Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Evolution of the Vampire

“In paranormals you can work an insurmountable obstacle into a fantastic story. A story that will leave you not only rooting for the end that is satisfying but leaves you breathless and brings down the barriers of your mind letting your imagination take flight.” - Taige Crenshaw

Above is what I’ve said many times before and will always believe. Now lets explore another wondrous paranormal being.

The oh so mysterious vampire is one of the most eclectic beings. From that dark brooding sexy Dracula who set the stage for all future vampires. Dracula is so mysterious and has been retold so many different ways. As I think of it I am amazed how vamps have evolved. We now have so many types of vamps to choose from.

No longer are vamps only dark. You now have those that are funny and oh so human. They love, feel and try to belong. We have a shoe loving vamp who became an accidental queen. Betsy from Mary Janice Davidson’s series. There are the families of vamps who have various quirks. The Argeneau’s by Lynsay Sands. The vamps who are hunted by a hunters of light. L.A. Banks Vampire Huntress Series. An executioner who ends up with a vamp. Laurell K. Hamilton’s Anita Blake series. And let us not forget the teen age vamps. Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series.

There is so many types of vamps to choose from. They have evolved into the boy next door or girl who loves shoes. It is amazing that they are embraced not just in books bout there are TV shows, movies and so on them.

Although vamps have evolved the one thing that stays the same is there is a history. Each type of vamp builds a history for their world. One that pulls you in and makes you part of what they are. A world that has various rules and so on that they follow.

Whether you like you vamps dark and brooding or fun loving and quirky. They are all sexy and unique in their own way.

So come on and share who are some of your favorite vamps. Give the title of the book or series and the reason you love them.

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