Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Oh God and Goddess

“In paranormals you can work an insurmountable obstacle into a fantastic story. A story that will leave you not only rooting for the end that is satisfying but leaves you breathless and brings down the barriers of your mind letting your imagination take flight.” - Taige Crenshaw

Above is what I’ve said many times before and will always believe. Now lets explore another wondrous paranormal being.

There are so many fascinating things in the paranormal writing world. I enjoy exploring these being in my writing. In my writings about Gods and Goddesses. I've had to do lots of research. The mythology of Gods and Goddesses is fascinating.This is more of an overview of the variety of gods and goddesses. At later dates I will explore each type of god and goddesses more in depth.

There are so many varieties of God and Goddesses. The most common known are the Greek. Zeus, Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares Artemis, Athena and Hades to name a few have been portrayed in various stories. Their power, weakness and loves have been seen and explored.

Another type are the Roman’s. Bacchus, Ceres, Cupid, and Hercules are just a few.

Norse have so many fascinating beings. Odin, Thor, Loki, and Freya to name a few.

Celtic’s have Abhean, Brigid, Camulus, and Danu.

The Native American’s have Pana, Glispa, and Chiowotamahke are just a few of the beings in the mythology.

Egyptian’s have Ra, Sakhmet, Osiris and Amun.

There are so many types of gods and goddesses in each culture I can go on and on. In most cultures the powers they are know for correlate with those of gods or goddesses in other cultures. Lots of the powers these beings wield are based in magic and nature.

I have read so many wonderful books based on gods and goddesses. They have ranged from funny, sweet, dark, sexy and mysterious. They all captured the essence of gods and goddesses. The power of them and all their foibles. I could give you a long list of books depicting various gods and goddesses but since I am always on the look out for some great books, instead you come and shares books you have read. Include from which culture the god and goddesses are from.

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