Monday, June 15, 2015

Ink Motions with Anneka Ever


Anneka Ever Head Shot

Anneka Ever is a romance author. Her contemporary love stories are set in the mountains and small towns of Virginia. Her strong heroes and independent heroines explore their passion against the beautiful backdrop of rivers and forests.

An award-winning poet and short story writer (under her other name), Anneka brings a fresh perspective to stories of dating and relationships. She is a member of the Romance Writers of America. She lives in Virginia with her husband and three dogs.

Anneka’s website is Her novel Riverswept is published by Liquid Silver Books.





Ink Motions - Interview


How do you get an idea for your novel? It’s still a mystery to me. I never start out with just one idea. I know I want certain things to happen or I want to write certain scenes.


What is your writing style?  I create character sketches and the skeleton of a story. After that, my muse takes over and I just go along for the ride.


Who is the "Writing Muse" in your life? Nature, particularly mountains.


How many novels have you written, including all works-in-progress? Riverswept is my second novel. The first was written under my other name. I’ve also published a compilation of my poems and short stories that have appeared in literary journals.


Who is your "writing idol"? I.E. Who do you like and what is it about their writing that captures your soul? I love the work of Ron Rash, especially his novel One Foot in Eden. It’s an amazing, beautiful book. His writing inspires me. His first published works were poems and the language of the poet carries through in his fiction.



What is you favorite plot line type? I don’t have a favorite. Whatever suits the story and whatever works is what I like.


Is there any advice you can offer to anyone who would like to write? Plant your butt in a chair and write.


What is a good villain? Readers should be able to empathize with some small part of a villain, otherwise he’s cardboard. We’re all human. We all have foibles.



HRriverswept 200by300


Molly is an up-and-coming PR rep for a mining company. Finn is the owner of an ecotourism business. She’s determined to make her client look good. He’s determined to shut them down. Pitted against Finn and his group of protesters, she begins to see the issue from a new point of view. When the two adversaries come together, they are swept away in a flood of passion.


Excerpt from Riverswept:

She couldn’t resist dropping by his house. The garage door was closed. No cars were parked in front of the house. Looking over her shoulder, Molly didn’t see anyone watching, so she crept into his yard and up the steps of his porch. She peeked into the windows. The house seemed empty. He must still be on that kayak excursion.

Feeling like a stalker, she bounded down the steps and headed into downtown Burns. She would stroll through town toward the river and back around to her cottage. She took her time, worried that the lightheadedness would return.

By the time she reached the water’s edge, dusk blanketed it, softening its surface. Molly squinted at the river. The only illumination was that of fireflies peppering the air with unholy green light. Moving near the launch site, she caught sight of something pale. It was Finn’s white T-shirt glimmering as he put away equipment in the MoRE shed. Molly made her way to him.

He stood stretching and slapping away mosquitoes. When he saw her, he hefted a coil of rope under his arm and tossed it into the shed. He shut the door, locked it, and turned to greet her. “Hey, I was getting ready to call y—”

She interrupted him with a deep kiss. A pleasant, throbbing ache had set up inside her. He could make it go away. She ran her hands up beneath his ponytail and freed it from its band. She let the silky gold strands stream through her fingers like a pirate gloating over handfuls of doubloons. Smiling, she held his face between her hands and kissed him hard.

“Here,” she said. “Now.”

“Whatever you say,” he murmured. Pressing himself against her, he ran his tongue along her earlobe. A mantle of dew covered their shoulders as Finn led her away from the shed to the river. Beneath the branches of an old pine tree, he laid her down on a bed of fragrant needles.

Buy Link:  Amazon

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