Monday, February 02, 2015

Ink Motions with Suz deMello


suz w name venice mask

Best-selling, award-winning author Suz deMello, a.k.a Sue Swift, has written nineteen books in several genres, including memoir, nonfiction, erotica, comedy, historical, paranormal, mystery and suspense, plus a number of short stories and articles on writing. A freelance editor, she’s held the positions of managing editor and senior editor, working for such firms as Totally Bound and Ai Press. She also takes private clients.

Her books have been favorably reviewed in Publishers Weekly, Kirkus and Booklist, won a contest or two, attained the finals of the RITA and hit several bestseller lists.

A former trial attorney, her passion is world travel. She’s left the US over a dozen times, including lengthy stints working overseas. She’s now writing a vampire tale and planning her next trip.
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Ink Motions - Interview


How do you get an idea for your novel?


Perilous Play is a fictionalized memoir, so all I did was tell what I remembered—with names, dates and places altered. I added one scene to complete the story arc, but otherwise, it’s all true.


What is your writing style?  Do you just sit down and write or do you create ___???


I tend to know where the story is going before I begin, but I like to throw a few curve balls into the process. For example, when writing suspense or a mystery, I’ll start out by knowing who the villain is—but I’ll change that toward the end of the novel. I may have to go back and change some stuff in the beginning of the book, but then the solution to the mystery is more of a surprise.


Who is the "Writing Muse" in your life? I.E. who gets your juices flowing when___?


I used to suffer from a hellacious case of writers’ block, and found that blogging was the way out. I blog regularly, which means I write regularly. Getting into the habit of writing is extremely important.


How many novels have you written including all works in progress?


Twenty books plus a number of short stories and articles on writing—a little more than one book annually.



Who is your "writing idol"? I.E. Who do you like and what is it about their writing that captures your soul?


I don’t really have one. Stephen King would be the closest. He writes in a broad range of styles, as I do. And I loved On Writing—very inspiring.


What is you favorite plot line type?


I love Regency romance, so I’d say the classic Regencies of Georgette Heyer are my faves.


Is there any advice you can offer to anyone who would like to write?


Read great books written in the last fifty years, to get a feel for what a good book is and what good modern writing is.


What is a good villain?


A good villain is a well-rounded character like any other. S/he must be a match for your hero and heroine.

Perilous Play 5th draft


Perilous Play: The Real Fifty Shades

Suz deMello


One woman’s journey into the contemporary kink underworld, Perilous Play is Suz deMello’s explosive personal account of her experiences with BDSM. Engaging and honest, this groundbreaking memoir will grab you and never let you go.


Here’s an excerpt about one of my first BDSM experiences, with a man I call Trapper Hart. Trapper is a real person. That’s not his true name of course, but I gave my word that I wouldn’t reveal his secret life. I don’t owe him anything—not after the way he treated me—but I do keep my word.


We explored the dungeon and the equipment. The play space was clean and nicely decorated, with the usual emphasis on chains and black leather. There were Saint Andrew’s crosses, racks and slings, all of which intrigued me. The old-fashioned dentist’s chair startled me. I’ve been with a dentist, and little about him had been sexy.


Upstairs was a huge, romantically draped bed with sturdy-looking bedposts. A few feet away was a contraption that looked as though it had been designed with bondage and discipline in mind. It had a horizontal ring to hold the face and head attached to a surface, perhaps three feet long, for one’s torso to rest upon. Arm and leg supports, and every inch of it was padded. Every part of it had rings for the attachment of ropes or chains.


I looked at him and then this…bondage device…and then back at him. He smiled.


I said, “I want you to know that when we do this, I’m going to develop some deep feelings for you. I’m falling for you.” I know myself fairly well, and am aware that for me, sex and intimacy are intertwined. I wish I didn’t feel that way, but I tend to become emotionally involved with the men I’m fucking. The weekend had already been very intimate, and deeper intimacy was coming. I asked Trapper, “Can you deal with that?”


I needed to know that I would be taken care of. Not just my body but my mind and heart as well.


He told me, “Yes, there will be a role for you.”


A niggle of doubt itched me briefly, but at the time, that was enough for me to hear. I was eager to advance into this new experience, one I had craved for so long.


He directed me to remove some of my outerwear before hooding and gagging me. Then he guided me to the whatever-it-was and eased me onto it face down. He secured wrist and ankle restraints around me, then tied them to it. Lifting my skirt, he cut off my black lace panties.


I told myself never to wear panties around Trapper again. What for?


So I was bound to immobility and completely available. I was gagged, which meant that I could maybe grunt out my “safe word” if necessary. Or not.


Again, I don’t recall exactly what happened...the amnesiac effect of the oxytocin, I suppose. I remember being spanked, flogged and thoroughly fucked. I remember being smacked repeatedly with something—I didn’t know what, but I suspected it was made of leather—that hurt like a motherfucker. I recall begging him, “Please, sir, please sir, please sir…” through the gag.


I remember coming a lot.


I remember Trapper bending over me, covering me with his body and heat, hissing into my ear, “Whose are you?”


To which I promptly responded, “I’m yours.”


And I meant it.



Buy Links: (smashwords) (Amazon)

1 comment:

Suz DeMello said...

Thanks for featuring me, Taige!

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