Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Being You

I was talking with someone recently and she mentioned something that disturbed me. Basically it was all about being you. She was putting on a façade to those around her. She mentioned she could only be her with a few people and I was one of them. Since I couldn’t understand how one could not be themselves it led to a long discussion. It was really eye opening and mouth dropping. I guess I am naïve when it comes to something. But the one thing I can be very experienced about is who I am.

As I listened to her I was tired just hearing how she acted around different people. All I could think was – it was too much effort to put on a front to different people why don’t you just be you. I didn’t tell her this because she wasn’t a friend of mine. If she was I would have given her a reality check. Anyway when I left her I couldn’t stop thinking about the conversation. It made me sad that she felt she had to act a certain way to supposedly fit into certain circumstances or put on another persona to make other see her a certain way. She was basically being fake.

Being disturbed by the conversation I discussed it with a close friend. My friend was as baffled as I was. When I asked her why she thought I didn’t get it she was her usual blunt self saying “I just don’t give a f--- what others think of me. You on the other hand are too blunt like me and just enjoying being you. You are honest to a fault. Not to mention nice which those who don’t know you take as being weak or easily walked over. Boy, are they wrong. You might be nice but you don’t put on airs or take shit from anyone. It boils down to being genuine and real. And that’s what we have.” When she said that I knew she was right. Of course I had to tease her for making me blush with saying I’m nice and all that crap. I’m mean I tell ya. Mean and don’t let anyone tell you different. LOL.

Yes my friend was right I just couldn’t get it because it was so far out of the realm of what I did for myself or with people who are my friends. When I call someone friend I mean it. When I say I like or hate something I mean it. When I talk with you what I say is what I want to not a false front to make you feel a certain way about me. Again it made me sad that someone had to put on an act. All I still wonder is why. There is nothing more awesome than being who you are. Being the same with everyone. No I’m not talking about talking the same with everyone but being the core of being you.

If the person you are dealing with doesn’t like it. Tough. Not everyone will like you. Not everyone will understand you. Not everyone will want to be your friend. And that is ok. When it comes down to it all that matter is what is inside of you. Don’t let anyone change who you are or change to suit what other perceive. There is nothing better than just being you.

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