Saturday, January 09, 2010

Snippet Saturday – Explosions


Today’s snippet theme is Explosions. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

shadowdance2.jpgAn snippet from Shadow Dance

Fury pouring through her Zarya raised her hand and blew the doors off the chamber.

Floating inside she looked at the object of her wrath and roared. “I told you if you fucked with my agents I would kill you.”

The man did not move from his seat on the chair. “Always good of you to drop by Zarya. How about a drink?”

A glass floated to her. Waving her hand she blew it up. Next she built a fireball and threw it at the man. He wavered just as the chair he was sitting in was incinerated. Zarya pulled her swords from her back sheath. With a smooth motion she pulled her weapons over her head then crossed them on the floor in front of her. The man waved then stood in front of her, his stance casual. It wasn’t fooling Zarya for a moment. She knew with a flick of his finger he could take out a continent. With a grim smile she knew she could do the same but he was her target.

“What have you done? This is not a game.” Zarya felt her power rise and knew if she didn’t calm down she would incinerate the whole area.

The man looked at her and smiled. “Ahh Zarya such passion. If only you would let me have a taste.”

“Is that all you think with, Solaris?”

Solaris looked at her and smiled. His white teeth were startling against his onyx skin. His burnished gold hair floated around his body while his golden eyes glowed.

“Sometimes. I find where you are concerned I am out of control.” He flowed toward her, his tall muscular body graceful.

He came right up to her. Zarya swung her swords at him. He caught them in each hand and using them drew her to him. Zarya knew she hadn’t wanted to hit him. If she had he would be dead. It was a galling to realize that she couldn’t follow through. It made fury burst through her.

“ Solaris what have you done?” Zarya demanded.

Solaris unarmed her and pulled her to him. “Nothing.”

“I don’t appreciate you using my company for your own means. You knew where The Eye of Ra was all along.”

Solaris shrugged. “Yes. No one is hurt, Zarya and there was no harm in it.”

Shrugging away from him violently Zarya brought up a Maji Star and flung it at him. He twisted out of the way. She flung another and nicked him. Solaris looked down at his bleeding shoulder then back at her. His gaze went hungry. He came toward her. Standing her ground although her instinct was to run, Zarya knew she could kill him if she had to. She cursed the soft spot she had for him. If anyone else had pulled what he had using Rarities Incorporated for their own means they would be a lot more bloody or even dead. He came to her then grabbed her, hauling her up against him. He licked his lips, as he looked at her. His head lowered. Suddenly the earth shook and he staggered falling to his knees, dragging her with him. He shielded her with his body as the walls started to cave in around them.

He swore and shimmered. Zarya looked around at the starry night. Solaris stood, pulling her up with him. He let her go and stepped back. He turned his face to the sky then closed his eyes. There was a stillness in him that made her heart race. Opening her own shields Zarya could feel nothing in the air. That absence frightened her the most. She saw his body shudder then an awareness rippled through him. After a moment he opened his eyes and she gasped at the pain in them.

“What is going on?” Zarya demanded.

Solaris shook his head. “Go home I will take care of it.”

Solaris shimmered and disappeared. Zarya narrowed her eyes. If he thought she would go home while he went where he was going he had another think coming. Using his power signature as a guide Zarya followed him.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2007.
All Rights Reserved, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

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