Saturday, January 19, 2008

Weekly Wrap-Up - Decisions

I mentioned few days ago since the new year started I was going through and setting up my writing calendar. Well I took it one step further and reviewed my goals I had set for 2007 -(ie. short term career plans) and long term career plans. When I reviewed my 2007 short term plans I realized I had achieved them and even more. I usually don't share these sort of things but since I have been talking about it I'll give you a look at what I had planned. These are in no particular order.
2007 Short Term Career Plans
1.) Have at least 3 releases in 2007.

Result: Check had eight releases in total.

2.) Submit to Ellora's Cave and keep trying until I get in.

Result: Check. I got in on my first submission to them and had multiple books contracted with them. And have more planned to submit.

3.) Submit to Liquid Silver and keep trying until I get in.

Result: Check. I got in and have. And have more planned to submit.

4.) Streamline my website.

Result: Check. I streamlined my site and love the new site.

5.) Become more promo savvy.

Result: Check. I teamed up with Moonglade Marketing to handle my promo. This is still an ongoing one so will always be a part of my plans.

6.) Try to get over my shyness.

 Result: Sort of Check. I tried to get over my shyness and talk more on groups. I have a lot of authors I love and am part of most of their groups but I tend to lurk and read posts. So this is still a work in progress.

7.) Complete four new books and submit them.

Result: Check. I'm not going to even admit how many books I have written. If I do I know my muse will go running for the hills how hard we worked last year. {To my muse: Warning we have a lot more to do this year. Hey don't give me that look. You slacker we have things to do.) Ummm... sorry I digressed. My muse can be a handful. Oh yeah where was I. Writing. Yeah wrote a lot and much more to come.

8.) Sign up to go to the Romantic Times Convention.

Result: Check. I'm going and will also be part of the 2008 Faery Court, will be at hopefully both the print and e-book signing. {insert shudder here} Remember I'm shy so look for me in a corner somewhere at RT watching everyone. {insert panicked look} Unless my friend does as she threatens and drags me to the center of room and screams to let everyone know who I am. In that case look for me passed out in the middle of the floor from fright. Just step over me and try not to step on me. I bruise easy. LOL.

So that is only a few of my 2007 Short Term Career Plans and I think I did well with them. After reviewing them I reviewed my long term career plans and wrote some 2008 Short Term Career Plans. No not sharing them. I'm a little superstitious about jinxing them until they happen. {grin}. While making my plans I had to review my decision I made in my writing career last year, make decisions on where I want to be this year and this time next year. It was a hard process to make some of the choices I had to make. Just like my site I had to streamline some things and rework others.

I won't know how things work out until they happen but I feel good about my short and long term plans. We'll see how it all works out.

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