Monday, February 17, 2014

Ink Motions with Dena Garson and a giveaway!




Ink Motions - Interview


When or what made you decide to become an author?

I’ve long been a reader. One day, my BFF and I were sitting around talking about a book we had both read and how we hated waiting for the next book to come out. She said “one of us should be writing this stuff.” I agreed with her! So I did some research, joined Romance Writers of America as well as a local writing group, took a few classes on publishing and learned everything I could about the romance industry.


How do you get an idea for your novel?

Something will trigger a scene in my head. If the scene catches enough of my attention I begin to dissect it. Who are the people and how did they come to be in the situation I was seeing? I ask “why” an awful lot. The answers lead to more questions and eventually become a book.


What is the inspiration you use?

Inspiration comes from a variety of places. Often it’s a conversation with a friend. Sometimes it’s an article in a magazine or newspaper. I’ve even had a couple of dreams that stuck with me enough to write them down.


What is your writing style?  Do you just sit down and write or do you create character sketches, outlines, or notes?

I am a plotter. I may draft the original scene that inspired the book idea, but I have to create a working outline before I get very far with a manuscript. When I don’t have an outline, I lose focus and find it hard to write the next scene.

As I write, I make notes about my characters because I’m often discovering things about them that I didn’t know in the beginning.


What is the type of voice you use and why?

When I began writing for publication I wrote in first person. For some reason it was more comfortable to write as if I were telling my BFF the story. Risky Business actually started out in first person, but I changed it when I did a rewrite for my previous editor. Ghostly Persuasion and Mystic’s Touch are both written in third person. That was just the way I saw the stories unfold in my head.


How many novels have you written including all work in progresses you are currently working on?

I have five books published with Ellora’s Cave and a sixth coming out on Feb. 13th. As for WIPs, I’m embarrassed to admit I have at least a dozen in various states of completion. This past year, I forced myself to prioritize that list. Five bubbled to the top as something I might be able to finish in a few months if I tried hard enough.


Who is your "writing idol"? I.E. Who do you like and what is it about their writing that captures your soul?

I can’t say that there is any one author that I idolize. There are many I admire for different reasons.  Sherrilyn Kenyon is a great story teller and I admire how she isn’t afraid to torture her characters even as she adds humor and sarcasm to the adventure. Julia Quinn writes wonderfully light hearted stories that never fail to make me laugh. Angela Knight’s sex scenes are some of the hottest I’ve read without going too far over the top. Hannah Howell has a way of sucking me into her stories to the point that I block out everything around me in the real world. I often take her books with me on an airplane just so I can forget how uncomfortable I am.


What is your current work in progress and how did get the idea for the WIP?

My current WIP is a Native American historical with paranormal elements. And of course it will be a sensual romance. The idea came from two places. A friend of mine has been pushing me to write a book with Native American characters since my own family has roots in the Choctaw nation. Then, as I was reading a few Cherokee myths and legends, one stuck with me. It was about skinwalkers – medicine men who could transform into an animal by wearing the skin of that animal. I can’t say more without giving away the plot, so I’ll just say that I’m very excited about this story.


Describe the major conflict between the hero and heroine in your novel?

In my newest release, Mystic’s Touch, the major conflict is that my heroine has been asked to heal the Prince but by doing so, she risks deepening a telepathic connections she has with him and revealing that she descended from a line of Mystics who have been banished from the kingdom for several generations.


Is there any advice you can offer to anyone who would like to write?

Write, write and write some more. Even when your manuscript is rejected by a publisher, don’t give up. Don’t give up on yourself and don’t give up on the manuscript. Just because the story wasn’t right for X publisher, doesn’t mean it won’t find a home with Y publisher.


Where are the bodies buried? IE Is there any old work in progresses you threw aside and decided not to complete and why?

I am an eternal optimist. I have a couple of stories that no longer generate excitement for me, but that doesn’t mean that I won’t someday think of a new twist to the plot or characters that will motivate me to finish them.

I do have a story that I started with the idea of including a ménage. But as I got into the story line and learned more about my characters I realized I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t write the ménage. I still can’t. But one of these days I will finish that story!


What is a good villain?

One that makes me love to hate them.





Mystic's Touch

Release Date: Feb. 13, 2014

ISBN: 9781419938023

When Prince Ceros returns home to take his place on the throne, he falls prey to a mysterious malady that leaves him unable to speak or move, though his thoughts and awareness remain intact. Danet, a talented healer, realizes the prince is alert inside his body. The two are able to share thoughts telepathically. Unfortunately her connection with Ceros may bring unwanted attention to her abilities and result in her banishment from the city.

Their unique bond grows as Danet races to find a remedy for the prince’s condition. Desire turns to love, which makes Danet fear for their future when he awakens. They seek out the villain attempting to take the throne and endeavor to find a way to stay together.

An excerpt from Mystic’s Touch:


By the Gods, why can no one hear me!


Ceros continued to yell until even the voice in his head began to sound hoarse. Still no one responded. There were people in the room. He could hear them moving about and whispering. Since he couldn’t turn his head, he couldn’t see anything except the same ceiling view he’d had since he’d awakened.


Could be worse. My eyes could have been closed.


He tried to move an arm, a leg, a finger. He tried to turn his head again, but nothing worked that he could tell. One of the physicians had told his mother earlier they were bewildered by what ailed him. They only know half of the puzzle. His body may not be responding to any of the pokes and prods as they tested his reactions, but he could feel everything, hear everything and see the few things that passed through his line of sight.


He simply had no control over his own limbs.


It was frustrating beyond belief to not be able to communicate. He tried to tell them he was alive and functional inside his shell of a body.


Thank the Gods his mother insisted they feed him what they could. So far it had been water and broth mixed with some kind of herbs. All spooned in small quantities as someone encouraged his throat muscles to work. Ceros knew his body would soon wither away if they didn’t find a cure for whatever was wrong.


With nothing else to do, Ceros replayed his memories of the morning and tried to discern what happened. He’d had no unknown food or drink since he and Gehiji left Shirghada. They’d packed their own rations before leaving and traveled alone.


Gehiji was no threat. He’d protected Ceros’ back more times than he cared to think about. And Ceros had done the same for Gehiji.


He remembered meeting Aleric and the council members at the oasis on the outskirts of Licosia. After that, his memory became clouded.


When he woke, his father’s old physician, Darius, was speaking with his mother. He couldn’t see her, but he was sure it was his mother who clung to his hand. Darius said he didn’t know what was wrong but promised to consult some colleagues and dig through his tomes to find an answer.


His mother came and went several times through the day, but her own physician had cautioned her against staying and exhausting herself when there was nothing she could do to help. Ceros hated being the cause of more grief for her. She had just lost her husband, the father of her children, her king. She was probably worried she would lose him too.


What if the throne were in jeopardy?


If it hadn’t already been chilled, his blood would have run cold at the thought.


His father’s death had been labeled a hunting accident. Even though he knew how many things could go wrong on a hunt, Ceros felt there was room for speculation.


Ceros had been away from the royal court and the related politics for years. There would be no reason for anyone to hold a grudge against him. If his present condition was the result of someone’s attempt to kill him, it would most likely be someone who felt he or she had a chance to gain power, or perhaps even rule over Licosia.


He ran through the list of people who would step up in power if he died or was deemed unfit to rule by the council. While he’d been away, he allowed himself to get caught up in the politics of Shirghada instead of Licosia. He didn’t readily remember all of the highest-ranking council members.


In his present condition, he couldn’t ask anyone. He couldn’t even make a list of the names he did know.


Damnation! If he got out of this predicament, he would remedy that problem as quickly as possible. He allowed himself a string of curses to relieve some of the tension he felt building up inside.


That’s a very creative use of more than a dozen curses. And all of them used in a single thought too.


Ceros was startled by the sound of a female voice inside his head. Oh Gods, I’ve finally gone mad. Now I’m hearing voices.


You haven’t gone any more mad than I, the voice attempted to reassure him.


That isn’t a comforting thought.


The voice laughed, the light sound dancing through his mind, soothing some of his frustrations.


Who are you? Ceros asked.


There was a pause before the voice answered.


I don’t think I will reveal that just yet.


Do you know who I am? Ceros asked, allowing his royal breeding to show in his voice.


I believe so.


You don’t know for sure?


I didn’t at first, no.


How long have you been listening to my thoughts?


I first heard them this morning, but mistook them for echoes from somewhere within the palace. When I realized no one else could hear you and sensed how frustrated you were, I began looking for the source.


How is it that you can speak to me? Inside my thoughts, that is.


The voice paused again. I cannot say.


Cannot? Or will not?


A little of both I suppose. If it makes you feel better, I don’t think I can hear all of your thoughts all the time.


What do you mean?


This is the first time I’ve heard anything. Today was, I mean.


That makes me feel somewhat better.


I suspect that your thoughts were projected due to your intense emotional outburst.


Ceros considered her theory. It made sense. Do you think that anyone else can hear my thoughts?


Again the voice paused. It’s doubtful.


Why you then?


The voice sighed, or so it seemed. Will you allow me to find the answer to that question before I tell you?


Do I have a choice?


The voice chuckled. Not really.




Buy links for Mystic’s Touch:






Barnes & Noble –



Inside Scoop: Ceros’ secret shifter status adds complication and intrigue to their budding romance.


A Blush® fantasy romance from Ellora’s Cave


Blush sensuality level: This is a sensual romance (may have explicit love scenes, but not erotic in frequency or type).



Dena Garson loves to read romance—the hotter the better. When one of her BFFs said “one of us should be writing this stuff”, she took up the challenge. If she isn’t writing, she’s designing jewelry but somehow she still manages to make it into the office on a regular basis.


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