Monday, June 01, 2015

Ink Motions with James Bowie



Ink Motions - Interview with James Bowie

How do you get an idea for your novel? Generally an idea just pops into my head, or I read about an incident in the news and want to use it as a background for the story


What is your writing style?  Do you just sit down and write or do you create. I can’t do anything until I’m at the keyboard. Sometimes I can scratch down an idea or a character’s appearance on a handy notepad, but the real magic (LOL) takes place in front of my computer.


Who is the "Writing Muse" in your life? I.E. who gets your juices flowing when. So many authors do it for me. I have to mention Carol Lynne because it was she who got me my start with Totally Bound. She sent an erotic story I’d written ‘My Vampire and I’ to them and what was to be a one off became an eight part series. I love Carol’s writing – it amazes me how she comes up with so many fresh sounding stories all the time. In older times I was a fan of Mary Renault who wrote books of the ancient Greeks, and two excellent stories about Alexander the Great.


How many novels have you written including all work in progresses you are currently working on?

My 61st story will be released May 27th (I think) Title is ‘The Vampire and the P.I.’ and will be published by Wilde City Press. Currently I’m working on a sequel to my last Totally Bound release ‘All I’ll Ever Need’ – no title yet – and another Nick Fallon mystery – Murder In The Desert.


Who is your "writing idol"? I.E. Who do you like and what is it about their writing that captures your soul?

Again so many…one male gay writer stands out and actually was a kind of mentor to me – he doesn’t know it of course. Michael Nava, who wrote a series of mysteries with a really interesting lead character, Henry Rios, a gay Latino lawyer who takes cases no one else will touch – a champion of the underdog – I love that.


What is your favorite plot line type?

A mixture of mystery, paranormal and erotic romance.


Is there any advice you can offer to anyone who would like to write?

Stick with it and ignore the critics. Love what you do – it’ll show in your writing.


What is a good villain?

I love writing villains – I guess it’s the dark side of me that can only come out in fiction. He or she should be good looking just so they can fool the victims into thinking they’re the good guys, and totally without a conscience. Cold blooded and cunning. Ooooh!!




This is from All I’ll Ever Need.

When Edward Conway came out to his family he never imagined their reaction would be to shut him out of their lives. Searching for acceptance he leaves his hometown hoping to find a new life in Los Angeles. Finally daring to enter a gay bar by himself, he meets Alex Martinez, a celebrities publicity agent, and the two men connect on all kinds of levels. Despite the pressure of Alex’s job, which takes him out of town soon after he and Edward connect, Edward feels he may just have met the man who can give him something to live for.

Things look good until Edward’s wild roommate Troy, needs a lift to a party where ‘sex, drugs and rock’n’roll’ are the order of the day. Reluctantly Edward agrees to drive Troy to the party, but before he can leave he becomes the victim of a vicious incident that could shatter the hopes he had for the future.

Alex is there to lend support but he is haunted by a tragic past, and in the present is torn between an old loyalty and the wish to make Edward a lasting part of his life.


Edward, new to Los Angeles has gone to his first gay bar. He’s whisked onto the dance floor by Herbie who turns out to be the proverbial douche forcing Edward to tell him to back off in no uncertain terms. Later the bartender tells Edward that a man wants to buy him a drink…


The man at the end of the bar was drinking red wine and raised his glass as Edward approached, slowly winding his way through the milling crowd. He was momentarily stunned by just how good-looking the man appeared. Older than him, Edward guessed, late twenties maybe. He wore a T-shirt and jeans, both black, and sufficiently tight to show off his lean, muscular body to great advantage.

“Hello.” The hottie smiled. “I’m Alex Martinez.”

“Edward Conway.” They shook hands, and Edward liked the cool, firm grip. He took in the dark brown eyes framed by sooty lashes, the aquiline nose, full lower lip and the white, even teeth his smile revealed. He eyed the almost full glass in Edward’s hand.

“I’d like to buy you a drink, but I see you have one.”

“That’s okay,” Edward said, then surprised himself by adding, “I’m happy to just talk, if that’s all right with you.”

“Very all right, although it’s tough to do in here with all the noise.” He took a sip of his wine and his dark eyes held a hint of humor as he gazed at Edward over the rim of his glass. “I liked the way you handled the tattooed gentleman on the dance floor.”

Edward grimaced. “You saw that? I don’t usually get into confrontations so easily—especially within minutes of coming into a bar for the first time. Gary, the bartender, told me Herbie’s a bit on the pushy side with first timers.”

“Herbie—that’s right. Couldn’t remember his name. He came on to me too, the first time I was here.”

“Can’t say I blame him for trying,” Edward remarked with a wry smile.

“I like your accent, very Southern gentleman. Are you from Virginia?”

“North Carolina. You won’t have heard of the town.”

“Try me.”


“You’re right, I haven’t heard of it.”

They chuckled together and Edward relaxed under the warmth of Alex’s charismatic personality.

“You like the Rockin’ Bar?” Alex asked.

“Yeah. I read in a magazine this was one of the best dance bars in LA so I had to check it out.”

“Ah, so you like to dance?”

“Love it. How about you?”

“Are you asking me to dance?”

Edward jerked his head in the direction of the dance floor. “Never can resist Radiohead,” he said, grinning.

“Let’s do it.” Alex grabbed Edward’s hand and together they eased their way through the crowd.

Maybe this evening won’t be a dud after all. Edward took time to admire Alex’s tall frame from behind and get an eyeful of the round contours of his muscular butt. The awkward moment with Herbie was forgotten as he and Alex joined the gyrating throng on the floor. Alex placed his hands lightly on Edward’s hips and started to move expertly to the solid beat. Oh yeah… He followed Alex’s lead, matching the man’s sensuous moves. They shared a smile then Alex pulled him closer and leaned in to brush his lips lightly over Edward’s.

Wow, twice in one night… More than I’ve had in so long I can’t remember. And this time I don’t mind it at all. Nice… Better than nice.

He felt a definite stirring in his groin from Alex’s featherlight touch and the thought of protesting as he had with Herbie didn’t even cross his mind. Instead, he pushed forward a little, inviting more than just a touch, parting his lips slightly. He breathed out an involuntary gasp when Alex slid the tip of his tongue over Edward’s lower lip. The thrill of it sent a jolt of desire straight to Edward’s cock. Wanting to prolong the sensation of Alex’s mouth on his, he reached up to cup the nape of Alex’s neck, holding him in place as their tongues tangled and the kiss morphed from one of mere fleeting pleasure to mind melting ecstasy

He was only vaguely aware that the music had slowed, and with it the movement of Alex’s body, now firmly pressed against Edward’s. Alex wrapped his strong arms around him, and an unmistakable hardness glided over his own confined erection. He leaned back just a little when their kiss ended so he could gaze into Alex’s dark brown eyes. They met his own with an intensity so powerful it made him tremble with anticipation of what the rest of this evening might bring. He’d never done this before, never allowed such searing intimacy with a veritable stranger, yet it seemed so natural. So good… So right. He inhaled the intoxicating, spicy scent that lingered on the smooth skin of Alex’s neck and buried his face there.

They were barely moving now, simply swaying sensuously to the music, then Alex asked, “Perhaps we could find somewhere quieter to talk?”

“Sounds like a plan.” Although he hated to give up the pleasure of being in Alex’s arms, the prospect of spending more time with him, perhaps alone, had the greater edge. There was no doubt from the state of both their arousals that talking would lead to something even more satisfying. At least that’s what he hoped for… Maybe at last fulfilling his fantasy.

“I’m going to have to visit the john,” he said when they returned to the bar. “That beer is going straight through me. Sorry.”

Alex smiled. “I’ll be right here when you get back. Don’t get lost.”

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