Sunday, August 31, 2014

Ink Motions with Ashley Ladd


Ashley Ladd bio

I write erotic romance: MF, MM, MFM, and MMF. Usually contemporary, often romantic comedy, military, and sometimes paranormal (vampires, time travel, ghosts, witches, demons, shifters, futuristic).

I live in South Florida with her husband, five children, and beloved pets. I love the water, animals (especially cats), and playing on the computer.

I've been told I have a wicked sense of humour and often incorporates humour and adventure into my books. I also adore very spicy romance, which she weaves into her stories.

Where you can find me:


Total-E-Bound books

Ellora's Cave Books


Ink Motions - Interview


How do you get an idea for your novel?

Ideas come from everywhere: sometimes dreams, newscasts, overhearing conversations, watching people, TV shows, things my kids have done… Often one novel will get inspiration from more than one source that merges together.


What is your writing style?  Do you just sit down and write or do you create?

I’d like to think I create. I am more of a pantser, however. I start with a loosely drawn map, knowing a few high points and the end destination, but the inbetween usually comes as I write.


Who is the "Writing Muse" in your life? I.E. who gets your juices flowing when

Interesting question. There are many muses. When I come up against writer’s block I read. Reading good books inspires me to write again. So many many authors are my muses.


How many novels have you written including all work in progresses you are currently working on?

Off the top of my head I think 70. That includes 34 for Totally Bound, 12 for Ellora’s Cave, at least 8 for New Concepts Publishing, at least 6 for Awe Struck, 1 for The Wild Rose Press. Obviously, my math isn’t adding up. Goodreads lists 72 books for me which doesn’t include my soon to be released books and works in progress.


Who is your "writing idol"? I.E. Who do you like and what is it about there writing that captures your soul?

I love to read Sherryl Woods’ books so I suppose that also makes her my idol. Of course I love the romance but in addition there’s a strong sense of family and community.

I also really enjoyed a book I recently read by Tina Wainscott. The imagery was so picturesque, the characters so vibrant, that I absolutely loved the book and look forward to reading more by her.


What is you favorite plot line type?

I love comedy but I also enjoy overcoming the monster plots.


Is there any advice you can offer to anyone who would like to write?

First, read a lot, especially in your chosen genre. Second, just write. Permit yourself to make mistakes. You’ll fix them when you go back to edit.


What is a good villain?

I think The Mummy is a good example of an excellent villain. He’s a very powerful, scary adversary yet in his mind, he is on a noble quest.

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Guy Rogers is extremely attracted to his new realtor, Tom Beaudreaux. As a passionate vegetarian and animal activist, he’s ecstatic that Tom is a kindred soul. He could never be with a carnivore. Unfortunately, Tommy isn’t really a vegetarian or animal activist. He never said he was either, he just didn’t eat meat when he was with Guy. And maybe he emptied his house of all meat and dairy products before inviting Guy over. In fact, Tommy’s family owns the most popular barbecue restaurant in town and if his family has their way, he’ll manage the new location.

When Guy finds out that Tommy eats meat and his family owns a restaurant that is a monument to eating meat, he’s livid and doesn’t know if he wants anything else to do with Tommy.

But then Guy’s life gets crazy –his dad’s paranoia blossoms into violent dementia, he gets arrested for picketing a doggy mill, and then he winds up in even more legal trouble. When Tommy sticks by him through all his trouble and does everything he can to help him, Guy wonders if he’s been too militant and narrow-minded. Perhaps he can learn to live with people who have opposite views.



Gunshots rang out as they turned onto Guy’s street.

Tommy looked at him and mouthed, “Shit! You don’t think…?”

“I hope not. I don’t know.” Guy pressed the gas pedal to the floor and the car shot forward, fish-tailing.

Tommy fisted the door, hanging on tight. “I hope we’re wrong.”

Guy’s intuition told him he wasn’t. His knuckles turned white they held the steering wheel so tightly. Unafraid for himself but scared for his dad, he pulled into his driveway and jumped out of the car, with Tommy close on his heels.

The woman next door ran outside screaming, tearing out her already tattered hair. She pointed at her front door. “Your father’s shooting up my house and is holding a gun at my dad’s head. He’s going to kill him. You’ve got to do something.”

Tommy yelled as he began dialing on his phone, “I’m calling the police.” As if on cue, police sirens blared in the distance and grew louder by the second.

“I’m going in. I have to stop him.”

“Wait for the police. Don’t put yourself in danger,” Tommy ordered forcefully.

“I have to take the chance. He could kill someone before the police get here. I can’t let that happen.” He put himself in harm’s way for animals, so certainly he could risk his life for his own father and other fellow human beings. He had no choice. It would be his fault if someone got hurt.

So he ran through the open door flailing his arms, hoping he would be in time. “Dad! It’s Guy. Don’t do anything. I’m here. You’ll be okay.”

He’ll be okay? What about me? He’s got a shotgun pointed at my head threatening to blow it off,” the elderly neighbor cried.


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