Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Idea Spark –Candy Craving

I’ve been having a strong craving for candy. I’m not a bug candy eater. I can go years without eating any. Also I’m not into chocolate. Shocking. I do eat chocolate ever so often but when I crave it is for something else. I know you chocoholics out there are wondering what candy I am craving if not the all-wonderful chocolate.

Okay I will admit it. I am a caramelolics. Yes caramel is one of my fav candy. That nice sweet caramel is calling me. It is a siren call that I have been resisting but I am longing. Badly. Of course because of how much I am craving I have an idea come to me. A candy idea. An idea of someone who makes sweets for a candy shop and what happens when there craving takes on the sweetest temptation. LOL.

My craving has morphed into a story idea. Now I am off to fulfill my craving and get me some caramel. Yummy. So what is you fav candy that you crave?

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