Saturday, January 16, 2010

Snippet Saturday – Pets/Animals


Today’s snippet theme is Pets/Animals. Enjoy a look from one of my books.

goldenseduction_msr2_small2An snippet from Golden Seduction

Laila looked forward walking to her entertainment room. The noise hit her first. With a glance up at the huge projection screen television she saw that House was on.

As she walked across the room to the couch and then around it she looked down. “There you are. Your Mommy is on the phone.”

“Put the phone on speaker then next to Renaldo.”

Doing as she said Laila sat next to Renaldo on the couch. Her attention between the TV and Renaldo she watched as the Siberian husky barked in response to Sonya’s voice. They were actually having a conversation. When Sonya started to tell him all about her trip and the things she had bought him Laila tuned out focusing on the show. She had no warning.

“Umph. Christ Gertrude don’t jump on me like that you’re heavy.” Laila winced as she kneaded her leg, then settled Gertrude, her mixed tabby cat, in her lap.

Gertrude let out a rolling purr. Knowing what that meant Laila reached over scratched behind her ear and stroked down her back. Glancing back at the screen she was engrossed again in moments.

“Laila.” Sonya’s voice intruded.


“I’ve got to go they are calling for more info. I can’t wait for this job to be over. How are the renovations coming?”

Laila knew she was asking about the brownstone next door they had recently bought to create a home lab to continue with their personal projects. “It’s ready to go except for getting the equipment.”

Sonya sighed then said. “At least something is going right. Don’t get Renaldo hooked on General Hospital again. I had a hell of a time weaning him off it the last time.” Sonya hung up.

Laila turned off the phone. Looking at Renaldo she grinned. “We won’t tell Mommy it’s too late already will we. Let her find out herself.”

Laila laughed then leaned back in the chair to watch the show. Gertrude jumped up onto the arm of the chair and walked around to hang over her neck. Renaldo tried to climb into her lap but only half of his body could fit he was too big. He barked.

Rubbing his coat Laila looked at him briefly. “She’ll be home soon. Now watch House solve the case.”

He nodded his head and settled his head in her lap turning to watch the show.

Copyright © Taige Crenshaw, 2007.
All Rights Reserved, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

Go to the following sites to check out these other great authors snippets:

McKenna Jeffries
Taige Crenshaw
Ashley Ladd
Shelley Munro
Mari Carr
Jody Wallace
Shelli Stevens
Victoria Janssen
TJ Michaels

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