Monday, October 02, 2006

Bliss: Desired Silence

This always seems to happen to me and wondered if it happens to other.

When you’re right in the middle of a really intense scene in a book. I mean it is heart pounding, sweaty and you’re at the edge of your seat. Then wham the phone rings or someone talks to you yanking you right out of it. Oyy. That happened to me today. Not once but 3 times damn it. The first time I was reading JD Robb’s book Glory in Death (I’m rereading the series again. I love the series) and just as I reached the pivotal part the phone rang. It frightened me so bad I threw the book up in the air. Since my phone rarely rings I was annoyed. I picked it up and tried to answer pleasantly but I can’t tell you if I succeeded or not. I’m sure you guessed it already who was on the other end of the phone. A TELEMARKETER. Since I know they are only doing there job I was okay I tried to be polite and told them not interested and they kept going on and on. I hung up and went and got my book.

So I started reading again and was back into the book when … you guessed it the phone rang again. This time I at least kept my book in hand and answered the phone all the while I was thinking was I Verizon or what. And I’m sure you know what I am about to say. It was another TELEMARKETER. I didn’t even try to listen I hung up. By this time I was so annoyed I put the book down and booted up my computer. After surfing the web, checking email and such. I calmed down a bit and decided to do some writing. I was writing a really hot sexual scene in Immortal Blossom: Bonded and it was going at a fast clip when you guessed it the phone rang again. After a little round of cursing (which I don’t usually do) I picked up the phone. And this time I’ll admit I answered very rude.

To my chagrin it was one of my sister calling me from long distance. The first words out of her mouth was you’re writing aren’t you. Sheepish I said yes. She told me to call her later and hung up before I could reply. I hung up and started to get back into my scene but then I thought about it, stopped and took the phone off the hook.

Achieved. Silence.


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