Monday, August 16, 2010

Priceless Family Moments

Summer has been very busy. I’ve been playing tourist in my own city. I had family visiting so we’ve been taking in the sites. It has been fun seeing things I see in a new light. I love when my family is visiting. We tend to laugh, talk and just have fun. There has been moments in their visit I know I will always remember.

The laughter when I got my brother-in-law with a whopper of a zinger. He has a sharp wit and is great with zingers. My sister, nephew and I dancing around the living room while watching So You Think You Can Dance. We were grooving to the tune and dances. Laughing as we chatted about other moments we had in the pass. Like when my brother-in-law screamed on the roller coaster and the picture of that scream. My cousin who loves to argue good naturedly with me.

There are so many times I spend with my family. I appreciate all of them. All these moments were priceless family moments.

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