Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Emotions with no words

The other day I was watching a ballet when I realized that although there were no words I clearly knew what the dancers were portraying with their body. The ballet had all the emotions it made me laugh, angry, and weep.

After the show it left me thinking of the non verbal communication in everyday life. So I conducted a sort of experiment. I studied people when I walked around, on the train and where ever I went. It was amazing how much I found that I could tell a lot about people without them saying a word. Now I’m not saying that I didn’t notice before when someone was happy, angry or upset before but the ballet made me observe more.

I also took a look at the TV show Lie to Me. The shows whole concept is about reading people. They use the human face and body language. Also peoples tone of voice. Between that and the ballet it opened a fascination in me.

With my experiment and the show they made me think even more. Come up with a story concept to use the non verbal to get emotion across with no words.

Take a shot at observing someone today and see what you can find out. It may lead you to unexpected things.

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