Friday, February 18, 2011

A New Norm

After the personal turmoil of last year I’ve been trying to get back into my life. Get the feel of what I was and who I used to be. However I realized that I have changed. Some of the changes are subtle but I noticed a difference. Others are more obvious and even others have taken note. Thankfully in my opinion and those who noticed the changes are for the better.

With these changes I had to reevaluate what I was used to and work to get to a new place. As I did this I found out something about myself. The change has revitalized my passion for things that I hadn’t realized that I had stopped taking time for. One for instance is my love of movies. I used to eagerly look forward to certain movies coming out. But in the last little bit I would make noises of wanting to see it but not actually do it. Now I am not saying it alone. Now I am doing it to.

As for other changes. I have sat and evaluated my writing and the way I do things. As I’ve mentioned as few times before I love organization and knowing what I will be working on next. I’ve streamlined some things I do in my writing and it has freed up some time for me to get more writing done. Ah… more writing means more books. More worlds to explore and build. More characters to bring to everyone. I’m loving this new norm.

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