Monday, February 28, 2011

Evolution of a Series

I’ve been looking through some books in the various series I have. Going over the notes for the future books in the series. As I read each I find myself writing little things and finding new things I want to put to the series. This all goes to the evolution of a series. You can start with one niggling of a concept and as you write it get to be more. More complexities are reveled as you layer the world. A reaction of characters can change the whole plan. One of the things I’ve learned as I write is not to fight it. Let the story go where is may. You just have to hang on for the ride.

When my vision I may have changes as I write I love it. It pushes me as a writer. Challenging me to bring it. With each book in a series you have to step up your game and make it a ride for the reader. Layer in things in each book that will make them want the next and next. As a reader and writer this is what make me come back for more. The complexities of a story. Those little things that I remember and resonates at random time. It makes me scramble to find the book and read it.

In each book I try to achieve this as a writer. Push the boundaries of expectations and shatter them. Make your breath hitch and heart race. Take you with me on a journey beyond what can be fathomed. And once I’ve hooked you bring you on the plane with me for the evolution of a series. I promise it will be a ride you won’t forget.

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