Friday, July 13, 2007

Weekly Wrap-up ~ Writing, release coming, annoyances, and other things

It’s Friday and I’m looking forward to a fun weekend. So what happened this week?

Working hard to finish up the story that has my mind racing and heart pounding. My spin on things is making the story take a lot of twist and turns. Still being mysterious about what my current project is. Want to have it done before I say too much.

The days are clocking down for my next release from EC Carnal Awakening is now on the first coming soon page at EC. My excitement is building. Carnal Awakening will be released on July 27, 2007. This is less than two weeks away.

I’m still annoyed about what happened in my Monday Adventure. And this week two other things happened that made me even more annoyed. Monday Adventure was personal but the two others were not only personal but also concerned my writing career. The funny thing they all including the Monday Adventure concerned lying, stealing and courtesy. The first in my writing career I won’t go into because I am just too angry to say anything. Not only angry but disappointed at someone’s ability to steal and lie so well. The other I am too angry to speak of it also but I will say this briefly in reference to both that I am too angry to speak of.

My mother (may she rest in peace) had a saying she always used to tell me when I asked why people lied, stole or was discourteous.

“What is for you is for you and nothing anyone does will diminish who you are.” She would tell me in that distinct voice of her’s.

Basically she meant that no matter what anyone would try to do, say or take from you if it was meant for you they will not be able to stop you or take it from you. No matter how others act your values, class and honesty will show through. So that is all I have to say.

Well that was my week. What did you do this week?


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