Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Familiar faces with no names

Going to and from work, walking down the street in my neighborhood or even at work I have lots of people I converse with yet I do not know their names. Strange but true. It wasn't until the other day I realized it. And I though about it and started to chuckle.

First lets start with my going to and from work. I'm sure many of you see the same faces each day in your travels as you go to and from work. In my case it is on my subway ride. Since I leave to go to work around the same time each day and go home around the same time. The faces I see become familiar to me. As I've gotten used to seeing theses faces I nod hello and smile and they return it. I've even had a few long conversations with some of these familiar faces. And even with all our conversations we have never once exchanged names.

When I walk through my neighborhood I see familiar faces. The owner of the mini mart, hair dressers and other shops. Or my neighbor down the street who I stop and say hello to. We chat about things happening in the neighborhood then go on our way. A few I know their names yet there is a couple I do not. Yet I have conversation and we go on our way without exchanging names. LOL.

At my day job I get on the elevator, walk down the hall or so on and say hi and chat with a variety of people. Again some I know names of but others I don't. Yet those familiar faces with no names we talk to each other and part without ever once asking each others names.

When I realized this a few days ago I at first was going to tell my familiar faces with no names what my name was but then I changed my mind. I like the mystery of not knowing their names. Maybe someday when they realize we don't know each others name they will mention it and we can have a laugh about it. LOL. So for now I continue my greeting, chatting and so on with those familiar faces with no name.

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