Monday, November 02, 2015

Ink Motions with Olivia Night



Olivia Night, a fictional character herself, has always been an avid reader and writer. She found the romance genre in college and has never been able to get enough. One sleepless night, the main characters of Book One in her Seduction series sprang from her head fully formed. They demanded she tell their story; so she did. As they revealed themselves, so did two other intriguing characters. Those characters convinced her to give them their own books because their stories were worth telling too. And so Olivia suddenly became a romance author. When Olivia is not writing, she has the best job in the world, which, too, will remain a secret. In her free time, she reads, write, runs, or is, most likely, out emulating Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Olivia lives in one of the most diverse and vibrant cities in the U.S.—Baltimore. She lives with her cat, which she is convinced was a gladiator in his past life. Olivia plans to continue being awesome at this thing called life. Really, that’s her only goal.

Ink Motions - Interview

How do you get an idea for your novel?

The idea and characters for my first book quite literally popped into my head one night when I couldn’t sleep. As I wrote the book two other characters came forward and I began to write their stories down.

The idea for my second series, book one, came to me while I was cleaning and listening to Billy Joel’s And So It Goes. The song is incredibly sad and it made me ponder real loss and how painful that is. The characters who had experienced this kind of loss came to me and I sat down immediately and wrote down as much as I could. As I wrote those first thirty pages three others ladies with loss in their past came forward and they will have books too.

What is your writing style? Do you just sit down and write or do you create.

Typically, the ideas just come to me. After I think over things for a day or two I will sit down and outline the story. Sometimes I leave things blank and come back to it later. But for the most part I can outline the whole book in one sitting.
How many novels have you written including all work in progresses you are currently working on?

I have one published, Seduction in Sierra Leone, one that will be published this winter, Seduction in Seville and I am currently writing the third and finale installment in the series, Seduction in Scotland. I am also working on a new series and have written about five chapters in the first book and have outlined the three other books in that series as well.

What is you favorite plot line type?
Suspense of course!

Is there any advice you can offer to anyone who would like to write?

Don’t give up! Keep writing!

What is a good villain?

Someone that brings out emotion in the reader. This can be fear, frustration, anger and even sympathy.



An excerpt
Together, they watched the truck, a far better model than either had seen in their time here, tip and tilt as four men emerged. Aislinn couldn’t see any of them very well, though she could tell they were all very large, muscular men, all in different ways. One was short and squat, and one was short and lean and looked as though he really needed to eat. The other two were tall. Those two were muscular and looked more dangerous than the others. Perhaps it was the serious look on their faces, as if they had never smiled. But one was more muscular than the others. He was the tallest in the group. And he was really, really easy on the eyes. And as if he sensed her watching him—okay, staring—he turned his head and looked directly over at her.
His face was blank, his eyes unblinking. He looked across the short distance at Aislinn, apparently not even noticing that Geoff was standing in front of her. From the distance between them, his eyes seemed to be charcoal gray, a color she had never seen on a person. Animals yes, people no. His skin was tanned, and there was a slight sheen of sweat, giving him a sort of healthy glow. His dark black hair was cut short, but not in a military fashion that had that silly flat surface at the top. No, there was just enough to run her fingers through. His legs were huge, like tree trunks that made their way up to a tapered and slim waist. His chest flared back out to meet his thick neck. Veins stood out on his arms as he picked a bag up from inside the car, all the while staring at her. She fixed her eyes shamelessly at his full lips that were a dark pink, a color you normally didn’t see on a man. His nose had been broken before, judging by the uneven placement on his face. The rest of his face was perfect. Perfect angles, perfect mouth, perfect eyes.
She came back to his eyes and realized she had just, very slowly, given this stranger a full-body perusal. He didn’t offer a nod, or any other type of greeting; he just kept looking at her. She felt herself blush. And then, suddenly, he turned. Brima, the town elder, was approaching the men—quickly for an old man—with a broad smile on his face. Brima rubbed the man’s chin, a traditional Mende greeting, and, as was customary, the man did not return the gesture as a symbol of acquiescence to the elder. Then they both smiled and shook hands. The muted tones of their conversation drifted over to her as they walked to the elder’s home farther up the path, leading away from the road.

Twitter: @olivianightread

Buy Links:



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