Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Taige Crenshaw Birthday Bash with McKenna Jeffries!

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Exploring Family Dynamics

by: McKenna Jeffries

Family is interesting to explore. I love exploring families. No matter what type. Family isn’t about the blood it’s all about what is in the heart. There are millions of definitions you can have of family. I like exploring the many different type of families in my books.  More specifically the dynamics of them. Here is a definition of family and my own.

The Typical Dictionary Definition of Family ~
A fundamental social group in society typically consisting of one or two parents and their children.

The McKenna Jeffries Definition of Family ~
Individuals who share ties either through blood or through a deeper bond that surpasses friendship that shares in each other’s lives to create a close knit unit of familial relations.

I’ve worked on many books about family. About the variety of family dynamics. I love exploring the complexities of my characters. Enjoy building families either by blood, circumstances or something that binds them together as family. There is so much to explore in families. The dynamic of them is fascinating to me.

Thinking of family brings memories of my own moments of families either traditional or non. My family by blood is there for me and I love them very much. I also have some really great friends who are family to me. They are there when I need an ear, someone to cry with, celebrate, share secrets or just being there. And I am there for them too. The diversity of having such families helps when needing a varying opinion. I think of the moments I have shared good, bad and in between with all my family. And I am grateful for each.

These moments of family are what I love exploring in my books. How no matter what happens there is someone in your corner when you need them. Someone there who will hold you up when you need. Or help you plot the best course of action if needed. Or if needed just be with you as you deal. It’s all about the relation of family.

Think of some moment in your life and give me what is your own definition of family?

mckennajeffries ConqueringJazz
Conquering Jazz

Publisher:   Liquid Silver Books

ISBN #: 978-1-59578-430-8

Genre: Contemporary

Series: Sultry Nights - Book One

Format: E-Book



Jasmine Hamlin unwittingly makes a proposition to her friend Reese Bryant. She tries to recant but he dares her to take a chance to walk on the wild side. Unable to resist the dare and the passion she feels for him she accepts.
Her plan? They play by her rules and the affair will end when they both are fulfilled- as long as she can keep her control they can still be friends. But Reese wants to be more than friends.

His plan? To break her rules even as he fulfills her fantasies and make sure their affair never ends.



I can't enjoy the damn movie. I don't understand why I can’t stop thinking about him. Snap out of it. He is your friend. You share almost everything. Except sex! Oh, there’s the problem. But I can have sex with him. Oh, stop it! Get that out of your mind. Sex! There it goes again! What would I say?

"I want you--naked, sweaty, on the floor, the wall, or anywhere I can get you." The words were out before she even realized she’d spoken aloud.

She looked into his shocked face, horrified. "Please tell me I did not say that out loud.” She felt her cheeks heat in mortification.

A roughish grin spread over his face as Reese replied, “Yes, you did.”

“I didn’t mean it. I’m in a huge nightmare. Forget I said it.” Jasmine covered her eyes, bending her head forward.

“No, I won’t forget it.” His voice deepened, sounding even sexier.

“You always had a mean streak in you. I don’t know why you can’t give me a break and do something I say for once,”  she rambled through her splayed fingers.

Reese reached over, lifted her hands from her eyes, then put them over her mouth, gazing at her. She was startled by the desire she saw etched on his face.

“Jazz, stop. You said it, and if you would let me reply: I agree.”

Her eyes widened as Reese slowly let go of her hands.

She stared at him, dumbfounded. What do I do now? She breathed in and out quickly. Fear choked her.

“Jazz, are you hyperventilating on me? Say something. Come on, don’t lose it on me. I’ve been waiting for this for two years.”

“Why? When?” she croaked.

“When what?” he asked. Jasmine stared at him. He stared back at her with a look that dared her to say it, and she never backed down from a dare.

“When do you want to do it?”

“It? You can do better than that. Tell me what you want, and I might answer you,”  Reese arrogantly replied.

“Sex! All right? Sex! There. I said it! You are so frustrating. Happy now?”

Smugly, he replied, “Yes, I am. Now.”

“Now what? You want to torture me some more?”

He looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

“Oh. You mean, ‘now’?” She was looking into his heated hazel eyes. Only, they were no longer hazel, but had liquefied into a steaming topaz. The desire she saw in them took her breath away. Shaking her head, she backed away from him. Nodding, he followed her. Recovering from her surprise, she stopped backing up and stood her ground.

“Stop looking at me like that.”

“Like what?”

“Like I’m an ice cream cone you can’t wait to lick up and down.”

“I don’t want to lick you up and down.”

She released a quick breath.

“I want to eat you whole.”

Copyright © McKenna Jeffries, 2008.

All Rights Reserved, Liquid Silver Books.


Buy Here:






McKenna Jeffries has loved the written word from time she picked up her first book. Soon she was creating tales of love and family. Although McKenna used to make up stories she never thought to put them on paper until....she realized the stories would keep filling her until they were written. Since then she's been writing and sharing her books. There is always some new story floating around her head. An itchy feeling in her fingers fills her until she can get a piece of paper to write it down. She writes because it's a love affair. Writing is in her blood and she enjoys taking readers on a journey.

With so many ideas filling her, McKenna is always hard at work.

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lisa s-c said...

we built our family with bio children and adopted children. I love my family

Angela Love said...

My family Sucks...... I'm not Close to my mother my step father is a Perv and my dad is a Drunk but he is my dad so he is a Hero no matter what..... so I got married and I have my husband who is my Best friend and my kids that is my family and I have my friends whom I have never met.... but they are friends so to me that is family.....

Happy Birthday Taige....

Karen Johnson said...

I have 3 families. First, by blood. My Father and sister mean the world to me. Second, My ladies social club - They are my sisters of the heart. Whenever I need them they are there. Third - My work family - These are people that I spend a minimum of 10 hours a day with everyday. Some of us have worked together for more than 15 years. We know each other very well. We eat breakfast and lunch together everyday.

Linda Brennan said...

I think every day is a chance to make moments to remember with my family. My husband and our son and daughter are the biggest blessings in my life!

Paula Meriwether said...

I was bless to have been born into a very large family and I am proud to say that my 4 sisters are also my best friends. That's the blood family. Then there is the family you choose. I have two friends that I think of as my sisters as well. They all mean the world to me.

jennifer mathis said...

my definition of family is those who stand with you through thick and thin not necessarily those who you share blood with

Anne said...

It amazes me this day in age when I still hear or read about people of don't or didn't know they were adopted. Why some people think that makes someone less family is crazy.

Carolyn Overholser said...

I'm such a homebody that I don't have friends that treat me like family-just work aquantices. I'm not close to my mom, she let my perv step dad abuse me so don't have much to do with them. I do have my hubby, his parents-that I do get along with some what and his niece and her son, and my 2 fur babies buddy, a maltise poodle, and patches, a shitzu poodle.

Stacey A Smith said...

Could not make it with out my family around me.and pets
Happy Birthday Taige

Pamk said...

my family are not only blood they are the family of heart. Some of them I was born with and some of them I've added as I've gone on.
love that excerpt. Like the friend to lovers theme

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