Monday, February 09, 2015

Ink Motions with Tina Susedik




Tina Susedik has seven history books and two children's books in print, as well a romantic mystery and a short story in a Christmas anthology with Soul Mate Publishing. "The Proposal," a short story for a Valentine's anthology was published on February 4, 2015. She belongs to the Romance Writers of America, Wisconsin Romance Writers of America and is a founding member of the Chippewa Valley Romance Writers.

Tina also writes erotic romance under the name Anita Kidesu.

Tina lives in Wisconsin with her husband of forty-two years. She adores her five grandchildren and loves to camp, hike, bike, scrapbook and, of course, read, read, read.

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Interview with Tina:


How do you get your ideas for your novels? Story ideas can come at any time and any place. A few years ago I decided to take riding lessons. I was sitting on the horse, looking down at my instructor explaining how to roll your hips with the movement of the horse. Suddenly I had this vision of a man, who is petrified of horses, take riding lessons from his ex girlfriend who owned a horse ranch. He thinks overcoming his fear of horses by taking lessons from her will win her back. This became my  published romantic mystery, "Riding for Love." I can honestly say I don't know where the idea for "The Valentine's Proposal" came from. When my publisher sent out the call for short stories for their anthology, "My Sexy Valentine," the idea was just there. Can't explain that one.


What is your writing style?  When I get a story idea, I let it mull around for a bit. I take notes as plot lines come to me. Then I create my cast of characters, have a general idea of where I'm going with the story, then sit down and write. I guess I'm part panster and part plotter, but more panster. Once I'm writing, the characters and plot take on a life of their own and can change. One character for a book I'm working on under my pen name was planned as a rather icky guy. He wasn't a villain, but kinda creepy. But in the middle of a scene I realized he was a decent guy, and I had to rearrange my thinking about him. I than to change some of my plot ideas. He also became the focus of a sequel to this book - which is a good thing.


Who is your writing muse in your life? ie. Who gets your juices flowing?  I belong to a writer's group. They help me keep on track. Also my love of writing is the best muse of all. At times when life and work get in the way of writing, I get grouchy. As soon as I'm able to write again, my soul settles down and is happy, happy, happy.


How many novels have you written including Works in Progress? Between my pen name and my real name, I've completed six, not including short stories in two anthologies.


Who is your writing idol? ie Who do you like and what is it about their writing that captures your soul? There are so many authors I love and keep their books on my keeper shelf. I'll only mention a few here. The first is Kathleen Woodiwiss. She was the first romance author I'd ever read back in the 70s. She hooked me with reading romance. Another is Jude Deveraux. I met her at a conference two years ago, and I acted like a blithering idiot. Had my picture taken with her, too. I also love Lavyrle Spencer. I wish I could have met her, too. All these authors have a knack for making their characters come to life. When I read them, I'm not just reading the book, I'm living their lives. They are also the ones I re-read.


What is your favorite plot type? This is a tough one to answer. I enjoy so many. I do like something that has mystery or suspense to it. And, of course, since I read romance, it has to have a happy ending.


Is there any advice you can offer anyone who would like to write? Study the craft and genre you plan to write in. Plan to work hard. And most of all, never, never, never, give up. I didn't get my first book (romance) published until I was 61. I know some who are first being published in their 70s.


What is a good villain? A good villain needs to be more than just the bad guy. He is more than one dimensional. He has issues - maybe his/her family, maybe his/her job. An author should give the villain both good and bad attributes, and, of course, a reason why he/she does what he/she does.

 MySexyValentine600 Digital


“Valentine’s Day Breakup”

Finding her fiancé in a clutch with the coat check girl sends Shelly straight into the arms of her Soul Mate.

“Inked Hearts”

One night. No boundaries. Uninhibited passion.
Boycotting Valentine’s Day had been Piper’s preferred way of protecting her heart until she collided with bad-boy sexy-tattoo artist Dex. Driven with lust, Piper has her first one-night stand, but dreads morning and saying goodbye to the man who stirs her innermost desires.

“The Twelve Days of Valentines”

As her home business grows, a specialty jam creator receives gifts from a secret admirer. When the news breaks, two men step up claiming to be the gifter. As the twelve days pass, can she figure out the clues and claim her Mr. Right?

“Valentine’s Day Canceled”

When Thor’s son Magni, the new King of Asgaard, cancels Valentine’s day, Astrid knows something is drastically wrong. Can she make things right again and save the fertility festival?

“The Valentine’s Proposal”

When a Valentine's Day proposal doesn't go the way she expected, librarian Janetta Simonson's life is changes in ways she’s never dreamed.

“I’ve Got A Heart-on For You”

How hard can it be to stash three kids with an overnight babysitter, slip into something ridiculously decadent and skimpy, and do naughty things to each other by candlelight on Valentine’s Day?
Sex-deprived spouses Sam and Dell might be finding out pretty soon, and not in the way they’d hoped.


Devlin Baran followed the statuesque brunette as she stomped from the woman’s room and headed to the bar. His cock twitched as her hips swayed in tight jeans. Was the guy who dumped her crazy? To trade in this hot piece for the washed-out blonde?

He’d noticed her the moment she’d walked into the building. Full breasts. Tapered waist. Not too thin. Tall. His body had reacted immediately. He liked his women tall. He’d been ready to join her when the jerk arrived. During their argument he'd called her Janetta. The name seemed to suit her.

Pseudo cowboys irritated the hell out of him. New boots, shiny belt buckle, cheesy western shirt were all signs. But even real cowhands dressed up for a Saturday night on the town, so he could be mistaken. When the man tossed his hat brim side down on the table, Devlin knew him to be a fake. Any real westerner knew you put your hat top side down so not to ruin the folds.

Since he was out of luck with the brunette, he’d headed to the men’s room, where he observed the encounter. He nearly applauded when the woman smacked the pretend cowboy across the cheek and threw the ring into the crowd. Hell. Not only did he like them tall, he loved them spirited, like his fillies on his ranch.

As she headed to the bar, he shook his head. He couldn’t let a hot woman interfere with the job he had to do, needing all his focus to find out who was slipping drugs into women’s drinks. As a rancher working undercover as an FBI agent, he always seemed to be one-step behind the assholes who thought it fine to have sex with unconscious women.

The man, or men, moved from bar to bar in the small rural area. This was the only one that hadn’t been hit. He hoped to hit pay dirt tonight.

He tried to ignore Janetta’s shapely ass as she sat on a stool next to another pseudo cowboy. She must have a thing for their type. After taking her time with one drink, the man tipped his overly white Stetson, leaned in and said something, making her laugh. The back of Devlin’s neck prickled. He seemed familiar.

What was she thinking, Devlin wondered as she let the guy put his hand on her thigh. Even though she oozed sex appeal, after her encounter with Fred, he had the feeling she wasn’t a sexually aggressive person. She seemed more like a kindergarten teacher.

Janetta took a sip of her orange-colored drink and spoke to the man—who threw his head back and laughed. The hand went a bit further up her leg. She took another drink and swayed into him. Maybe he was wrong and she was just another floozy looking to pick up an unsuspecting cowboy.

The man swung an arm around her shoulders and lifted the glass to her lips. Her head dropped into his neck. He glanced over his shoulder and snuggled her into his side. After a few minutes he pulled her from the stool, and like a man helping a drunk companion, headed toward the door.

Shit. She’s been drugged.

Devlin’s long legs brought him around the bar and behind the couple before they left the building. “Let me give you a hand,” he said, holding open the door. “She looks pretty wasted.”

“Little woman never could hold her booze. Makes for a cheap night out.”

Devlin laughed. “I’ve had a few in my day.” He placed his arm over the man’s arm wrapped around her waist. “Hell, she can’t even walk. Where’s your vehicle?”

The guy nodded to a white van in a dark corner of the parking lot. “Over there. Once I get her in the van, I’ll take her home and let her sleep it off.”

Devlin took Janetta’s full weight as the man dug in his pocket for his keys. “In fact, I’ll just put her in the back until we get home. Alcohol makes her snore.” He opened the rear doors.

“You keep a mattress in your van?” Devlin tried not to search for his partner and their team.

“Yeah, I never know when I’ll be on the range and need to take a nap.”

Devlin refrained from snorting. Who the hell used the term range anymore or used a van for ranch work?

“Give her to me. I can take it from here.” The man pulled Janetta from Devlin's arms and placed her on the mattress. “Thanks for your help, bud.” He reached out to swing the doors shut.

Even though he knew they were coming, Devlin flinched when a voice called from the darkness.

“FBI. Hands up, you bastards.” One agent whipped the slime ball around and slapped handcuffs on his wrists. “You’re under arrest for kidnapping.”

A taller one slammed Devlin against the van. “You, too, you son-of-a-bitch.”

“Ease up,” Devlin whispered out the side of his mouth.

“Whimp,” Brad Christie, his partner said. “I’ll go easy with the cuffs so as not to hurt your delicate skin.”

Brad pressed Devlin’s head down as he pushed him into the unmarked car. Two FBI agents removed Janetta from the van and placed her in another dark vehicle. Devlin suspected the other man had already been whisked off to the local police station. It was all done so quickly, quietly and efficiently, unless a party-goer had been outside the bar peering into the dark, no one would have known anything had occurred.


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