Saturday, June 14, 2008

TV pleasures: Army Wives

I've admitted many times I enjoy watching TV. Well one of the shows I was really looking forward to coming is Army Wives. With the way they left us last year with them in the bar I couldn't wait to see who survived. I was rooting for the Roxy, Claudia Joy, Denise and Roland. Well last Sunday was the season 2 premier. I knew from the teasers someone was going to die I got my cold drink and curled up in a chair anxiously waiting for the show. When I saw all the regulars I breathed a sigh of relief no one was killed off. Some were hurt. The owner of the bar more so and almost at death's door. As the show wore on I wondered who was going to die. Well I never saw it coming. Claudia Joy's daughter died. Man I was crying when they finally showed who died.

I'm also an emotional TV watcher. LOL. All I can say the premier was so worth the wait. The sneak peek of what is coming this season will definitely have me turning it. So Army Wives one of my TV pleasures is back.

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