Saturday, July 21, 2007


Well we went to the airport to get my brother in law. His flight was delayed for five hours. He called to let us know. The airport was a madhouse when we got there. It seemed like so many people flights were delayed. After he finally arrived we waited for {insert a dum dum dum dum sound here} the LUGGAGE.

We anxiously watched for it. After the experience of my own lost luggage and my sister’s we didn’t hold much hope that he would get his right away.

I was proven wrong. He got all his luggage. Yippeee. They looked so nice sitting there. We snapped them up and almost kissed them in glee. Just to get them was a feat. So we rolled them out of the airport. I was expecting some airline official would take them back from us and say uh huh your luggage got through. That’s a no no let’s lose them for you. {Grin}.

So we are happy today, despite the delay in flight we are leaving the airport with luggage. It feels so good. Not to mention I am off this upcoming week to do the tourist thing around New York with my visiting family. I’ve been limbering up for all the walking. My feet are ready to go. I don’t know about the rest of me but I’ll let you know how it goes.

And I am looking forward to taking my nephew to Build a Bear. My no stuffed animals buying is at an end. {Wicked grin} Someone should warn Build a Bear to look out Taige, she’s about to go stuffed animal and doll crazy. Shhh don’t tell I want it to be a surprise. LOL.


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