Thursday, August 22, 2013

Ink Motions with Wendi Zwaduk




An Interview with Wendi Zwaduk

When or what made you decide to become an author?

First, thanks for having me here. I love hanging out with my writerly friends. Grin.

Now about that first question...I had stories in my head and decided to unleash them on others. Once I did start talking about what I’d written and got some feedback, I decided to put pen to paper. Well, no, fingers to keyboard is more like it. I also had read a racing themed story and didn’t like the ending, so I wrote my own.


How do you get an idea for your novel?

Dual Threat was born out of a submission call. Shifters in spring. The spring part became irrelevant, but the shifters were very relevant. I didn’t set out to write a ménage, but when I found out that Ian and Evan were twins, I couldn’t leave anyone out. I let them dictate where the story would go and who they’d end up with. My shifters are probably not traditional, but I like them that way.


What is the inspiration you use?

Dual Threat was inspired by photos of tigers, learning about tigers and a picture of triplets a friend used as bait to convince me to write a story. Hey, it worked!


What is your writing style?  Do you just sit down and write or do you create character sketches, outlines, or notes?

Both. I have notes, but usually about the time I sit down to follow those notes the muse takes over. Sometimes I’ll sit down really to push forward without notes and I get stuck. I end up in those moments, sitting down with pen and paper to write and work out the next part. Sometimes going balls to the wall with the story straight from my brain works. Sometimes not. I never force the story or the characters.


Who is the "Writing Muse" in your life? I.E. who gets your juices flowing when you are blocked?  

Photos of Chris Evans. Good gravy he gets the muse going.  If that doesn’t work, I’ve got a selection of pictures given to me as challenges by my friend Stephanie Burke. She’s good for kick-starting the muse.


Walk me though the way you create a novel from conception to completion.

I think through the story, usually minus the ending. Then I jot notes in my notebook, Pieces and parts to sort out exactly what will happen. Sometimes I just sit down and let the characters talk.


What is the type of voice you use and why?

I tend to use third person voice because I like getting into the character’s head. Sometimes I write in first person if the story is short. I like to show the point of view of both the hero and heroine. I can’t describe my voice when I write other than I have a slightly off-kilter sense of humor and it shows in my work.


How many novels have you written including all work in progresses you are currently working on?

I’ve got over six novels and more than thirty novellas or short stories under my belt. I’m currently working on an erotic novella featuring a vampire.


Who is your "writing idol"? I.E. Who do you like and what is it about there writing that captures your soul?

I don’t know that I have any one person I want to be like. I’ve said I wanted to grow up and write like Anne Rainey or Lora Leigh , but I’m pretty happy in my own skin. But I love both Raines and Leigh’s writing. I’m a sucker for KA Mitchell’s work, too.


What is you favorite plot line type?

Second chance romance. I love when characters can get that one chance to have what they want, even after the rest of their lives have fallen apart. Giving them that second chance is rewarding for me. I love it.


What is your current work in progress and how did get the idea for it?

My current work in progress, tentatively titled You Have Me, was born out of the song My Immortal by Evanescence. Okay, granted, that’s sort of an easy jump. Talking about an immortal who is hurting and vampires. It is. But it was more than the song, or even the sad tune. That was my jumping off point. How Kynan and Lexa deal with each other is all their own invention.


Describe the major conflict between the hero and heroine in your novel?

The major conflict for Kaia, Ethan and Ian is emotional. Can she love two men, especially two men who shift into tigers? There is also a secondary conflict in her ex wanting back into her life.


Is there any advice you can offer to anyone who would like to write?

Read, read, read and develop a thick skin.


Where are the bodies buried? IE Is there any old work in progresses you threw aside and decided not to complete and why?

Oh yeah, I’ve got stories on my hard drive that aren’t really ready for anything and probably won’t see completion. One is racier than even I would normally write and the others are secondary characters who want stories told, but the stories aren’t ready.


What is a good villain?

Someone who comes across as a good person, but really has a nasty undertone that needs to be discovered.


Are there any last comments you may want to include?

Check out my work and let me know what you think. I love hearing from readers. I’m also glad to be here with Taige. This was a lot of fun. Thanks!




Dual Threat by Wendi Zwaduk

Genre Paranormal, Contemporary, Shifters, Menage, M/F/M
Heat Level 3
Words 15,000
Content Notes Hot, Anal Play, Polyamory, MFM
Publication Date 6/10/2013

In a new paranormal romance from Wendi Zwaduk, two tiger shifters meet the girl of their dreams. Now all they have to do is convince her they hold the key to her heart and a life of love. Hampered by the pain of her past, it may take a dual threat for love to rule the day.

Kaia Martin dances to pay the bills. She doesn’t mind baring her body, but her heart? That’s another question. But what happens when two tiger shifters push her out of her comfort zone and into her heart’s desire?

Evan and Ian Davis have been in love with Kaia since the moment they met her. Their tigers know she’s the one for them. They’ve waited long enough for her to see what they’ve always known—she’s their mate. Can these twin tiger shifters prove love really can conquer all?



“A beer and a real good fuck.”

Ian massaged his temples. He’d stared at the computer screen for far too long and his head ached. A cold beer and a hot woman would help ease his tension right about now. Beer to chill him out and the woman to take his mind off the numbers. He didn’t have either the booze or the girl, but the inventory still stared back at him from his computer screen. Lots of numbers, and each needed a place to go on his spreadsheets. He tallied the camera sales. He’d need to order a couple hundred more micro wireless cameras as well as the infrared home monitoring cameras and at least a thousand yards of cable. The numbers began to blur again, and he closed his eyes. Running the store made paying the bills a breeze, but sometimes he hated looking at surveillance equipment.

A vision formed behind his closed eyelids. The woman, curves where a woman should be curvy, black hair in fat curls dangling down her back, and not a stitch of clothing in sight, danced. The spotlight she moved in front of gave him the perfect outline of her body and a tantalizing hint of her identity. He’d know her anywhere. His mouth watered, and he longed to touch her. He slid down in his seat and thanked the Goddess the desk hid his erection. He cupped the bulge in his pants with both hands and stroked in time with her swaying.

Kaia Martin. His tiger roared from within. The moment he laid eyes on her, he and his animal knew she’d complete him. Whether she’d fit in with him and his brother … they’d figure that out soon enough. Better to tempt her with one tiger than to scare the living fuck out of her with both of them at the same time.

He rested his head on the back of his chair and continued to stroke himself. He needed to see her. The Glass Martini Gentlemen’s Club sucked in so many ways. Too much cigarette smoke, too many drunken men trying to paw the girls, and more than a couple of girls trying too hard to hit on the paying customers. He’d begged his sister, Sonya, not to work there, but being the wild card of the family, she ignored whatever he said. Then he met Kaia. Kaia served as the bright spot in his life.


0WendiI’ve always dreamt of writing the stories in my head. Tall, dark, and handsome heroes are my favorites, as long as he has an independent woman keeping him in line.  I love playing with words and letting the characters run wild.

NASCAR, Ohio farmland, dirt racing, animals and second chance romance  all feature prominently in my books.  I also write under the pen name of Megan Slayer. I’m published with Total-E-Bound, Resplendence Publishing, Changeling Press, Liquid Silver Books, Turquoise Morning Press, Decadent Publishing and The Wild Rose Press. Come join me for this fantastic journey!

If you like my work, tell your friends and email me. I love hearing from readers!



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