Wednesday, January 16, 2008

70 Days of Sweat Totals

My final count was 137,789 words.
Wow I made some good numbers these last weeks of Sven. My goal is to write 2 - 25K novels and 1 - 50K. I surpassed that and so much more. Yay.

It took me sometime to get back into the groove but when I did I burnt a lot of midnight oil. {Grin}. I had fun with Sven and plan to use it to get me back on track with my writing schedule.

This helped me push myself after my being so blah the end of last year and now to take it and run with it through the year and beyond.

So Sven made me sweat and I loved it. LOL. So here is to lots of writing in 2008.

Now off to bask in the glow of my numbers then get back to writing. LOL.

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