Monday, November 03, 2014

Ink Motions with Valentina Heart


Valentina Heart lives in different locations in Split, at the coast of the Adriatic Sea. Like the directions of her stories, her life takes a new twist with every passing year, and she welcomes every single one.
As an avid reader for many years, she had a habit of mixing fiction with reality, until she realized she could simply breathe life to her characters and make them as real as they could get. From forever romantic to deeply troubled, they bring joy to their creator, just as they sometimes bring frustration with their naughty behavior.
Kinky imagination aside, she enjoys music and movies just as much as reading, but give her summer all year round and she'll be ready to free-climb, swim, or stretch in all those mind-stirring yoga positions.

Valentina Heart


Ink Motions - Interview


How do you get an idea for your novel?


Danny and Mike was actually my first book. At the time I had trouble finding a lot of m/m stories with a similar subject (I could have pretty much listed the number of authors off the top of my head) and I figured I could write something of my own. As a first one, Danny and Mike is full of little details I’d wanted to see in a book but it’s really not something I could see myself writing about now.


Usually I get ideas everywhere. Books, movies, TV shows, but sometimes I’ll just take some time, sit down, and think about the plot until it all lines up in my head.


What is your writing style?  Do you just sit down and write or do you create


I guess it depends on the book. For Mending the Rift series I pretty much only had a vague idea in my head and I started writing about it. That’s how the first book in the series came about. But the next two were both outlined and stressed over, probably more than my other books.


Who is the "Writing Muse" in your life? I.E. who gets your juices flowing when


I don’t think I have one. As a rather solitary person, I spend a lot of time with my own thoughts. It’s amazing how many things you can get up to when there’s no one around to keep you in check lol


How many novels have you written including all work in progresses you are currently working on?


Omg, okay. There have been thirteen published stories, three short and free ones written for a Goodreads group, one finished but not sent to the publisher as of yet and about eight WIPs I see actually going somewhere.


Who is your "writing idol"? I.E. Who do you like and what is it about there writing that captures your soul?


There are actually a lot of authors I like and whose books speak to me in a way. Of course that doesn’t mean I could ever write like them. I guess all of us have our own style and it’s really not something you can escape from.


My first instinct, without a lot of thought, tells me to go with Laurell K. Hamilton. She has a certain motion in her books, where there’s never a quiet period and all the characters and the plot are constantly moving along. I love her strong MCs as well as how there’s never just a typical ‘boy meets girl’ charm to it, but rather all the unconventional pairings you can think of.


What is you favorite plot line type?


Well, my books are all pretty much along the lines of ‘boy meets boy’. I write romance and that’s probably the only set guideline – you have to have a solid romance with a preferable HEA. Now my stories are all very diverse. I tend to go from one extreme to the next and I can’t say I’m afraid to write about sex, incest, rape. Instead I prefer to push at the boundaries and see where it gets me.


One thing that does seem to be a constant is my penchant for shifters. I’ve written a few books on the subject already, but I still have a few started or just teasing at me. It’s slowly becoming an addiction.


Is there any advice you can offer to anyone who would like to write?


My advice would be to persist at it. But that goes in most situations life throws at us. If you really want something you have to give it your best, even when you feel there’s nothing else to give.


What is a good villain?


Probably someone who makes you hate him with every turned page lol When I’m reading a book, I like the bad guys who are smart and a bit evil. I can dislike them all I want, but if I’m afraid for the MCs in the middle of the book because of that bad guy it usually means the author did their job. Still, I do prefer MCs who are a bit naughty, a bit rude and in general have that ‘bad boy’ vibe instead of an evil genius set on destroying lives.




"When are you leaving?" I asked him with my back turned.

"Not for a few hours still. Danny, look at me."

I didn't really want to. He could read my face like a picture book, and there were some things I wanted to hide. But turn I did, and when I looked into his warm, caring eyes, I realized they hadn't changed. He still looked at me the same, and he was still the same guy.

"You're the only one I want. There's no need for jealousy."

I knew he was right, of course, but I still couldn't help myself. I was deadly afraid that he would leave me, and there was nothing in the world that could dissuade me from it. "I can't help it. There's so many things running through my head right now, and I can't help the way I feel about it."

"Okay, we can work with that. Tell me what's bothering you, and I'll help you through it. Just be honest."

It wasn't an ideal situation, certainly not something I was thrilled to talk about, but I didn't see a different solution to solving our disagreement, so talking it was. "You say you're attracted to women, too. How do I know you won't pick her over me?"

He looked dumbstruck for a moment and his expression almost made me laugh. It wasn't a look I saw on his face often.

"The same way you know I won't pick any other man instead of you. There's no choice for me anymore. It's you or no one. You're the one I fell in love with, and it doesn't matter how handsome someone else is, they can't measure up to you, sweets." He pointed to his groin. "This is what you do to me every time I see you. I want you more than I've ever wanted anyone else in my life. You're the only one who leaves me speechless, horny, and head over heels in love.

Believe in your worth."




Sometimes love can be found in the most unlikely places, or so Danny discovers once he finds himself in a bar brawl. With a life of abuse behind him, he's more than ready for a new, happier start and Mike seems to be exactly what his damaged soul needs.


With a completely different background, Mike is close to a ray of sunshine. Always optimistic and happy, he anchors Danny and shows him life can be about love instead of hate.


But chapters of the past are rarely completely closed, and once Danny's nightmares come back into his life he has to make a choice—to fight or to save the one who showed him life is worth living.


CONTENT ADVISORY: This title contains a HFN ending, violence and explicit rape scenes.


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