Thursday, January 24, 2008

Crenshaw Reading Thursday - Series Rundown

This week I've been exploring series. I've found myself reading some series I love and lost track off. This last year I didn't get a chance to read as much as I would have liked. I've been reading some of my favorites.

A quick rundown on my favorites.

Brenda Jackson's Madaris Family Series. I love the family, the passion and their closeness.

Francis Rays’ The Grayson’s of New Mexico and Taggart/Falcon Series. This is a dynamic family with so much passion, closeness and brings you in.

McKenna Jeffries' Sultry Nights series which feature the Hamlin Family and their friends. The Hamlin and their friends are another dynamic and close knit family. The stories are passionate, heartbreakingly poignant and make me want more. Conquering Jazz, the first book isn't released yet but I've read a sneak peek of it and some of the others in the series. I enjoyed them. I’m afraid to say too much. All I can say is go out and get the story when it comes out. I can't wait for the release. It will be coming from Liquid Silver Books sometime in the next few months.

Layne Blacque's upcoming series. I can't say much about this one because she hasn't officially announced it yet but I can say if the first book is any indication it is a great series. I can't wait until I can say more. So a not so subtle hint to Layne. Make the damn announcement already so I can talk about it. Jeesh it’s hard to keep quite about this one.

Seressia Glass' Hughes Family Series and No Commitment Required. Although the Hughes may not be considered a series by some I see it as such. These novels were emotional, passionate and real. No Commitment Required is still one of my all time favorite books.

Pamela Leigh Starr's Love Found Series. From the first book Fate which featured Scott Halloway and Vanessa Lewis to the last in this four book series I was caught in the lives of the Lewis family. They face unexpected love, bigotry and most of all forgiveness. When the series was done I was sad but at least I can revisit the Lewis' when I reread the series.

There are so many more series I enjoy. Series across all genres’. The above are only a few of the contemporary series I enjoy reading. I'll be exploring more of the series in a variety of genres that I enjoy in some of my future blog posts.

Now back to what I was getting at. What is most prevalent of all the series above? Family. No matter if by blood or not. They all explore families and the love and support they all give you. Each of the series above is passionate, emotion filled and most of all show the power of all types of families. You get to follow the characters and see them in other books. I don't know about you but I sometimes wonder what happens to characters after I close the book. With the series I read I get to know and see them again. Ahh.. series this is why I love them.

So read any good series lately? I'm always looking for things to read.


N.J. Walters said...

I love series books. JR Ward--Black Dagger Brotherhood; Janet Chapman--Highlanders; Christine Feehan--Any of her series; Janet Evanovich; Lauren Dane--Any of her werewolf series; Sherilyn Kenyon--Dark Hunters; and the list goes on and on and on and on...

Taige Crenshaw said...

Thanks for coming by NJ

Yay another series junkie. LOL. I have JR Ward series but haven't read them yet.

And Christine Feehan is another I enjoy. All of them too.

Janet Evanovich is hilarious.

Lauren is great also. And I can't wait for Acheron's books from the Dark Hunters. I'm counting the days. LOL.

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