Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Visit from Beyond - Ghostly Liaisons

“In paranormals you can work an insurmountable obstacle into a fantastic story. A story that will leave you not only rooting for the end that is satisfying but leaves you breathless and brings down the barriers of your mind letting your imagination take flight.” - Taige Crenshaw

Above is what I’ve said many times before and will always believe. Now lets explore another wondrous paranormal being.

I’m revisiting ghosts today. Since my last post I have thought about it quite a bit. Even reread some books with ghosts.

Imagine being in love but not being able to touch the person you love. Not because they don’t know you care or anything like that. It is literally because they have no corporeal form for you to touch or feel. This is taking obstacles to love to a whole new level.

Ghosts are usually thought of to spook you but now they have evolved to entice, titillate and make fantasies about. A ghost as the main character in a story looking to save the world, find love and all that while just being ethereal is a lot. But it is done with such aplomb that it makes your heart race and you cheer hoping for that one touch. That one moment when it becomes all worth it.

One example of a ghostly liaison is in Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Sin of the Night the hero Alexion is sexy and mysterious and a sort of a ghost who is in a temporary corporal form. The heroine Danger doesn’t know what he is which isn’t the only obstacle they face. They face everything and get that happily ever after.

There are many other authors who are exploring this sort of a spin on the obstacles you face when finding love. A ghostly character in love with someone who they cannot touch at least not in a real sense. How do you build a relationship or a lasting love from that?

This is where using your imagination and taking the story to the next level comes in. In paranormals you can work an insurmountable obstacle into a fantastic story. A story that will leave the reader breathless and rooting for the end that is satisfying and leaves you breathless.

A ghost is just another form of being with all the angst, love and stuff we all have. A ghostly liaison is not only possible but makes you think and bring down the barriers of your imagination.

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