo 

 Author Bio:


Alannah believes there's nothing more magical than finding the other half of your soul, experiencing fiery passion, and knowing you've found happily-ever-after.


She loves going to work each day (in sweats and a T-shirt) and writing about hot heroes and feisty heroines who torment each other in the most delicious ways before finding their happy ending.


She lives in the coastal region of North Carolina with her husband, who also happens to be her best friend and biggest fan. They have two sons, two dog, two cats, and an outrageous number of ducks and geese that inhabit the pond on their farm.


To stay abreast of her current releases and contests, visit her website and sign up for her newsletter, or connect with her on Facebook.




Anne said...

Always glad to read about a book which indirectly promotes animal shelters. I just recently read a newspaper article that said younger people are steering away from shelter because they feel the animals have behavioral problems. What a crock! Some, I'm sure do, but getting them from other sources is no guarantee.

Alannah Lynne said...

Hi Anne! The animal shelter is one of Kat's passions, along with Erik (LOL), so there's several mentions in this story. I hadn't thought of it as promoting shelters until you mentioned it. But now that you have, I'm glad it's a part of the story. Maybe it will make someone stop and think in the future. :-) Thanks for commenting!!

lisa w said...

Love this series. HAPPY BIRTHDAY

Patty P said...

Love this series. Little Bit is adorable. Happy Birthday

lisa sarchie-casamassima said...

Hey Alannah, how's it going!!!

Becki Wyer said...

Love ? Alannah Lynne. Happy Birthday Taige.

Becki Wyer said...

That ? was supposed to be a heart <3 lol

Carolyn Overholser said...

Little Bit reminds me of Pirate, the jack russell terrior, of Angie Fox's demon slayer series. Book sounds really interesting.

Linda Brennan said...

My husband and our children and I are caregivers to two really spoiled cats. They are a brother and sister we rescued. Loved the excerpt!!!

Angela Love said...

Happy Birthday Taige!!!!

I Love Love Love you Alannah!!!! I love Savin Me And Last Call and My PERSONAL Favorite with MY GUY Kevin..... in Crossing Lines.....

But most of all I love your work all of it!!!!!!

So Thank you for Being Awesome!!!

Karen Johnson said...

Happy Birthday.

jennifer mathis said...

fab excerpt

Stacey A Smith said...

I love Animals in books.sound like a sweet read.

Pamk said...

He sounds like a nice guy. I love that he spelled ugly so the dog wouldn't understand.

Alannah Lynne said...

Ack!! I'm so sorry I didn't get back over here to reply!!! Thanks for visiting with me over here, Lisa!!!


Alannah Lynne said...

Hi Patty!! Thank you!!!

Little Bit was actually a real dog. :-) My uncle had a dog named Little Bit, and they named him that for the same reason Erik named his LB. He was also so doggone ugly he was cute. I have a picture of him on my FB page, I think. I'll double-check and if not, I'll add him.

Thanks for visiting with me!!

Alannah Lynne said...

Hey girl!!! I can't believe I forgot to come back over here and reply to comments!! Bad, Alannah!

Thanks for stopping by and visiting with me here!!

Alannah Lynne said...

Hahahaha.... are you sure that wasn't a Freudian slip?! :D

Love you back!!! *Muah*

Alannah Lynne said...

I'm not familiar with those books, but I"ll have to check them out!! I'm glad you enjoyed the excerpt! Good luck in the contest and thanks for commenting!

Alannah Lynne said...

We have a cat rescued from the shelter, and our good friends have her sister. They're calicoes and their mom was feral. I wish I could say they're really sweet, but they're not. :D They are, however, very spoiled. LOL Thanks for commenting!!

Alannah Lynne said...

:D People are gonna think I pay you... and I probably should!!! Thank you for being such a great supporter and, more importantly, a great friend!!


Alannah Lynne said...

Hey Karen - thanks for commenting!! Good luck in the contest!!

Alannah Lynne said...

Hi Jennifer!! I'm glad you enjoyed it!!

Alannah Lynne said...

Hi Stacey!! Little Bit, or LB as Erik calls him most of the time, has a few key scenes. Which I really liked because it does make the wild, party-hard playboy more "domesticated." :D Glad you enjoyed the excerpt!

Alannah Lynne said...

It totally cracked me up when that happened!! When I write, I sort of see the scenes as movies, and I just take dictation on what I'm seeing. Because of that, I'm often treated to some cute and funny stuff, and I loved when he did that. :D Glad you enjoyed the excerpt!

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