Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Series Landscape

I’m in my organization mode and revisiting my series landscape. Since I was offline dealing with some things I’m now playing catch up. Getting back into my writing schedule. Working on my writing calendar. Yeah I have one. I’m an organization freak. LOL. The good thing about having a writing schedule is that I have an idea of what I will be writing next. I also have my schedule set so it leaves flexibility for me to change and shift things around. This helps keep me on track and set long term writing career goals.

The schedule helps me a lot with my writing and planning out my various series. I love writing series because I get to get deep into the worlds, see previous characters and develop more. It is fun and of course time consuming. You must make sure that you keep the thread of the series accurate to your previous books and so on. LOL. But I love it. It’s like a puzzle that keeps getting more pieces that fit together to create a beautiful image.

On the Satin Notes the free reads site that Aliyah Burke, McKenna Jeffries and I co-write stories for we are building two towns with lots of people, place and so on. Bringing you into their lives and world. It is fun to do and I can’t wait to see what comes next. I’ve also written a few stories that are set in both Trescott Cove and Savoy Valley that has been released by various publishers and have some more that I am working on that I will be sending out once complete.

With each of my series I build a landscape and keep building it. I love creating worlds. I have something that I am working on for my chat group Crenshaw Café which will be exclusive to the group. Shhh… I haven’t announced it yet.

I love revisiting my series and writing the next book. Or creating a new world to play in. It’s like opening a candy jar and finding my favorite candies. I guess that is why I tend to like to read series too. To get into the world and so on. I’m off to continue working on my series landscape. What are some of your fav series and why?

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