Monday, February 21, 2011

A good reason to cheat

I’ve always been a desktop computer person. I’ve had friends who swore by the laptop but not me. I loved my desktop. Well… until recently. I’m a cheater. A serial cheater. (sob) I’ve been stepping out on my desktop. I’ve done it briefly before but never like this. You see I have this problem. I love gadgets. I get all tingly when I see something new and shiny. Now sit back I have to tell you the whole sordid story.

Early last year when I was going to be away from home I decided to get a new laptop. The one I had before had to be replaced (or this is what I convinced myself of). Since I’ve had a laptop before I knew it would be a brief affair. And when I got back to my own house my desktop and I would be back together. After all our love affair was strong. Right. Well I was so wrong.

I saw the new shinny laptop I wanted and bought it. When I first booted it up my heart raced, palms and other places got wet. Did I mention I love gadgets? (Sigh) It’s one of a few addictions that plagues me. One I don’t ever want to get rid of. But I digress and need to get this out.

The laptop was so new and so sleek. I reveled in using it but… this is the part where I admit my shame and cheating ways. So bear with me. When I got home I didn’t even look at my desktop I continued using the laptop. I ignored the desktop. My love… my beautiful desktop. The one who had my heart…until now. As last year progressed I was steadily using the laptop and leaving my desktop untouched. The desktop would sit lonely for months as I happily used the laptop.

Well after some soul searching on January 1st I’ve told my desktop that it is no longer number 1 in my heart. It is relegated to my mistress (one I have kicked to the curb). It was a hard break to make but I had to. My new number 1 and partner my laptop and I are very happy.

My new number 1 asked me to promise that I won’t cheat on them but I could not. After all I’m a gadget junkie and may see something new and shinny. It may sway my affections. Which will lead me to another good reason to cheat. (grin)

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