Thursday, March 02, 2017

Between the Covers - Surrendering Dare

Today's Between the Covers is an excerpt from my book.

Here is a excerpt from Surrendering Dare my book in Carly Phillips’ Kindle Worlds Dare to Love series. Enjoy.

taigecrenshaw_surrenderingdare1“Are you gonna lurk or say something?” she asked before turning to face him.

Atkins leaned against the open doorway. His lips were quirked in a smile. “Was waiting for you to notice me. Didn’t want to frighten you.”

Sawyer rose and strolled toward him. She stopped a hairsbreadth from him. Atkins didn’t move just stared.

“What are you doing here?” Sawyer rocked on her heels.

“Taking you on a date.” He studied her.

“Unless I have my dates mixed up it’s only Wednesday.” Sawyer licked her lips. “So our date isn’t until Saturday.”

“Your date is on Saturday.” Atkins lowered his thick curly lashes over his golden eyes partial shielding them. “My date is today. Then another maybe tomorrow and the next day.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You like control.” Atkins stepped closer. “I get that. I’m like that too. And Saturday wasn’t only for me to decide to put up or run. It was for you to control our interactions.” His smile was slow and deliberate. “But as you know from the way I am with work, I like to change stuff up and do the unexpected.” He moved even closer. “So we’re going to have a few dates my way then Saturday you can do you way.”

“And what happens after Saturday?” Sawyer moved to him.

“Figure out how much more money I need to date off from the bet you lost,” Atkins replied.

“I’m thinking each date will be worth a penny.”

“A penny? I don’t know if I should be offended you think a date with me cost so little.” Atkins smiled.

“Money doesn’t get as far as t used too.”

“Or you are trying to stretch it so we have a whole lot of dates.” Atkins smiled. “I can go for that. But now I’m curious on what I need to do to have a date be worth more than a penny.”

“Try some stuff and I’ll let you know.” Sawyer inhaled enjoying the scent she thought of as his—vanilla and musk.

“Now you should know better than challenging a man like that.” Atkins shook his head. “Come on woman, let’s go get some dinner. And if you’re good we might even take a walk afterward.”

“I don’t like walks and all that romantic shit,” Sawyer protested.

“I do, so suck it up.” Atkins gestured. “Get your stuff and let’s go.”

She went for her stuff grumbling. “Bossy man. Why do I have to do that romantic stuff?”

“Because I want to. And this is my date. On your date, we can do unromantic stuff.”

“Good.” She picked up her messenger bag and went back to join him.

Atkins took her hand and led her out into the hall.

“We need to hold hands too.” Sawyer sighed. “This is really becoming a pain in the ass.”

“And they call me grumpy.” Atkins shook his head. “Yes, we’re holding hands. Yes, I will hold open the door for you. Yes, I will pay for dinner. Yes, we’ll will go for a walk afterward. Yes, I will take you home and walk you to the door. Then yes, I may kiss you.”

“There will be a kiss at the end. Now for that I can put up with all the rest.” Sawyer squeezed his hand and jumped up and down.

“It’s amazing you’re so excited about the end of the date and not the rest.”

“Hello…kissing is at the end.” Sawyer looked at him. “We could skip the rest and head for the end.”

“Nope. I want all the rest first.” Atkins glared. “Now hush as I try to show you I’m romantic.”

“Why?” Sawyer didn’t expect that from him.

“Isn’t that what women expect? Romance.” Atkins stopped at the elevator and he looked genuinely baffled.

“Some women do. Probably all in some form or other. But romance doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone.” Sawyer pressed the button of the elevator. “Shouldn’t you find out what I like and consider that.”

“Hmmm…” Atkins mulled it over and they got in. As the doors closed her turned to her resting his shoulder against the wall. “Makes sense. So what do you consider romantic?”

“Ummm…” Sawyer had no idea.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2017.
All Rights Reserved.

Amazon: Buy Surrendering Dare here

Connected Books Reading Order:
Sizzling Dare
Seducing Dare
Surrendering Dare

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