Saturday, August 04, 2007

Movie oh my…

I went to the movies today and saw so many great movies. I saw the Bratz which was cute and funny. Also say Underdog it was also funny and good. Yeah I know these two are kind of kiddie movies but I have an excuse, I went with my nephew and we had a blast.

Liar, Liar pants on fire.

Okay, okay I admit it I loved both movies, I love disney movies too, and animated movies. {Grin} At least this time I had my nephew with me so I didn't get such strange looks. LOL.
I saw like 10 minutes of Bourne Ultimatium. {rolling eyes} It's a long story. All I can say is babysitting and movies don't mix.

I plan to go back and see Bourne Ultimatium. Also can't wait for Rush Hour 3 next weekend.

What movies have you seen lately?


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