Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Trying to get things done in a timely manner is a major balancing act. I’ve learned to prioritize what I need to get done.

I’ve learned to prioritize the most important. Sometimes it is hard when you have so many things pulling at you. Everything seems as if it is a now when in reality there are a few that really now’s. Yeah it sounds weird but it’s just as if someone calls you and yells fire and when you run there isn’t actually any fire. You look at them and wonder why you almost broke you neck getting there.

So I’ve learned to balance what is my priority. In the past I have let some of my important things be pushed aside. Now I know how to balance those things. I need them. So my writing, personal life, friends, me time and so many other things are all done on levels of priority. Some are higher up on the list than others and instead of trying to be everywhere at the same time I work by priorities one at a time. I find now that I have more balance for everything.

Prioritizing is a wonderful thing. Now I am off to do one of my top priorities some much deserved me time.

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