Thursday, January 10, 2013

Between the Covers - A Fro Affair

Today's Between the Covers is about an idea. It's a repost from before. I'm reading the scene in a book that the idea I had appears in so I'm posting it again.

Reposting from before.

I was on my way home the other day when I passed this woman who was sporting a slamming Afro hairstyle. The woman’s fro was big, high and poufy. I think it was a wig but it was so good I couldn’t tell. She was also sporting the clothing to go with the fro. She looked fierce. People were turning and looking at her. Me included. People were complimenting her on her look. Like any good diva she said thank you graciously and kept strutting. As I watched the woman stepping looking cool and fierce my mind was racing.

Yep another idea was taking shape. As I walked home I thought of the Fro. The idea took shape for a book with a woman in a fierce fro and clothes to match.


The idea became a scene in a book. The book isn't subbed yet. Now that I am re-reading it I'm remembering how much fun I had writing the scene. :)

Check here to find out more about Between the Covers.

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