Sunday, September 29, 2013

Ink Motions with Lexi Post



Ink Motions - Interview with Lexi Post



What is the inspiration you use?


My erotic romances are inspired by the classics. So in this case, Passion’s Poison was inspired by Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story, “Rappaccini’s Daughter.” Hawthorne created a poisonous heroine and a man who realized he was becoming poisonous by being around her. My Beatrice Rappaccini is a descendent from the first one and she must release her poisons through sex or she will die. Unfortunately, her poisons will cause her partners to become ill, and if she stays with one too long, she can kill him. This does make falling in love a bit of a risk ;-)


What is your writing style?  Do you just sit down and write or do you create character sketches, outlines, or notes?

I do not plot. I think about my two main characters and their goals, motivations and conflicts. Then I figure out who or what the villain may be and what the black moment will entail and then I sit down and see where they take me. I usually have to cut a bit when I’m done, but it is a very enjoyable process. and the theme grows naturally.


Walk me though the way you create a novel from conception to completion.


First I read the story that inspires me.  Then for weeks I let it percolate in my mind, think about those few elements I have to have. Then I sit down and write, 5-7 days a week for two months straight. When I’m done, I have a rough draft. Then I revise and send it chapter by chapter to my critique partner. Then I revise based on her comments and when complete I send to my beta reader. Then I fix any issues she may have found. Then I polish the whole manuscript. Then I review all the corrections my editor made on my last manuscripts and make sure they aren’t in my latest. Then I send it to my editor. She takes over from there.


What is the type of voice you use and why?

My stories are serious romance, but I add a light humor and a little sarcasm once in awhile, sometimes harsh and sometimes fun. It is my natural voice in person and something I embrace in my writing.


How many novels have you written including all works in progress you are currently working on?

I have two erotic romances published with a third contracted for 2014. I have three other completed romances that need a various amount of revision before giving to my agent to sell.  I also have a short WIP and two series that are in various stages.


Who is your "writing idol"? I.E. Who do you like and what is it about their writing that captures your soul?

I love Jennifer Ashley/Allyson James. She knows how to write alpha heroes that the reader can’t help but root for and she knows how to keep the pace moving so that just as the reader is catching her breath, something else happens. Jennifer is my role model and has been a great advisor. Just check out my acknowledgements in Masque for exactly what I think about her J


Where are the bodies buried? IE Is there any old works in progress you threw aside and decided not to complete and why?

I have two WIPs that are in stasis. One is halfway written, but after my sister pointed out some of the problems in it and I agreed with her, I decided to wait before doing the major overhaul it would need. The other was a story that I wrote about 70 pages of and then found my own hero. When I went back to it months later, my computer crashed and I lost almost all of it. I may never rewrite that one.



What is your current work in progress and how did you get the idea for it?


My current work in progress is Passion of Sleepy Hollow which my editor contracted on proposal. My inspiration was obviously Washington Irving’s “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.” My ideas for this story came long before we heard there was going to be a new television series on FOX. My stories take a lot from the originals and this one is no different. In my story, the hero is the Headless Horseman. I did watch the television show and I think the only thing we have in common is a connection between the past and present. Other than that, they are very different interpretations. My critique partner is going through this story now. It should come out in early 2014.


Are there any last comments you may want to include?

Yes. I have been told that my erotic romances are hot sex combined with a “whole lot of story,” so if a reader is looking for the highs and lows of falling in love with steamy, intimate encounters, then my full length books will definitely please J



Beatrice Rappaccini is tired of the one-night stands that keep her alive. Tired of the illness she causes when she releases her sexual poisons into her partners. But when she meets Zach Woodman, everything changes. Desperate for what she can’t have, she puts her heart and life on the line, ignoring the anonymous letters warning her to stay away from Zach.

Zach Woodman, logger turned chainsaw artist, has the perfect life, but no one to share it with after the deaths of the women he loved. Fascinated by the sexually experienced yet naïve Bea, he promises himself he will end their hot relationship before fate takes another beautiful woman from the world.

But he discovers Bea has no idea how to have a relationship, and he is perplexed by her strange behavior, hippie mother, six fathers and her request to give him every man’s sex fantasy. It is only when he might lose her that he realizes he must make a decision that will break his heart either way.



Excerpt from Passion’s Poison

Chapter One

Present day


Zach Woodman was too local to be her lover.

Beatrice Rappaccini reminded herself of that fact as she drank in the sight of the shirtless man using a chainsaw in the forest clearing. The stark muscles in his arms and back danced with the movements of the machine as he angled it through a massive log standing on its end. His jeans stretched against straining thigh muscles braced in a slightly bent position, his construction boots encased in mud.

Bea tried to breathe, but the heat infusing her flesh overwhelmed her. What was happening? She had released her body poisons less than two nights ago down in the city, but this desire making her heart beat as fast as a hummingbird’s wings felt different. This couldn’t be good.

She gulped in air, desperate to control her breathing even as her high-heeled boots sank deep into the mud of the forest floor.

Zach moved to the side of the log and carved out a deep groove. Bea watched his pectorals tense under the layer of dirt covering his chest as he held the machine steady.

Mesmerized, she tried to take a deep breath but her lungs constricted, refusing to allow in the cool forest air. Her head spun as darkness encroached on her peripheral vision. Oh damn. She pulled her feet from the muck and sat down hard on a stump nearby. Dropping her head between her knees, she closed her eyes and focused her attention on inhaling.

As oxygen flowed into her lungs, the clearing grew quiet and unease replaced her near panic. She opened her eyes to find two boots standing in front of her. Silently, she wished she could crawl under the granite rock lying between those feet.

Since that wasn’t an option, she lifted her head. Zach’s sweat-streaked six-pack abs came into view above the edge of his blue jeans. Her stomach clenched. It tightened even more as his muscled chest, complete with wood shavings caught among the short, dark hairs, seized her attention. She took another calming breath, ignoring the growing warmth between her legs, thankful she remained seated.

Her gaze reached his angular face, where she found he had taken off his goggles. His green eyes, filled with curiosity, stared at her. His mouth quirked. “Are you okay?”

She shivered as his baritone voice slid through her like an otter through water, leaving ripples of weakness suffusing her body. She swallowed a groan. Mentally, she reached for the hospitality professional she’d trained to be. “Yes, I just need a moment.” The breathy answer was anything but professional.

His scrutiny didn’t leave her face. “Can I get you something? A bottle of water? A beer?”

She nodded, not trusting her voice.

His grin pulled the corners of his dark lips, moving the stubble of his unshaven face to form black arcs around the sides of his mouth. He turned and strode toward the log cabin she’d come upon at the end of the dirt driveway, his confident swagger demanding her attention.

She wrenched her gaze from his tight ass to give her body a chance to cool. She was here on business and her libido had to behave. Her body’s attraction to this man didn’t make sense. She had released her debilitating sexual toxins in a one-night stand on Saturday and had reached orgasm three times. It was only Monday. She should have a whole week of relief. Somehow, she had to gain control of herself.

By the time Zach returned with water and a beer, she hoped she appeared normal. He silently held out both. She accepted the water bottle while he opened the Bud Light and took a couple gulps. She stared as his Adam’s apple bobbed along the corded muscles of his neck. Desperate to dampen the heat in her body, she raised her drink and sipped.

He gestured toward her with the half-empty beer. “Feeling better?”

She swallowed the cool water and cleared her throat. “Yes, thank you. I’m not sure what happened. I probably should’ve had breakfast this morning.”

He looked at the sky before returning his attention to her. “Breakfast? It has to be about lunchtime.”

She tried a slight smile but feared it came across more as a grimace, so she offered her hand. “I’m Beatrice Rappaccini from the Lakeside Inn in Meriden.”

He grasped her hand in a strong grip, causing fire to shoot through her arm, across her body and straight to the juncture of her thighs. She almost squeaked in surprise.

“I’m Zach Woodman, but I imagine you already figured that out. What can I do for you, Ms. Rappaccini?”

Oh, the possibilities were endless. She looked at the zipper of his jeans and wished it open. He could strip and push his hard cock into her hungry body and make her come until she screamed. She’d never screamed before, but she had a feeling she could with him.

“Ms. Rappaccini?”

She started and pulled her gaze from his crotch. Had she seen a bulge growing there or was it her imagination? What was happening to her? “Please, call me Bea.” Oh that sounded way too husky. She really needed to get a hold of herself.

She stood, wavering a bit in her heels. He grasped her arm and steadied her, getting wood shavings on the sleeve of her green dress, but she didn’t think he noticed. Did he notice anything about her, such as the fact her body reacted to him like wildfire to wind? With the constant smirk on his face, it was hard to know.

She tried to find a semblance of composure as she removed her arm from his grip. “I’m here to commission a carving for one of the Larsens’ inns, specifically, the Lakeside. The Larsens would like something unique.”

He took another swig of beer, but his gaze never left her. “Hmm, something unique, as in abstract, or just different from my other carvings?”

Bea shook her head. “Definitely not abstract. The Larsens prefer rustic to fit in with the environment. I wandered through your shop,” she pointed back toward the log cabin with the sign “Zach’s” burned into it, “but nothing there is quite right.”

He wiped his forehead with the beer bottle as he contemplated, staring at her with his brows drawn together in concentration.

Did he think about the carving or her? She blushed. Since when couldn’t she read a man? Her very survival depended on her ability to find men who were attracted to her. So why was he different? And why was she so affected?

He drained his beer and smirked. “I think this will take some time and I need to wash up. Would you mind staying for lunch while we work on it? You could use some food and I need a break.”

She shrugged. “Sure, I’d be happy to.” She’d be happy to do whatever he wished, take off her clothes, sit on that log, let him—ugh. She had to stop this.

He turned away from her. “Great. This way.”


Passion’s Poison is available in electronic formats:


Barnes and Noble

Ellora’s Cave


Lexi Post photo small


Bio of Lexi Post


Lexi Post spent years in higher education taking and teaching courses about classical literature. From the early American short story, Edgar Allan Poe’s "The Masque of the Red Death" to the 20th century American epic The Grapes of Wrath, from War and Peace to the Bhagavad Gita, she's read, studied, and taught great classic literature.

But Lexi's first love is romance novels. In an effort to marry her two first loves, she started writing erotic romance inspired by the classics and found she loved it.  Lexi feels there is no end to the romantic inspiration she can find in great classic literature.

Lexi lives with her husband and cat in the Caribbean where gorgeous sunsets, warm weather, and driving on the left are the norm. She makes her own ice cream every weekend, loves bright colors, and you will never see her without a hat (unless she is going incognito).


For more information about Lexi Post:







Saturday, September 28, 2013

Snippet Saturday – Author's Choice


This is our last Snippet Saturday. :( It’s been a blast to be part of this Saturday tradition.

Today’s snippet theme is Author's Choice. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

An snippet from Hurricane

“No. Just wanted to know more about you.”

Julianne controlled her expression, not wanting him to see her shock. Keenan’s smile, that same damn affable one, made her know that he was aware he’d unsettled her. She didn’t like it one bit. His hands rested on the table. Her mind flashed, imagining his fingers on her skin. Julianne stiffened.

“Well, now you know a bit. I would offer you a tour of the place, but I really need to get to work.” Julianne stood.

She gasped as Keenan moved to hold out her chair for her. For such a big man, he was fast.

“Thanks. Let me see you out.” She strode towards the door and reached to open it.

His hand on her arm stopped her. Julianne held in the shudder at his touch. She closed her eyes briefly and when she opened them she’d blanked her face into the business persona she used with a difficult client. It kept them at bay and offered her a shield of control. She glanced at him with a cool look. “Is there something further?”

“Trying to put up a barrier against me won’t work.”

“I don’t have any idea what you mean.” The lie rolled off her tongue easily.

Internally, she cursed. She was usually blunt and able to handle things.

“You do. It was the same reason that I was so rude at the hospital when I spoke with you. There’s a spark between us, Julianne.” Keenan’s smile was gentle and his look knowing. The sound of her first name in his sexy voice was almost her undoing. Julianne refused to let him affect her—she pulled her arm away from his. Keenan stroked her skin before her released her.

“All we have is business. And, since that’s done, we have nothing further to say,” she replied.

“We had business. I didn’t want to pursue anything while I was doing my investigation. Now that it’s complete, there’s a lot for us to discuss. I want to get to know you better, Julianne. Have dinner with me?” Keenan’s light green gaze was intent.

“I don’t date,” she said, firmly.

“Why?” he fired back.

Julianne gritted her teeth. It figured he would push the issue and question her. “None of your business. Even if I did date, I don’t like aggressive men.”

“That’s good to know, since I’m not aggressive.” Keenan grinned affably.

“Could have fooled me,” Julianne muttered.

“I do go after what I want,” he said softly.

Julianne was caught by the look in his eyes. It was tender and possessive. She clenched her fist. He had no right to have such an expression. They didn’t know each other.

But you want to, her inner voice goaded.

No, I don’t, she countered.

Keep lying to yourself. You want to go out with him, the infernal voice said.

No, I do not. He’s already driving me to talk to myself. I don’t need the hassle, she told herself firmly.

Julianne wrenched open the door, gesturing for him to leave. Keenan took her silent urging and passed her. Julianne followed. He turned suddenly, crowding her. Gasping, she stepped back instinctively before she caught herself and stood her ground. Scowling, Julianne glared at him.

“I unsettle you.” His grin was smug.

“You startled me,” she retorted.

“Deny it all you want, but you’re intrigued by what there might be between us. I’m a patient man. I can wait until you come around. You have my number. Call me when you change your mind.” Keenan shrugged, turning, then strode away.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2012.
All Rights Reserved, Total E Bound.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:
Lauren Dane
Caris Roane
Eliza Gayle
Lissa Matthews
McKenna Jeffries
Shiloh Walker
Taige Crenshaw
Delilah Devlin
HelenKay Dimon
Myla Jackson
Leah Braemel
Felicity Heaton
Jody Wallace
Shelli Stevens
Mari Carr

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Between the Covers - Devi

Today's Between the Covers is a few lines from my book.

Here is a few lines from Devi (Kemet Uncovered, Book # 2). Enjoy.

“Kind of dangerous, don’t you think, just inviting people in without knowing who it is?” he asked, giving her a disapproving look before putting a bouquet of flowers on the table.

She almost laughed at that, but smothered it. He was concerned about her. How cute.

Today, Rhodes wore khaki slacks and a dark blue polo-necked shirt. Licking her lips, she swung her legs over and got up from the comfort of her hammock. He glanced at her and swallowed. Hard.

She knew it was her outfit. Cream-coloured gauze woven with gold threads made up her halter-top dress with its deep V-neck. Although the material reached the floor, slits in the skirt ran up to the tops of her thighs. With each step she took, one leg flashed through. And she knew it looked good on her—hell, it had been made just for her.

“Cat got your tongue, Rhodes?”

His forehead had a sheen of sweat on it.

“No. That’s… It’s… Damn.”

“I take it that’s a good thing,” she said with an assured smile.

“Oh, yeah,” he rumbled. He flexed his fingers like he wanted to grab her.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw and Aliyah Burke, 2012.
All Rights Reserved.

Buy here

More about Between the Covers

Read all Between the Covers here

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Teasers - Embrace Each New Day

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; begin it well and serenely and with too high a spirit to be cumbered with your old nonsense. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

More about what are Teasers

Read all Teasers here

Monday, September 23, 2013

Ink Motions with Sage Marlowe



Hi all and thank you for hosting me today and allowing me to show off one of my favourite “babies”, Fantasy for Sale.

This emotional story about Cam, a hooker with a dark past, and Nate, the wonderful, loving and patient man who falls for him has been a challenge for me to write. While it started out as one of my earliest attempts at writing, it took me over two years to finish it, with long periods of inspirational flat lines in between. I loved the story, and had a fairly good idea of where it was going, which is more than can be said about most of my books, but it just wouldn't flow. Then, one cold day at the end of last year, I decided to give it one more try and suddenly I realised what was wrong with it. The narrator's perspective.

You see, up until then, I used to write all my books in third-person POV and it worked well for me, but with Fantasy for Sale, it just didn't. Nate's voice was a lot more personal, more intimate, and I needed to let him tell the story. I think he did a great job, so please let me introduce you to it:


Fantasy for Sale

What's the price of reality when a fantasy is for sale?

Cam is young, sinfully sexy and willing to play without limits, a combination which makes him a fantasy turned to flesh for men and women alike - and he's for sale.

Nate is curious when it comes to carnal delights but hasn't found the right man to explore his desires with.

When a friend buys Nate a few hours of pleasure with Cam, it's not much of a surprise that Nate ends up intrigued. He keeps coming back for more and the attraction between them appears to be mutual but while Nate finds himself falling for the sexy hooker, Cam makes no secret of the fact that for him, sex is just a job.

Determined to win him over, Nathan tries to show him that sex is about more than physical satisfaction but Cam's walls seem impenetrable until a dramatic event forces him to reveal some of his secrets and Nate begins to understand that Cam pays more than just the price for the reality behind the fantasy.


Adult Excerpt

“You know what?” she told Cam slowly, tauntingly. “How about you stay a little longer and take care of Nathan?” Cam raised an eyebrow but didn’t answer.

I didn’t possess such control. “Cyn, no!” I cut in. “Seriously, I—”

“Shut up, Nate! It’s my treat.” She hadn’t taken her eyes off Cam. “Would you, hon? I feel kind of bad, you know? I had so much fun last night and the poor darling hasn’t got laid in weeks. Would you make him happy for me?”

Cam did another of those looking-from-one-to-the-other-and-back routines, then he shrugged and smiled. “Sure. What do you want me to do?”

“Anything he wants.” She fumbled briefly in her purse and slipped a bundle of notes into Cam’s hand. “That should cover it.” Winking at me, she turned to leave but stopped at the door. “Oh, and Cam? Make him scream.” Vixen grin firmly in place, she spun around and left us alone. Me. Him. Alone. Me alone with him.

I developed a very serious interest in the layout of the bathroom tiles. Had that light grey pattern really been in them all along? And why had no one realised that the pattern on one of them was facing the wrong way and… I became aware of Cam coming closer, but I just couldn’t make myself look up from the floor. Cam chuckled softly and tucked a finger under my chin, gently forcing my face up to make me meet his eyes.

“You okay?” His voice was low and intimate, teasing my ears just like the sight of his smiling mouth teased my libido.

“Yeah, I just, uh, I guess I’m just more than a bit surprised.” I gave a shaky laugh. “Trust Cynthia to come up with stupid ideas.”

“I don’t think it’s a stupid idea.” Cam sounded perfectly calm, which only served to make me even more nervous. I shuddered under his inquisitive look.

“But…you just spent the night with her and now you…you would…with me. And she… Oh, fuck,” I groaned. “This is weird.”

Cam’s gaze locked with mine. “There’s nothing weird about it, Nathan. It’s only sex, no strings attached. She wants you to enjoy it, so don’t spoil it by thinking too much.”

“But I-I’ve never…” I stammered, helpless under Cam’s stare and increasingly incoherent.

“There’s a first time for everything,” Cam rasped, leaning in a little closer. “Don’t think. Feel.”

He lowered his head and brushed his lips over my mouth in a first tender touch. Thoughts ran havoc in my mind, not all of them logical. He was a whore. Whores didn’t kiss—did they? This one definitely did. He hesitated for a few heartbeats then came back for more, the caress longer and more intense this time. I moaned as his wet tongue parted my lips ever so gently and the pressure of his mouth against mine increased. What was I doing? I couldn’t…shouldn’t… But why did it feel so natural to open up to Cam, and why did I have this need to lean into him when he put his arms around me and pulled me close?

He was half-naked, and his skin was still moist from the shower. He smelled so fucking good, clean, just a bit musky and the feel of his solid body where it touched mine made my nerve endings tingle with pleasure. Our kiss, his kiss, deepened, a slow, tentative tangling of tongues, as he licked and explored my mouth. He was in control and I liked it. I liked how he played and rambled like an eager puppy and yet unerringly discovered all the caresses I enjoyed. Cam was a good kisser and his height forced me to tilt my head up, causing an unfamiliar angle that only added to my growing arousal. And he wasn’t left unaffected either. He pushed his groin against mine, pressed the hard ridge there to my own throbbing erection. I thought the friction alone would bring me off, but then he started nibbling and licking from my ear, along my neck to my collarbone and I was busy shuddering and jolting under his talented tongue.

Fantasy for Sale - Buy links:

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:


All Romance e-books:

Barnes & Noble:



About the author


Sage is a multi-published author of MM erotic romance novels and novellas and loves exploring the flavours of gay erotic fiction.

A willing slave to all the fascinating guys who keep queuing up and want their stories told, Sage can almost always be found cooking up the next hot story or daydreaming about new ways of rubbing sexy male bodies together to make the sparks fly.

 SM_Author Pic

Contact and buy links


Sage’s website & blog:



Twitter: @SageMarlowe



For all books published with Total-E-Bound, go to:

For all books published with Siren-BookStrand, go to:


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Between the Covers - Seducing a God

Today's Between the Covers is a few lines from my book.

Here is a few lines from Seducing a God (Olympus Unleashed, Book # 1). Enjoy.

seducingagod_msr_smallFinally he broke the silence. “Brace yourself.” His voice was a hoarse raw sound.

Markus pulled her deeper into his body and aligned her into him until every part of them touched, then he kissed her. Delved deep and swift with no pretense. He lapped at each crevice in her mouth, sucking strongly at her tongue. He murmured deepening the kiss stroking in and out slowly then harder. Her body stiffened in shock as her pussy started to vibrate in time with his kiss.

His murmer was all the warning she got before he let out a soft purr. Shards of pleasure racked her with each decisive stroke of his tongue. Shocked she felt an orgasm start to build. Markus tightened his hold on her. Paula went under. She murmured too while he ate at her mouth, sucking in her taste, trying to consume her.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2007.
All Rights Reserved, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

Buy here

More about Between the Covers

Read all Between the Covers here

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

In the Summer Time Contest - 2013 - closed


Thanks for all the entries.

Our In the Summer Time Contest ~2013 is now closed. Winner will be announced soon.

Thank you!
McKenna, Taige, & Aliyah

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Ink Motions with Ashe Barker



Interview with Ashe Barker


When or what made you decide to become an author?


For me this is pretty recent. In fact, I was rifling through some old stuff on my computer the other day and found the first draft of the first chapter of The Dark Side. The file was created on 4 September 2012, just over a year ago. So I suppose that’s when I became an author.


I’d been thinking about it for ages before that though, wishing I had time, or inspiration, or the courage, or the staying power, or whatever. I think we make all sorts of excuses, but sooner or later you just have to sit down and do it. So I did, and so far it seems to be going well. I found a publisher willing to take The Dark Side, and the second book in the trilogy, Darker, went on general release on 13 September.


How do you get an idea for your novel?


I start with the characters. My main characters in The Dark Side are Eva Byrne and Nathan Darke. I dreamed up Eva first, and then created Nathan as the perfect match for her. I think their chemistry works beautifully, and many of the reviews seem to agree.


What is the inspiration you use?


The third main character, or maybe you’d call it the supporting role, is the West Yorkshire moorland, setting for much of the action in The Dark Side, and the tie in trilogy, Sure Mastery which is due to be released later this year. This is where I live, and I love this landscape. It made sense for me to place my story here, weaving the Bronte moors in as the backdrop for the growing relationship between Eva and Nathan.


What is your writing style?  Do you just sit down and write or do you create character sketches, outlines, or notes?


No, hardly any planning at all. As I’ve already mentioned, the characters come first, but they exist in my head, nowhere else. The action unfolds as I write, and I often find myself crafting a piece of the story that I didn’t intend and never planned. But often those ‘freestyle’ portions, the ones that come about when a character suddenly does or says something unexpected, are the best parts.


Who is the "Writing Muse" in your life? I.E. who gets your juices flowing when you are blocked?


I usually just stop and go do something else. Sometimes I do something else for days or even weeks, but eventually the next stage emerges. And I’ve learned  it’s probably worth waiting. The writing I do just for the sake of getting some words down is usually deleted the next day


Walk me though the way you create a novel from conception to completion.


I’m not a meticulous planner. The story will be driven by the characters, and I have those fairly well developed in my head before I start. The rest, the plot, I think of as milestones. I’ll have the main events or turning points in my head, and the bulk of the writing is filling in the gaps, getting my characters from point A to point B, often with lots of detours and tangents in between.


What is the type of voice you use and why?


I usually write in the first person, present tense, and from the female point of view. I think this makes the story more immediate, and invites the reader to live it with the character, to actually be in their head looking out.


How many novels have you written including all work in progresses you are currently working on?


I have written two trilogies, The Dark Side and a tie in, Sure Mastery. I’ve also got a novella and ashort story in the pipeline. And I’ve just completed the first draft of another trilogy, which ties in loosely with the first two, but is set mainly in Cumbria.


Who is your "writing idol"? I.E. Who do you like and what is it about there writing that captures your soul?


The other authors I read most are the likes of J. R. Ward, Christine Feehan, Lindsay Sands. I’m a sucker for a sexy vampire, and quite partial to shape shifters too, though up to now I’ve not been seized by a desire to write paranormal romance myself. I suppose there’s time.


Recently I read A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness, and that was an absolute treat, sort of paranormal romance meets historical fiction. Beautifully crafted, thoroughly researched.



What is your current work in progress and how did get the idea for the Work in


My latest trilogy is called Priceless, and features a Dom/sub relationship – my usual scenario, but in this case the heroine has a medical condition which means she is unable to speak. The action centres around her communication issues, and the strategies her Dom uses to help her to overcome these in order to safely participle in the Lifestyle. She’s also a multi-millionaire, courtesy of the Euromillions lottery which further complicates matters


Describe the major conflict between the hero and heroine in your novel?


In The Dark Side, I’d say the main conflict is secrecy. Eva Byrne has her private side, and she tries desperately to keep her innermost self under wraps. Her refusal to face her demons and seek help almost ends in disaster.


Is there any advice you can offer to anyone who would like to write?




Where are the bodies buried? IE Is there any old work in progresses you threw aside and decided not to complete and why?


None so far


What is a good villain?


For me the archetypal villain is Darth Vadar. Dark, probably handsome but it’s hard to tell under the helmet, gravelly voice, a loner, a tragic and twisted past. What’s not to like?


Are there any last comments you may want to include?


I’d like to really thank the readers who’ve been kind enough to buy my books, and I hope they enjoy reading them as much as I loved writing them.




Author Biography


Until 2010 I was a director of a regeneration company in Leeds, in the UK, before becoming convinced there must be more to life. I left to work as an independent consultant, and still do some of that though most of my time is now spent writing, as at last I’ve been able to realise my dream of writing erotic romance myself. I’ve been an avid reader of women’s fiction for many years, and I still love reading historical and contemporary romances – the hotter the better. But now I have a good excuse – research.

I usually draw on settings and anecdotes from my own experience to lend colour, detail and realism to my plots and characters, but my stories of love, challenge, resilience and compassion are the conjurings of my own lurid imagination.

When not writing – which is not very often - my time is divided between my role as resident taxi driver for my teenage daughter, and caring for a menagerie of dogs, rabbits, tortoises.  And a cockatiel.  I’m a rural parish councillor, and I’m passionate about evolving rural traditions and values to suit twenty first century lifestyles.

I’ve just completed my third trilogy in the Black Combe ‘family’ as well as a novella and a short story. All are due for release over the next few months.

September 2013


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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Between the Covers - Talios

Today's Between the Covers is a few lines from my book.

Here is a few lines from Talios (Kemet Uncovered, Book # 1). Enjoy.

talios_800_smallThe man rose from the lake like some mythical god. Water cascaded from his naked, sculptured body. He raised a strong-looking hand and ran blunt fingers through his shoulder-length, black hair. With confidence, he came out of the water. When he reached the shore, he didn’t break stride coming to her. A sudden feeling of being hunted came over her and she backed up, hitting a tree.

He stopped a little distance away from her. At five foot eleven, she didn’t usually feel short, but next to him she did. He was very tall—he had at least eight inches over her.

She studied him. His curly black hair framed an onyx-coloured face that was all planes and angles—broad forehead, high cheeks, full nose, firm chin and full lips. He was extremely handsome…but it was his presence that captivated her. There was a sense of strength yet gentleness about him.

She lowered her gaze. A golden chain hung at his neck, with an oblong pendant covered in symbols. Candace licked her lips at the sight of his broad chest and shoulders. The man made a slight rumbling sound. It snapped her out of her daze.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw and Aliyah Burke, 2011.
All Rights Reserved.

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More about Between the Covers

Read all Between the Covers here

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ink Motions with Kate Hill



Ink Motions - Interview


When or what made you decide to become an author?


For as long as I can remember I’ve loved making up stories, but when I was about sixteen I decided to start submitting stories with the hope of getting published. It took about ten years before I sold my first story.


How do you get an idea for your novel?


Northman’s Pleasure is the sequel to Northman’s Passion. The hero and heroine were introduced in the first story as secondary characters.


What is the inspiration you use?


For me inspiration can come from just about anything and for each story it’s different. It might be a place, a song, a person or just about anything at all that inspires me.


What is your writing style?  Do you just sit down and write or do you create character sketches, outlines, or notes?


I prefer to write using a loose outline with room for the inevitable changes that occur once the actual writing begins.


Who is the "Writing Muse" in your life? I.E. who gets your juices flowing when you are blocked?


I don’t have a specific muse. For me the best way to get over writer’s block is to write something different. Once my creative juices are flowing again, I go back to writing what I’m supposed to be working on.


Walk me though the way you create a novel from conception to completion.


For me the characters usually come first and I almost feel like they tell me their story. I tend to make lots of random notes, then an outline. After that I write the first draft and rework it several times before submitting it to my editor.


What is the type of voice you use and why?


I prefer to write in the third person limited point of view so that I can express the thoughts of the characters and also because it’s the point of view I prefer to read.


How many novels have you written including all work in progresses you are currently working on?


Altogether I’ve written over one hundred novels, novellas and short stories.


Who is your "writing idol"? I.E. Who do you like and what is it about there writing that captures your soul?


Alexandre Dumas. I love the action, adventure and friendships experienced by his characters.


What is you favorite plot line type?.


I love romance with paranormal elements.


What is your current work in progress and how did get the idea for the Work in


Right now I’m working on an erotic science fiction romance series called Combustion. I wanted to write a story about various crew members on an alien space shuttle. Combustion is set in the Silver Iris Galaxy in which I’ve written several series for Changeling Press.


Describe the major conflict between the hero and heroine in your novel?


In Northman’s Passion, the hero Grim has sworn never to marry, but he finds the heroine Asgerd irresistible. She has admired him for a long time, but he ignored her, so she is surprised when he agrees to marry her. Unfortunately his mistrust of women causes conflict in their marriage.


Is there any advice you can offer to anyone who would like to write?


I would say don’t give up, but if you love to write, nothing will stop you.  Also everyone has a different idea of success. Know what you want from your writing and don’t be afraid to pursue it, even if others try to knock you down.


Where are the bodies buried? IE Is there any old work in progresses you threw aside and decided not to complete and why?


Oh I have lots of those! Usually they’re fan fiction type stories that I wrote for my own amusement and had no intention of ever showing anyone. I’ve also started some stories that I’ve put aside to work on other things, but I hope to someday return to them.


What is a good villain?


To me the best kind of villain is one who has the potential to be a hero himself.


Are there any last comments you may want to include?


I’d love to mention my upcoming Halloween promo that will take place at my website and blog from October 1st to the 31st. Lots of great authors, including Taige, are participating this year. Thank you!




Legend is Grim Hammerhand is half wolf. Vowing never to marry, the muscular, red-haired warrior saves his passion for the battlefield and the forge. That is, until the woman he secretly lusts after is abducted.

Asgerd has loved Grim for years, only to be ignored by the object of her desire. She has eluded the bonds of marriage, hoping that someday Grim will notice her, but her dreams are shattered when she is captured and defiled by the brutal warrior Stein.

After the king sends Grim to rescue his daughter and claim Stein's land, the passion between the couple finally ignites. In the end, Grim's mistrust of all women could destroy their one true chance for happiness.



Excerpt from Northman’s Pleasure

by Kate Hill

From Ellora’s Cave

Also available from

All Romance Ebooks


(Erotic Viking Romance)

Other than curtly answering a few questions from his men, Grim ate in silence. When his mead ran low, Asgerd approached to offer him more.

"I've had enough," he said. "It's been a long day. I'm going to sleep. Are you coming?"

She moistened her full lips and said, "After I help clean up."

Grim had the feeling she was using domestic duties as an excuse to avoid him. Slaves could finish clearing the table.

"Don't be too long," he said. "I don't like being disturbed when I'm sleeping."

Her eyes flashed and Grim nearly smiled. She'd been so passive since Stein's death. He'd wondered what happened to the woman who had so bravely fought her captor. It seemed she just needed a little goading to bring out her spirit.

He rose and walked to the bed closet. It was tidy, and as requested, Stein's belongings had been removed, except for his weapons. The sword, daggers and axe hung on the wall. The women had been right to leave them. Extra weapons were useful and these were of a decent quality.

He removed his armor and weapons and placed them on the bed. Then he opened the wooden trunk at the foot of it. Finding only women's clothes inside, he couldn't resist touching the fabric, knowing it belonged to Asgerd. His stomach tightened. They wouldn't be sharing merely a bed closet, but their lives.

A sobering thought.

He pulled off his boots and placed them in the corner, then he undressed and put his clothes beside Asgerd's in the trunk. Naked, he climbed beneath the furs. Sighing, he closed his eyes and tried to relax, but couldn't. He had too much to think about.

He wasn't sure how much time had passed before Asgerd entered the bed closet. Apparently she thought him asleep since she moved so quietly that even he, with his keen senses, could scarcely hear her.

When she slid beneath the furs, his heartbeat quickened. He waited for the sensation of her warm curves against his. The bed was fairly small so she was bound to touch him. Yet she didn't.

Grim turned toward her and found her lying close to the edge of the bed, her back to him.

"Everything cleaned up?" he asked, unsure of what else to say. He wanted to talk to her, but Grim wasn't much of a conversationalist, especially with women. Talking to his men or his brothers was different. They had common interests and shared duties.

Even the few women he'd bedded simply to release tension, he hadn't spoken to. Most of them hadn't wanted to talk either. The only woman he'd engaged in extended conversation was his sister-in-law and there was no attraction between them. Asgerd was different, in particular because tomorrow she would be his wife.


"You don't have to sleep so far away you know."

He heard her draw a deep breath before she turned to face him. Her eyes glistened in the fading lantern light. "You expect to have me tonight so you can call off the wedding tomorrow."

Typical that a woman would think of something deceitful.

"Why would I do that?"

"Why not? Why should I believe you want to marry me when you've never shown an interest in me before?"

"I had my reasons."

"Maybe because you thought my father would try to force marriage upon you. Now, after what Stein did, I don't matter anymore."

"You matter very much to your father. Why else would he have sent me and his best warriors to avenge you?"

"Was he avenging me or showing the world that he wouldn't be taken advantage of by the likes of Stein?"

"Probably both."

She snorted. "Well that was honest."

"I'm an honest man. Get used to it."

"Then why the sudden interest?"

He reached out to touch her cheek. It was so soft and smooth. He wanted to touch the rest of her, but held back. Stein had hurt her in spirit as well as in body. Unfortunately he knew from experience the former was harder to heal.

"Maybe the interest isn't sudden," he admitted. "You're a beautiful woman. A man would have to be dead not to notice you."


About Kate

Always a fan of romance and the paranormal, Kate Hill started writing over twenty years ago for pleasure. Her first story, a short erotic vampire tale, was accepted for publication in 1996. Since then she has sold over one hundred short stories, novellas and novels.

When she's not working on her books, Kate enjoys reading, working out and spending time with her family and pets.

Kate also writes under the name Saloni Quinby.

She enjoys hearing from readers and she can be contacted at Visit her online at

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Teasers - Define Yourself

Never letting the competition define you. Instead, you have to define yourself based on a point of view you care deeply about. ~ Tom Chappel

More about what are Teasers

Read all Teasers here

Saturday, September 07, 2013

Snippet Saturday - Hound Dog


Today’s snippet theme is Hound Dog (hero in the dog house). Enjoy a look from one of my books.

An snippet from Dark Callings

"Only to you. We all trust you, Lennox." Harmony's tone was gentle.

"Then you all are fools," he said coolly.

"Don't get snappish at me." Harmony's reply was mild.

"I did no such thing."

"You didn't raise your voice, but I know the levels of that cool tone you use on people-”the one that clearly gives away your moods. That was a snap. Don't do it again." There was a clear warning in her voice.

Lennox frowned. That she knew him so well surprised and ticked him off. He didn't appreciate Harmony being so insightful.

"Stop using your abilities on me," he countered with a warning of his own.

"There we go. Even colder than before. I don't need to use my seer abilities or empathy on you. You've been a disagreeable ass since you came back from Shadow World. I've been researching your world, but can't find much. It's really fascinating your race is so old and so mysterious. Did you decide about being the second to the king? There's a training session in a few minutes, but no matter. You're probably going to hole yourself up in your office, as you have these last few days. You really need to stop being so antisocial- it isn't good for your health. Maybe I should take you to Medical to check your blood pressure or something."

"You are giving me a headache." Lennox sighed long and loud.

"You should be used to my change of topics in mid-conversation by now." Harmony's full lips curled in a wider smile.

"I am. But I still have a headache."

The wicked gleam in her gaze and her smug grin made realisation dawn.

"You do it for spite."

"Of course. It's entertaining, watching that vein right there tick. There it goes now." Harmony pointed.

Lennox glared.

"Loosen up. Answer my question."

"No. I haven't decided."

"That's not the question I was referring to."

" I'm not going to Medical," Lennox said firmly.

Harmony chuckled. "That wasn't a question, but a promise that if you don't get your head out of your butt, I'm taking drastic measures."

He ignored her statement, "You didn't ask anything else."

Harmony retorted, "You didn’t listen."

Lennox rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Ask again," he said patiently.

"The 'Harmony, you are trying my patience tone' is my favourite," Harmony said cheerfully.

"Ask," Lennox repeated.

"You're no fun. I was waiting for the exasperated tone."

"Harmony," he growled.

"And there it is."

Lennox stared, waiting for the question. Harmony's brow was furrowed. Her full nose wrinkled, and the dimples bracketing her mouth were plainly visible. Just as she could read him, he could read her. The expression was her 'let's see how far can we push Lennox' one.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2013.
All Rights Reserved, Total E Bound.

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Thursday, September 05, 2013

Between the Covers - Carnal Awakening

Today's Between the Covers is a few lines from my book.

Here is a few lines from Carnal Awakening (Immortal Blossom, Book # 1). Enjoy.

carnalawakening_msr_smallHe smelled as good as he looked and his body was firm. Shay’s mouth tingled with the need to bite on his luscious chest.

A dizzy feeling swamped her. Closing her eyes Shay saw mists covering Mikhail standing before her, his muscular chest bare. He held her close and kissed her with a passionate intensity she wanted more than her next breath. Gripping him tightly she held him and he lifted her holding her effortlessly. Wrapping her legs around his waist she felt her wet naked slit touch his erect cock. He started to slip in. With a gasp Shay prepared for his entry.

“I didn’t mean to scare you Miss Coles,” Mikhail’s dark seductive voice whispered against her hair.

Scare me, seduce me, hell do whatever you want to me.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2007.
All Rights Reserved.

Buy here

More about Between the Covers

Read all Between the Covers here

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Monday, September 02, 2013

Ink Motions with Lisa M. Owens



Welcome Lisa M Owens!

When or what made you decide to become an author?

Writing has always been an important part of my life. I started writing short stories and poetry at a young age. But it wasn’t until high school that I considered the possibility of becoming an author. My freshman year, we had to write an assignment—our most embarrassing memory.

I wrote my paper about my mother walking in and interrupting my almost-first kiss. Only one fellow student was supposed to read it, but somehow, mine got passed around the classroom. Students were laughing at my detailed description of the incident and every student wanted to read it. That was what made me think that maybe there was something about the way I wrote that could possibly entertain and amuse others.


What is your writing style?  Do you just sit down and write or do you create character sketches, outlines, or notes?

I little bit of all the above. Before I even begin my story, I write an initial outline. Nothing too specific but ideas of how I would like the story to flow, along with general characteristics for each character. Names, approximate ages, professions, etc. For the main part, I stick to my outline. Although some of the details might change, the overall idea remains the same.


How many novels have you written including all work in progresses you are currently working on?

At this time, I have one that is already published. I have two works in progress; one of them is almost finished and hopefully, will soon be ready for submission.


Who is your "writing idol"? I.E. Who do you like and what is it about there writing that captures your soul?

Without a doubt, Sharon Sala.

She is the type of writer that I have always wanted to be. She writes stories about real-life topics like child abuse and rape with flawed characters that tug on your emotional heartstrings. It is a rare thing when I read one of her books dry-eyed.


What is your favorite plot line type?

Second chances. Whether it’s an emotionally scarred character that has been devastated by love or the story of the chance to make things right with the one that got away, these kinds of stories have always been favorites of mine. Because it seems as though anything is possible. You just have to believe…


What is your current work in progress and how did get the idea for the Work in [R1]

My current novel, What If, is the second book in my If Only series.

When Maggie Ryerson was a teenager, she made a choice that changed her life forever. When the stick turned blue, she found herself torn between two men. One was the friend who had comforted her when her world was turned upside-down and the other was the father of her baby. Both men had feelings for her and both men wanted to marry her.

She chose to marry for love.

Now faced with an unplanned pregnancy, a husband who can’t keep a steady job, and a hormonal teenager, Maggie wonders what her life would have been like if she had married for money instead.

But like the saying goes, be careful what you wish for…


Is there any advice you can offer to anyone who would like to write?

Never give up. It took me over four years to complete this novel. I was working full-time and struggling to raise two children on my own. People kept saying that it would never happen; that my wish to be a published author was simply a pipe dream. I believe that some people are afraid of failure. They figure that if you don’t try, they you can’t fail. Well, that may be true, but if you never try, haven’t you failed already?


Where are the bodies buried? IE Is there any old work in progresses you threw aside and decided not to complete and why?

Let me break out my shovel…

And the answer is yes, I have a file cabinet full of them. Old plays from high school and my very first attempt at writing a romance novel.

Except for most of them being written when I was between the ages of fourteen and seventeen, a few of the plays have decent storylines. I would like to try my hand at rejuvenating those and possibly making them into young adult novels.

My first romance novel also has some possibilities, but it would take a lot of work to mold it into a decent story. I plan on attacking it someday…those characters have stories to tell!


What is a good villain?

To me, a good villain is like a chameleon. Charming and dripping with good social graces, able to lure in an unsuspecting victim with ease and then once they have you right where they want you, they snatch you into their evil clutches, showing you a horrifying side that chills you all the way down to the bone.




What would you do if you had the opportunity to go back and relive your greatest mistake?

Five years ago, Bree Sexton walked out on her fiancé and into the arms of a charming and handsome stranger. She has regretted her decision ever since. Instead of a fairy-tale marriage, her “prince” shattered her dreams and her spirit with physical violence and emotional cruelty she barely escaped.

She then mysteriously wakes up in bed with the fiancé she loved and left, the life she’d dreamed of now a reality, until her cruel ex-husband reappears to destroy her new life. But what is real, and what is make-believe? Is she really getting the chance she has always dreamed of? And when it is all said and done, will she finally end up with the man she has always regretted leaving? Or will she wake up to discover herself alone?



Bree stood there for a minute, watching as he walked out of her life. She couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened if she had married Scott instead of Bryan. How would her life have been different? Would she have had children by now? Would she and Scott still be together, after all this time? Those thoughts and more weighed heavily on her mind as she headed out of the bar. It had begun to snow, and she wrapped her coat even tighter around her slender frame. She looked around, but there was no one to be found. She couldn’t help herself; she stuck out her tongue, a childish impulse she couldn’t ignore, and then laughed out loud in spite of herself.

She looked both ways before attempting to cross the street. Not seeing any cars, she began to make her way across. Bree was walking cautiously when one of her high heels slipped on a patch of ice. She could feel herself falling, and her breathing quickened as she began to panic, wishing she had waited for her friends before venturing off on her own. One shoe flew off as she landed, her head striking the curb. A sharp pain racked through the back of her skull, causing her to cry out. The last thing she saw was Scott’s face swimming before her eyes, and then her world went black.

* * * *

Bree awoke to a man nipping gently on her earlobe, his tongue stroking the delicate curves. His hot breath blew into her ear, sending shivers up and down her spine. She slowly opened her eyes as a man’s hand stroked her upper thigh, and she sighed happily.

Ooh, I must be dreaming. And it was such a delicious dream, too.

The man’s hand traveled up her thigh and then encircled her flat stomach. Out of the corner of her eyes, Bree could see a dark head pressing against her abdomen. Then she shivered as a tongue laved her belly button, going in and out erotically, making her feel as though her body was on fire. Bryan had never made her feel like this, and she hadn’t even looked yet to see who this stranger was! But she was only dreaming, so what difference did it make?

His hand continued traveling north, lovingly caressing her skin. He reached for her aching breasts, pressing her nipples roughly before he lowered his mouth to suckle them, first one, and then the other. Bree arched in anxious response to his touch. She longed to see his face, but she feared one look would make his magical touch disappear.

She ached all over, wanted his hands to caress her everywhere, and she longed to touch him. She opened her legs as he straddled her. His hair brushed her naked chest as he began kissing her. His tongue was driving her crazy with desire as he placed tender kisses along her neckline. He brushed her hair aside.

His morning stubble stung her delicate skin, but she hungered for more. Just one more touch, just one more taste, and she would awaken from this wonderful dream and find herself in bed, all alone.

“Oh, Bree, baby. What you do to me,” he whispered, his voice husky.

That voice jerked her back to the present. The voice had haunted her dreams for

years. The voice of the man she just couldn’t seem to get over.

“Scott,” she whispered.


Links to find Lisa


Buy If Only  ebook/dp/B00ASOMPH4/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1356572772&sr=1-1&keywords=If+Only+by+Lisa+M.+Owens


Thank you so much for having me!!

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