Monday, July 09, 2007

Monday Adventure~ Is honesty and courtesy dead….

For my Monday’s Adventure it started in the movies.

After getting home from work I decided to go take in a movie. It wasn’t what I saw in the movie that was shocking. It was what happened when I went to the ladies room. After leaving the ladies room I realized I had left my cell behind. I rushed back to look for it and it was gone. I saw a lady standing there with another woman as they changed a young child on the changing table. I asked them if they had seen a cell. They said no but my suspicious nature didn’t buy it. First when I initially came in they were whispering then when they saw me the one changing the baby shut up. My sister was with me so I told her to call my cell. The two women quickly gathered their things and went outside I followed them. They sat outside the bathroom on a bench. Stupidly I had forgotten I had been a good and followed the rules and put my cell on vibrate while in the movie. I hadn’t put on the ringer yet. The women did not know that so that is probably why they did such a fast exit from the ladies room.

I told my nephew to keep an eye on them and my sister and I went back to inside the bathroom to look for my cell. We found nothing. When we came out the women were gone. I tried calling the cell again to see if we could at least hear it vibrate. As we called this other lady who was passing us bent down and pulled a phone from under the same bench the women had been sitting on. I told her it was my cell and what happened. She apologized that it had been taken, I thanked her then turned to my sister and left.

I was not only furious but disappointed that someone could so blatantly look you in the face and lie or steal. I played the incident over in my head and wondered if I had told the women to empty their bags when I suspected with them what would they have done. They probably would have refused and then I would have called security. At least when they found my cell on her I would have gotten to ask her why lie to my face and why steal. Since she had ditched the cell and left I got to do none of that.
As we left I mentioned to my sister that if I had found someone’s cell anywhere I would have turned it in. Or if the person came back looking for it I would have given it to them and said I was turning it in. Hell even if the woman hadn’t been planning to turn it in just by me looking for it then asking you about it you would think guilt would have made her lie and say she had it and was going to turn it in. My sister replied the woman was not us or thousands of others who would turn it in. This was not an epiphany for me. I know that there are liars and thieves in the world yet maybe it my naivety but I belive in honesty. I guess it was my own stupidity for believing that there is still common courtesy and honesty out there. What do I say to that?

This one incident will not make me believe that common courtesy and honesty is dead. Yes there are a lot of dishonest and discourteous people out there. But there are also a lot of courteous and honest people also. There is a balance in the world. Just like bad and good. Ying and yang. Does knowing all that make me less annoyed or disappointed at the woman who found my cell, pocketed it and lied she had seen it?

No. Yet the woman who found my cell after the other stealer lady had ditched it gave my cell back and even apologized that it had been taken. This Good Samaritan was a stranger yet felt compelled to apologize on someone she didn’t even know behalf. It is moments like that which humbles and makes me feel warm inside.

That was my adventure for today.What was your Monday Adventure?Taige

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