Friday, July 22, 2016

Weekly Wrap-up ~ Still Organizing and Nephew

Another week closer to my birthday. Boy is the time going by fast. :)

Still organizing my computer files. and finding so much tidbits of stuff I wrote. Putting them in a file so I can figure out what to do with it. I’m also working on a book that I need to get finished. It’s moving along well and I should have it wrapped up just before my birthday. At least that is the plan for now.

I’ve also been organizing my house. Doing a summer cleaning. Finding loads of stuff I forgot I had. LOL. Now to put them to use.

My nephew and I have also been watching movies and having fun with them. I’m introducing him to some movies that I love and he has never seen. It’s interesting seeing his reaction to them.

Well that's what I’ve been up to this week. What did you do this week?

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