Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A Conversation between Muses

A few month's ago my muse got loose.

What happens when two muses get loose and talk?

Jazz strolls into the room and looks around. Walking over to the dark rust colored couch she sits, kicks off her shoes then shifts until she is sitting with her legs tucked under her. Taking out her book she starts writing. A noise catches her attention. She grins as the door opens and Mikayla rushes in.

Mikayla looks at her waiting for her then flops down on the couch next to her. Stretching out Mikayla crosses her ankles and glances at her black knee high boots. Jazz bumps shoulders with her.

“I can’t believe you actually made it. How did you get Taige to agree to let you come? ” Jazz said.

“Now, you should know there wasn’t any doubt.” Mikayla paused and made a rude noise then continued. “Like I need Taige’s permission.” Flashing her a devilish grin Mikayla leans back further in the seat.

Jazz raises one eyebrow but says nothing. Mikayla starts to laugh and Jazz joins her. They calm down and Jazz closes her book.

“What ya working on?” Mikayla asks.

Jazz shifts and shrugs. “A new story.”

Mikayla snorts and rolls her eyes. “That I know. What’s it about?”

Jazz gives her look. “You really don’t want to know about my story. Why don’t you answer my question.”

“I don’t remember any question.” Mikayla whistles and looks at her nails.

“Please you very well remember.” Jazz snorts.

Mikayla continues to whistle and look at her nails.

Jazz rolls her eyes “Fine.” She repeated her question slowly. “How did you get Taige to agree to let you come?”

Mikayla sits forward her arms resting on her knees. “You’re probably writing another story about you and that hot man you got in Conquering Jazz. Ummm hmmmm Reese.” She looks at Jazz. “Kinda weird to write a book about yourself.”

“Hello, muse calling muse black. You did the same thing in Carnal Awakening.” Jazz arched an eyebrow. “Besides we’re muses and can do whatever we like.”

They laugh companionably.

“At least you got to be the same sex.” Mikayla groused.

“Yeah but … damn … Taige… made you a hot man. Mikhail.” Jazz shivered dramatically.

Mikayla whacked her on the arm. “Mikhail-“

Jazz shivered again.

“Stop that. Mikhail –“ She paused then ignored Jazz’s shivers. “was hot but still I wanted to be a kick ass woman. Damn that Taige.” Mikayla leaned back on the chair pouting.

Jazz rolled her eyes and smacked her on the arm. “Please I know you’re not upset about being made into a hot, sexy man like Mikhail. You’re just annoyed that Taige went her own way.”

She stared at Mikayla. Mikayla ignored her refusing to respond. Jazz waited her out patiently. Finally Mikayla threw her hands up in the air.

“Fine, damn it. I’m not mad just as you put it annoyed that Taige had her way.” Mikayla ran her hand through her mid back length hair. “At least since she started the series she could finish it.”

“It’s not done.” Jazz was surprised from what McKenna had told her it was.

“It’s done but Taige isn’t ready to sub it yet.” Mikayla made quotation marks with her hand. “’Let us let it sit for a little bit.’ Taige keeps telling me. Christ, she’s stubborn.” Mikayla glances at Jazz. “How do you get McKenna to do what you want anyway?”

“I don’t we learn to compromise.” Jazz laughs.

“Compromise.” Mikayla says the word with distaste.

“See that’s your problem. Compromise can work.” Jazz pokes her in the shoulder.

Mikayla pokes her back. “For you and McKenna maybe. Me and Taige have our own way and it works for us.”

“Me and McKenna ways work also. I let her think I’m going her way and then do what I want.” Jazz grins.

Mikayla bounces up and chuckles. “See I knew you were devious. Give me details.”

“Well first you get the gu-“

A loud pounding on the door made them jump. Jazz looked at the door behind them then Mikayla who had a guilty look on her face. The pounding came again.

“Mikayla you … I know you’re in there. Lemme in.” Taige Crenshaw screamed.

“What did you do?” Jazz hissed.

“Nothing.” Mikayla shrugged.

Taige continued to pound and scream. Jazz looks at Mikayla disbelieving.

“I locked her in the closet.” Mikayla grunted.

Jazz blinked “You what?”

“Well she was being unreasonable.” Mikayla said calmly.

“God, you’re priceless. First you sit on Taige to take over when you want to speak on her blog or in groups. And now the closet.” Jazz shook her head.

Jazz started to laugh. Mikayla joined her. They stopped when they heard another voice joining coming from the other door on the other side of the room.

“Jazz, you are so busted.” McKenna Jeffries shouted.

“Damn, it’s McKenna. Hide me.” Jazz muttered.

Mikayla looked at her and the door in front of them as the pounding started again even louder. The pounding started on the door behind them too.

“You better tell me what you did.” Mikayla said eyes twinkling.

“McKenna was being stubborn about it so I locked her in her office.” Jazz put her hand over her eyes.

The silence on the couch next to her made Jazz lower her hand from her face. Mikayla was looking at her a stunned look on her face then she started to laugh. She fell off the couch laughing. Jazz glared at her. Mikayla calmed then looked at her then started laughing again. They both ignored the pounding on the doors.

“You talk about me locking people up and sitting on them and you locked McKenna in her office.” Mikayla looked somber and said. “Hello, muse calling muse black.” He lips twitched and she started laughing again. “You’re the one who is priceless.”

“Hump, at least it was better than a closet. I left her near the computer so she could work or have internet.” Jazz through of it and cursed.

“ Figured it out did ya.” Mikayla said sitting up and leaning back against the couch.

Jazz slid off the couch to sit next to her. “Shut up. I was trying to improvise, damn it. It was time to come here and she wouldn’t let me leave.”

“Yeah but you left her with contact to the outside world. She probably sent an IM for help.” Mikayla pointed out.

Jazz narrowed her eyes. “Taige reached here first. So Ms. Mikayla did you take Taige’s phone away from her?”

Mikayla shifted. “No, Taige is obsessed with that thing and there was no way I could get it.”

“She probably emailed McKenna and found out she was locked up too and they called for help.” Jazz snorted.

“Yeah.” Mikayla agreed.

They sat for a few moments and continued to ignore the pounding on the doors. Suddenly it stopped. Confused Jazz looked at Mikayla. Mikayla shrugged. A buzzing sound broke the silence from the door in front of them. The two of them stood in a rush.
“Crap, McKenna brought her power tools.” Jazz said.

Another buzzing sound came behind them. They looked back.

“Taige too.” Mikayla added.

“Those two likes power tools to much.” Jazz shook her head.

“Yeah, they need to stay out of Home Depot.” Mikayla gripped.

Jazz looked at her and laughed. She hugged Mikayla and Mikayla hugged her back.

“It was fun. We’ll have to do it again real soon.” Jazz said.

“Definitely.” Mikayla agreed.

They parted then looked at each other the grinned. They each went to the door. They looked back at each other and waved and winked.

“Until next time.” Mikayla smiled.

“We’ll make sure to lock them up better next time.” Jazz replied.

Mikayla laughed then counted off. “One, two, three.”

Mikayla opened the door and laughed at the startled look on McKenna’s face. The power screwdriver in McKenna’s hand lowered.

“Hey McKenna, Jazz says you’ll have to catch her.” She skirted around her and took off running.

Jazz opened the door and grinned at Taige. “Hey Taige, Mikayla says you can’t catch me.” Jazz skirted around Taige ignoring the drill Taige held laughing as she took off running.

McKenna and Taige looked at each other across the room and sighed. They walked towards each other in the center of the room.

“Mikayla is a bad influence.” McKenna gripped.

“Please, Jazz is just as bad. Just more subtle about it. Why didnn't you catch, Mikayla?” Taige countered.

McKenna glared. “Like I want her to come home with me and to be a pain in the butt you know she would. You know I hate when you’re right.”

“Mikayla probaly would. Yeah, I know.” Taige made a rude kissing noise.

“That’s why you and Mikayla get along so well. Both think you funny. Not. ” McKenna chuckled.

Taige rolled her eyes then looked out at the door where Mikayla had run off too.

“You know we can’t let them get away with this.” Taige gestured.

“Definitely not. It’s on. Revenge will be sweet.” McKenna got a wicked grin on her face.

They smacked palms together then each took off after their muses. Taige reached the doorway and saw Mikayla standing with her hands on her hips a distance away. Mikayla saw her smirked and ran off. Taige took off after her.

McKenna ran out the door and saw Jazz running fast. Jazz looked back at her blew her a kiss and picked up speed. McKenna growled and ran after her.

Jazz (McKenna Jeffries' Muse) & Mikayla (Taige Crenshaw's Muse)

For more on McKenna and Taige and their muses check them out at their websites.

McKenna Jeffries site: http://www.mckennajeffries.com/

Taige Crenshaw site: http://www.taigecrenshaw.com/

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